When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 209 The Argument That Never Takes You

209 Chapter 37 The Argument That Never Takes You ([-])

Fang Yi stood aside and looked at Princess Gaoyang with blood streaming down her face, the corners of her mouth twitched. He could guarantee that it must have been pinched by the fake monk Bianji.

It's just that no one asked.

Isn't the name of Master Xuanzang's disciple too easy to use?

Fang Yiai rubbed her chin, eagerly thinking about whether she should become a monk or not.

Look at this fake monk, his life is much better than that of the second son of the Fangfu.

The only gratification is that Princess Gao Yang did not look at Bian Ji affectionately this time.

Whether he wanted to avoid suspicion in front of everyone, or he had really experienced life and death and figured it out, he was extremely gratified.

Otherwise, he will only feel more frustrated.

Brain Budi Shengge once again brain potted.

Could it be that the hat brother has become psychopathic because of being cuckolded by Princess Gaoyang?
Otherwise, how would he explain that instead of worrying about the blood on Princess Gao Yang's face, the corners of his mouth were crooked.

According to this trend, will Brother Hat temporarily get caught up in getting rid of Princess Gao Yang without anyone noticing, inheriting Princess Gao Yang's legacy, eating hot food...

Well, Sheng Ge has no ambitions like that, and the role of inheritance is only to be popular and spicy.

Shengge's eyes widened suddenly, and he gave Fang Yiai a vicious glance.

Hmph, anyone who interferes with her mission is a bad person.

Don't forget, Bianji's wish is to let Princess Gaoyang live a long life and die...

If Fang Yiai killed this inexplicably, how would she explain it?

bad guy...

Fang Yiai, who was also shot while lying down, was full of doubts. Who would tell him what the retarded monk Bianji was thinking.

It was obvious that Bianji, a mentally handicapped monk, accidentally hooked up with his wife, yet he was still so confident.


Fang Yiai, who deeply felt that her dignity had been provoked and hurt, glared at Bian Ji without showing any weakness.

Yo Yo Yo...

A war of eye contact broke out.



If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Anchor, do you want to show how cute you are?
He is obviously a young monk with delicate features and delicate features, but at the moment his eyes are round and round, and his face is slightly puffed up, obviously he is pretending to be cute.

It's shameful to be cute...

Facing such a lovely face, Brother Yi Ai didn't know how he could bear it.

Sure enough, a ten-thousand-year-level single dog needs no explanation.


It was with great difficulty that Shengge had built up the momentum, because Brother Tailang's fluffy words broke his skills in an instant.

Get rid of, what she wants to show is fierceness, not cuteness.

Brother Tailang, do you have bad eyesight, old man?

Looking at the expressive Sheng Ge, Fang Yiai rolled her eyes unabashedly.

Just say that this is a fake monk, but no one believes it yet.

Which monk has so many expressions like Bian Ji is mentally retarded...

If he hadn't considered Princess Gao Yang's status and status, he really wanted to shake Princess Gao Yang's head and ask loudly, princess, you're out of your mind.

Open your eyes and take a good look. Is this mentally handicapped monk in front of you really your destiny?

Fang Yiai asked herself, although his appearance was not as good as Bianji's, he was not so greasy, his lips were red and his teeth were white, but he was definitely not mentally retarded.

Why can't Princess Gao Yang see him?

Fang Yiai was very frustrated, fake monk, who made you pretend to be so fairy-like, compassionate and loving.

I don't know when Princess Gao Yang has opened her eyes. From the corner of her eye, she is watching the person she once thought she was pleasing to her heart's content, as well as her husband who is righteous and righteous.

She felt that she must have been frightened by what Bian Ji said back then that he likes men...

Or after meeting that mysterious man, he believed in Bian Ji's words that he liked men.

Now watching the eye contact between Bianji and Fang Yiai, why do I feel so ambiguous.

Well, she just looked at Bian Ji as if she had an affair with everyone. Although this statement was a bit vulgar, it was really her heartfelt opinion.

Who made Bianji the first monk beside her who openly said that she likes men.

The saddest thing in the world is not that the person you like doesn't like you, but that you see that the person you like is more suitable for your husband...


Princess Gao Yang felt that she had been hit hard.

Don't look at it, bad heart, out of sight and out of mind.

It was obvious that she was the one who tried her best to find Bianji before, but Bianji was so cold that he didn't even want to give her a look.

Now, the eyes with his husband are intense.

It is often impossible to truly achieve out of sight and out of mind when you close your eyes, at least this is the case for Princess Gao Yang at the moment.

Closing her eyes, she repeatedly compared Fang Yiai and the man who mysteriously glimpsed that night in her mind.

Fang Yiai was completely defeated.

Alas, I really don't want to admit the fact that my husband is so embarrassing.

There is no harm without comparison.

After the imperial doctor diagnosed the pulse and said that Princess Gaoyang only needed to rest for a while before returning to normal, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously searched for the savior—Bian Ji.

It's just that the little master Bianji obviously doesn't care about their sycophants.

However, how did the second son-in-law of Fangfu, the son-in-law, get into a fight with little master Bianji in such a short period of time.


I can't bother you.

If you can't provoke them, just shut up and reduce your presence.

The only person in the room who had a good idea was the mistress of Fangfu, Princess Gao Yang's mother-in-law, Lu Shi.

Regarding Princess Gao Yang's thoughts on Bian Ji, Mrs. Lu also heard a few words from her master.

I have never seen Yi Ai so restless, why did she confront Princess Gao Yang at this special moment?

What would these onlookers think of their Fang family?

Kindness and revenge?


As the hostess of the Fangfu, she is naturally good at dancing, and a few words can ease the delicate atmosphere in the room.

Under Lu Shi's signal, Fang Yiai also knew that she had passed, so she withdrew her eyes unwillingly.

In response to this, the word victory rang in Shengge's mind.

Well, the beautiful little fairy won.

Compared to eyes, how can a rough guy compare to a little fairy.

wishful thinking.

After Princess Gao Yang ate some bland food, she regained some strength.

Ordering all irrelevant people to leave, Sheng Ge and Princess Gao Yang were left in the room again.

Fang Yiai was like a child having a temper tantrum, deliberately made the sound of closing the door very noticeable.

The mentally handicapped fake monk is putting on a show again, so angry.

Princess Gao Yang glanced over, and Fang Yiai's convulsions were instantly cured.

This is the real one thing down one thing.

"Why are you him?"

Princess Gao Yang didn't hesitate, and asked straight to the point.

Shengge blinked, is Her Royal Highness's little heart so strong now?

After a few days of sleep, one can simply and rudely accept that one person becomes another.

(End of this chapter)

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