When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 192 The Argument That Never Takes You

Chapter 192

At the lecture conference, Shengge finally encountered the first criticism in history.

Shengge laughed, is this the feeling that thousands of people are referring to?
Anchor: This anchor is now here to show everyone the temperament of Hengmei Leng.

Lingling Qixian: The anchor is probably illiterate...

Anchor: The boat of friendship capsizes.

If you walk too wavy, you will flash your waist: This group of people is menacing, looking at these extra faces is just making trouble.

Lang Jiujiu: Is the anchor prepared to be lenient for those who pick things up?
A jackal and a female cat: You guys really think too highly of the anchor, the anchor's heart is not as big as the tip of a needle.

Anchor: This anchor is a gentle little fairy. ~(^з^)-☆

Shengge echoed the words of the glass shards in the live broadcast room, while watching the farce in front of him with cold eyes.

For those who pick things up, of course we can't let them go.

Don't you just want to roast her on the fire? What's the big deal.

Well, the humblest person is invincible.

Being cheap is also a fine tradition.

"Bian Ji didn't know what kind of ecstasy drug he gave the holy monk. He was obviously a fake monk with a false name, but he fell into the eyes of the holy monk."

"Didn't the holy monk say that everyone recommended and selected the translators, why did they choose the debate without anyone noticing it?"

Everyone said something to each other, as if they wanted to completely pour dirty water on Sheng Ge.

Shengge curled his lips, do these people think that their master and apprentice are easy to bully?

In the words, there are still people who want to put Tang Seng in the rumors and drag him off the altar.

Gao Yang?
Sheng Ge couldn't think of anyone other than Princess Gao Yang who would be so boring.


Her current status meant that she and Princess Gao Yang could not be enemies no matter what.


One wants to protect silently, but the other wants to get it with all his heart, even if the twisted melon is not sweet.

This in itself is antithetical.

Bianji really gave her a big problem.

Shengge smiled faintly, with curved eyebrows and eyes, elegant and unparalleled, the warm and bright sunshine shone on Shengge, as if she had been coated with a layer of golden light.

At the moment when thousands of people were pointing fingers, Sheng Ge was very calm.

Princess Gao Yang, who was sitting far away in the restaurant opposite, stood up, frowning in thought.

Why is it still different.

This elegant and clean appearance was obviously what moved her heart in the first place.

This look is the most familiar and unforgettable.

But why does it look different?

Princess Gao Yang looked at Bian Ji, who was calm and composed among the monks, and was a little puzzled.

Or was it that her throbbing at the beginning was just what she thought.

Ask yourself, is she happy with this young, handsome and learned monk in front of her?

It is impossible to be indifferent.

The monk in front of her fulfilled all her little girl fantasies about the person beside her.

Elegant and elegant, with outstanding knowledge, he is still noble and elegant even when countless people question him.

Such an argument cannot be ignored.

Among countless monks, he is the most dazzling and eye-catching.

However, there are many such dazzling people, why did she fall in love with him at the first glance?

She didn't know that this was a taboo.

If it is known by the world, it will definitely leave a bad reputation for a hundred years.

However, the moment she saw him, she could no longer control her heart.

It's just that she doesn't understand why she can't get back the feeling she had at that moment when she looked at Bian Ji now.

Princess Gaoyang smiled wryly, she couldn't miss it, she couldn't regret it.

Raising her head again, Princess Gao Yang's expression became firm again.

The lecture hall became more and more noisy and chaotic.

It was clearly the most sacred place, but at this moment it was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Everyone in the world says that the six senses of monks are pure, with a pure heart and few desires, but who can guarantee that after shaving a few ring scars, they will really be able to sincerely convert to Buddhism.

In fact, greed is always hidden in the bottom of my heart, lingering with each other.

At a delicate moment, just a spark can completely draw out the greed in the bottom of my heart.

The more awe-inspiring and inviolable he is on weekdays, the more hysterical he will be after tearing off that mask at this moment.

The scene is getting more and more chaotic...

Even some monks with insufficient self-cultivation thought they had thrown the scriptures in their hands at Shengge.

If there is one, there are two...

Sheng Ge still smiled lightly, idiot.

A bunch of idiots, even if they are stupid, they are still so annoying.

When the scriptures fell, Shengge picked up the scriptures one by one at an inhuman speed and tricky angle.

What she is best at has never been playing tricks, do you really think that the beatings she has received are all for nothing?
Princess Gao Yang, who watched quietly, also breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that those scriptures would fall on the body of the debate.

Although Bian Ji is tall and thin, if he is hit by those scriptures, he will be injured no matter what.

The people under him really don't know how to do things.

It's just that she didn't expect Bianji to be so agile.

However, after Princess Gao Yang thought of Bian Ji's unrestrained and calm appearance riding a wild wolf in the forest that day, she knew it in her heart.

Well, Bian Ji has always been so good at both civil and military, she should have known.

For a moment, Princess Gaoyang's eyes were full of brilliance, looking forward to radiance, and the beauty was dazzling.


Shengge looked at the thick pile of scriptures written by those monks who thought they were pious, and their vermilion lips parted slightly.

"Have you smashed enough?"

"Are all Buddhist disciples like this now?"

"Bitting, grabbing, brainless, rabble."

Shengge is not afraid of offending people.

Even if you are cowardly, you have to choose an object.

The group of people in front of her is not worthy of her grievances.

She does ask for everything, but she is by no means wronged.

Shengge put the scriptures neatly on the corner of the table, then looked at the group of blushing monks who were provoked by the caring people again, and spoke slowly.

No wonder Tang Seng was unwilling to deal with this group of monks.

If the Tathagata knows that his scriptures will be passed on to these people, he doesn't know how he will feel.

"Everyone, are you calm?"

"Since the poor monk can be a translator of scriptures, it makes sense."

This time, Shengge planned to salute first and then fight.

First of all, to prove openly and aboveboard that I did worship under Tang Seng's sect as a great virtue...

Tang Seng was originally a golden cicada, the second disciple of the Buddha. He had listened to the Buddha's lectures for many years. These scriptures were no different from everyday life for Tang Seng. Why did he choose to emulate the great virtues and translate Buddhist scriptures.

After all, Tang Seng is just lazy.

You can still count on someone who is too lazy to overcome nine, nine, and eighty-one difficulties to translate scriptures conscientiously.

Be good, don't be naive.

She used to be the second disciple of Tang Seng on the way to learn the Buddhist scriptures, so how could she know nothing about the Buddhist scriptures.

Back then at Lingshan, Tang Seng knelt on his knees for nine days, so they were naturally by his side as disciples.

Lingshan is full of Buddhist sounds everywhere, which is unforgettable.

Heh, you stupid mortals, just wait to see how this girl crushes you in all directions.

Shengge was thinking about the second grade.

 The author is sick...

  Cold, sore throat, headache...

  It took me several hours to code out two chapters...

  Maybe your author will stop updating tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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