When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 193 The Argument That Never Takes You

193 Chapter 21 The Argument That Never Takes You ([-])


With a mellow and clear voice, the unfamiliar and rhythmic Buddhist scriptures were slowly read from Sheng Ge's mouth.

They could barely understand the first few paragraphs, after all, they were explained by the holy monk at the lecture meeting held by His Majesty.

It is said to be the retrieved scriptures...

The noisy scene gradually quieted down with the sound of Shengge, until finally only the sound of Shengge chanting scriptures remained.

Since it was a slap in the face, what could be better than defeating the people in front of them in their field of expertise.

"Everyone, are you satisfied?"

Shengge felt a little thirsty and stopped pretending.

Some people who did not give up clamored without confidence, "Who knows if this is because you stole the achievements of the holy monk."


Shengge spoke unceremoniously.

If the monk who looks like singing and singing on weekdays is a bit different in the eyes of others.

But today, after so many people fought, Shengge's crisp and neat demeanor no longer made people feel strange.

"Steal, why did Master learn from the scriptures?"

"Learning the scriptures is to promote the Buddhadharma, save people and oneself, and benefit all people."

"How can you be so selfish."

"The scriptures I recited just now are just poor monks who want to prove that they are qualified to help holy monks translate Buddhist scriptures."

"Those who want to splash sewage, do so in moderation."

"Politeness has been used. If you don't know good from bad, don't blame the poor monk for being rude."

Shengge would never admit that she said these arrogant words on purpose.

She was a narrow-minded person, so how could she not express herself when she came to provoke her.

Alas, she seems to be more suitable for simple and crude methods.

Hurry up, don't be cowardly, keep tossing, this girl is just itchy.

Fortunately, there are always some people who don't know how to live or die to let Sheng Ge have a good time.

Sheng Ge, who had been beaten up by Tang Seng for several days, thought that his physical and mental speed had reached a new level.

Others practice hard, but her shortcut is to get beaten.

Shengge didn't know if this was a lucky thing.

Gracefully and calmly, he beat up the leading monk, Shengge Shi Shiran tidied up his robes and returned to Hongfu Temple.

Heh, this girl can't beat Tang Seng, can she also beat you people?
Are you underestimating this girl?


Gao Yang looked at the monk who had returned home with feathers, and ruthlessly squeezed the handkerchief in his hand, frowning tightly, showing unspeakable displeasure.

This preaching farce soon spread throughout Chang'an City.

It was too late when Fang Yiai received the news.

I have lingering fears...

This is Fang Yiai's only feeling.

Obviously her father had already made a move in person, but why did Princess Gao Yang succeed in her plan without anyone noticing it.

Princess Gaoyang...

Fang Yiai sighed, quite a headache.

Facing the holy monk, who gave Princess Gaoyang such confidence.

Could it be that Princess Gaoyang really wants to compete with the holy monk in front of His Majesty?

Losing both sides is already the best result.

In fact, according to his deepest thoughts, Princess Gaoyang would be completely defeated against the holy monk.

His Majesty will definitely favor the holy monk regardless of the reason, not to mention that this time it was Princess Gao Yang's fault.

Fang Yiai was able to learn about it, and of course Fang Xuanling got the news earlier.

After all, Fang Xuanling is an old man in the officialdom, so Fang Xuanling will not lose his composure.

It's just that the dislike and vigilance towards Princess Gaoyang in my heart is a little bit more.

The Fang family was supposed to be honored enough, and Princess Shang was not his intention.

But who made His Majesty fall in love with his last love in this young man in Chang'an City?

The face and heart of Yi Ai and Princess Gaoyang are not in harmony with him, but he can't do anything about it.

Princess Gao Yang is His Majesty's most beloved daughter.

The Fang family retreated again and again, did Princess Gao Yang bully others too much?

To deal with the defense machine?

Why do you have to try every means to deal with a monk who is out of reach.

Although Yiai was secretive, it didn't prevent him from guessing something.

Princess Gaoyang...

Fang Xuanling rubbed the teacup in his hand, thinking how to get rid of this hot potato without hurting himself.

The Fang family didn't want this monstrous favor.

From this moment on, Fang Xuanling has already decided how to turn passive into active.

Is the taboo relationship between Princess Gaoyang and Bianji confirmed?
If so, Yiai's reputation would be completely ruined.

Fang Xuanling was a little hesitant for a while.


In Hongfu Temple, Tang Seng, with his legs crossed, kowtowed melon seeds, watching Xiaobai cook tea like a rich landlord.

"Master, no matter how you are now, you are also a holy monk, so you still have to restrain your temper in the future."

Xiaobai said casually without saying a word.

The anger in Hongfu Temple was never as strict and majestic as outsiders imagined, but indescribably arbitrary.

"If it wasn't for Bajie..."

"The debating machine is too frustrating, there is no need to get angry for the teacher."

"That group of people have bad intentions at first glance, and Bian Ji is still patiently dealing with it. It seems that he is not hard enough to beat him for his teacher."

Tang Seng still said the word Bajie subconsciously.

After all, what he remembers is Bajie, the pig Wuneng who has a fat head, big ears, a fat body and a strong body, who has gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships together.

Instead of the delicate-looking Bian Ji of today.

"Master, this disciple thinks that Second Senior Brother's method just now is very good."

"You can block everyone's mouths, and you can also vent your anger at the last moment."

"If the second senior brother took action from the beginning, I'm afraid there will be some excuses for people to criticize."

Xiaobai said calmly.

It seems that time is extraordinarily tolerant to Xiaobai, leaving nothing but warmth.


Tang Seng didn't know that what Xiaobai said was reasonable, but he was still a little bit upset.

It's like his own apprentice, why stand there and let others question him.

Besides, he couldn't forget that he was beaten up by another unfilial apprentice in the name of sparring because of this bad apprentice.

How could such a capable apprentice be bullied by others?


The little white hand who was cooking tea paused.

"Master, did you feel the breath of outsiders just now?"

As a dragon, Xiaobai is very sensitive to breath.

Although it was only for a moment, he really felt it.

Is there really anyone in Chang'an City who can sneak into Hongfu Temple without anyone noticing without alarming him and Master?
"Have it?"

Tang Seng asked carelessly.

Just now I was so angry that I couldn't catch up with paying attention to my surroundings.

"Maybe it's an illusion."

Xiaobai said incredulously.

He and his master are not from this world. Hongfu Temple in Chang'an City should be the safest place.


Sheng Ge, who was pretending to be rushing to Hongfu Temple with a smile on his face, suddenly had his hairs on end.

Someone was watching her in the dark?
Shengge's perception has always been keen, and he never makes mistakes.

It's not surprising that someone is staring at Shengge, what's strange about Shengge is that the person staring at her actually made her feel like death is coming.

 Chapter 1 is out...

  The author's nose hurts from rubbing.

  As for whether there is still Chapter 2, it depends on fate...

(End of this chapter)

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