When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 226 Kong Yi who wanted to get rich

Chapter 226 Kong Yi Who Wants To Get Rich ([-])


For such a person, Shengge didn't mind letting him know why the flowers were so popular.

Shengge returned to the inn dejectedly, what to do, instead of getting rich overnight, it made Kong Yiji's reputation even worse.

Now people in Lu Town mention that Kong Yiji is not only a lazy eater, but also a stealer.

What violence, madness, fools...

It seems that they have become synonymous with Shengge.

Tired of good intentions, don't you just want your dreams to come true?
Alas, she also wants to have the ability of the great sage to turn stones into gold.

Perhaps the Great Sage was the one who gave her the strength and confidence to protect herself. Shengge had an unparalleled confidence and dependence on the Great Sage.

"Old shopkeeper, make a bowl of noodles, remember to put more meat."

Without meat, I really can't swallow the noodles.

Shengge said to the old shopkeeper without looking up.

But, why is the inn so quiet today?The old shopkeeper also changed his temperament of chattering, probably because he was afraid that she would be upset.

She didn't think the old shopkeeper was such a caring little padded jacket.

Looking up, Shengge saw a middle-aged man in military uniform sitting in the middle of the first floor of the inn.

Eh, this military uniform really looks a bit like that brat Gu Huaiyuan.

However, the focus of Shengge is not on the man in military uniform, but on the table in front of the man in military uniform.

That wooden table was filled with all kinds of delicacies, the most important thing was all meat...

Roast squab, roast chicken, crystal hoof, Dongpo meat...

Shengge swallowed without a trace.

No wonder she got rich overnight in a hurry, it was because she wanted to eat meat.

Without small money, eating meat can only be a fantasy.

"Come and sit down?"

I saw the man in military uniform patted the chair beside him, and said in a powerful and forceful voice.

Shengge pointed at himself?

She did nothing wrong.

Could it be that digging her own yard is still a crime, or is it that the person she beat up has a backer?


Shengge asked the old shopkeeper for help, and the old shopkeeper silently gave Shengge a self-seeking look.

People do not fight officials, let alone the army.


Sit and sit, who is afraid of whom.

Shengge would never admit that he was captured by a table of delicious food.

As a foodie, but penniless, who understands this kind of heartache.

Shengge walked straight over, not losing a match, Shengge sat down with his head upright and pulled a chicken leg...

This series of movements is done smoothly and smoothly without any embarrassment.

If you walk too sloppy, your waist will flash: Anchor, can't you bear it any longer?
Shengge: ()
She didn't do it on purpose. It's hard for the brain to control behavior when you're extremely hungry.

Imagine that she went to dig for treasures early in the morning with great enthusiasm. After a tiring day, she didn't drink a drop of water. When she saw a table of meat, it would be good if she didn't gobble it up.

"Mr. Kong is really different from the rumors."

Regarding Shengge's disrespectful behavior, the middle-aged soldier laughed it off.

People who marched and fought outside did not abide by the rules like those old nobles, otherwise they would not be able to do things like digging ancient tombs in the mountains.

Regarding the digging of ancient tombs to raise military expenses, Shengge was noncommittal. After all, this was not the first time in the world.

Wasn't it the same with Cao Cao's march back then?


Shengge nodded foolishly, let's talk about filling our stomachs.

After eating a roast chicken and drinking a few sips of good Shaoxing wine, Sheng Ge felt a little real.

Feel full and feel good.

"Let me introduce myself first, my surname is Chen."

"I see that Mr. Kong is very skilled. I wonder if he intends to join the army?"

The middle-aged soldier has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he speaks with a lot of air, and he knows that he is not a frail scholar.

join the army?


Sheng Ge refused without even thinking about it.

Joining the army can't make her rich overnight, so she doesn't want to be thankless.

In Mrs. Xianglin's world, she was tired of living a life full of guns and bullets.

Besides, she wanted to protect Mrs. Xianglin in Luzhen, and try to avoid Mrs. Xianglin's tragic fate as much as possible.


The middle-aged soldier was a little puzzled.

Before he came, he also did some research. Kong Yiji is a famous person in Lu Town, he is laughed at by everyone, like a mouse crossing the street.

He thought that at this moment when he extended the olive branch, Kong Yiji would take it without hesitation.

"I don't like fighting..."

"They said I was crazy."

Shengge felt that it was not good for him to refuse directly. What if he offended the other party and shot her directly?

Be crazy, just be crazy, as long as you don't drag her into the battlefield.

"Why should Mr. Kong care about the eyes of a fool?"

The middle-aged soldier still smiled calmly, as if he was confident in winning Shengge.

He saw with his own eyes how Kong Yiji taught others from beginning to end, the so-called layman watches the excitement, and the expert watches the way.

Kong Yiji is definitely a man of extraordinary skill, one against a hundred, with a little training, he is also a general.

Now that you have encountered it, you should not miss it.

"Mr. Kong doesn't like fighting, what do you like?"

In the face of capable people, middle-aged soldiers are also willing to give a certain amount of patience.


"It's best to get rich overnight."

Shengge said very sincerely.

Joining the army will only make her continue to fight, but it will not make her rich.

As Xianglin's wife back then, she had no choice but to become tyrannical in this cannibalistic society.

Today, she is Kong Yiji.

Kong Yiji's situation is different from that of Mrs. Xianglin, one is a freshman and the other is a sudden rich.

Getting rich is easier said than being a new student, and there is absolutely no need to compete in the world.

The hand of the middle-aged scribe holding the tea trembled, this Kong Yiji really looked nothing like the rumors.

Doesn't it mean that he is pedantic and incompetent, and he is the one who guards the last dignity of a scholar all day long?

Rumors kill people.

In his opinion, Kong Yiji is much more sober and realistic than a naive disciple of a sage.

The middle-aged soldier said to Shengge the passionate and provocative words he had prepared.

When he said this, the middle-aged soldier was full of complacency.

This set of rhetoric that everyone is responsible for the country's troubles has always been unfavorable.

Relying on this high-sounding set, he has recruited many talented people along the way.

Shengge watched the middle-aged soldier's self-entertaining speech with a calm expression, and then ate the roasted pigeon slowly.

At first glance, the dishes on the table don't look like what this small inn can cook. The skin of the roasted squab is crispy and fragrant...

Alas, just wanting to incite her with such a level, isn't it that you look down on her too much?

If she was really a hot-blooded young man, she might be really moved by this remark, and immediately follow this middle-aged soldier to throw her head and blood on the battlefield.

It's a pity that she is not, and she is also tired of the battlefield.

She wanted to be a landlord and old fortune all her life...

No matter how the situation changes suddenly, she will not move.

The times will not change because of her existence alone.

Those who should change will still change, and those who should change dynasties will still change dynasties.

I just don't know if it will be Gu Huaiyuan this time.

(End of this chapter)

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