Chapter 230 Kong Yiji Who Wants to Get Rich ([-])

She couldn't criticize Mrs. Xianglin, after all, without personal experience, Mrs. Xianglin would not believe that her future would be so hopeless and miserable.

Although Xianglin's sister-in-law lost her husband today, she lived a fulfilling life, and she really couldn't find a reason to travel with her.

Even if she tells what will happen in the future, Mrs. Xianglin will probably think that she is bewildered by a storyteller.

Well, let it be.

Shengge pulled Aunt Xianglin to a corner and gave her two necklaces.

You can't give more, Sheng Ge still understands the truth that everyone is innocent, but he is guilty of pregnant bi.

Mrs. Xianglin's face was puzzled, she couldn't refuse, so she had to follow her.

What to do, these two necklaces feel hot.

"Xianglin's sister-in-law, you have to keep these two necklaces away, and don't let anyone know."

"If you are in trouble, you can start your life again with these two necklaces."

Shengge was really afraid that Mrs. Xianglin would be sold out so stupidly that she was still helping to count the money.

Once she left, maybe Mrs. Xianglin really couldn't avoid the fate of her second marriage, but she still hoped that Mrs. Xianglin's second marriage would not be so unfortunate.

With these two necklaces by her side, Mrs. Xianglin could at least buy a house in the town when she married He Laoliu.

In this way, He Laoliu who has typhoid fever may not die if he is treated in time, and Amao will not be taken away by wild wolves in the mountains.

"If you believe me, don't stay in the col in the future."

Shengge sighed softly, and that's all for now, what happens to Mrs. Xianglin from now on depends on her luck.



Aunt Xianglin touched her chest, where the two necklaces were placed.

Why is Kong Yiji so strange, talking like a godsend.

However, she couldn't help but be convinced, as if Kong Yiji knew her very well.

Kong Yiji...

Aunt Xianglin actually believed that her mother-in-law and uncle could do something to sell her.

However, when Kong Yiji said that he would take her away, she actually felt that a second marriage was not so unacceptable.

Sister Xianglin gritted her teeth and went back to Master Lu Si's house, never mentioning the Shengge necklace.


"Kong Yiji, I really didn't expect you to be a lover."

Sheng Ge became a subordinate of a middle-aged soldier, and he quickly became familiar with Shou Ma Gan.

I have to say that the lean hemp stick at this time is much more interesting than later.

"Love Saint?"

What the hell?

Shengge frowned. What did this group of people imagine that she didn't know.

"Just take it away if you like, it's better than staying here now."

In fact, in the eyes of everyone, the long-term worker is still a servant, a servant.

"Who told you I liked her."

Shengge rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Why do these people have to pair her up?
Really tired.

Shou Ma Gan directly interprets Sheng Ge's denial as being sad and decadent after being rejected.

Shoumagan patted Shengge on the shoulder, and said proudly, "Where there is no grass in the end of the world, why bother to fall in love with a widow alone."

"Brother Kong, let me tell you, when you enter the city, I will take you to a good place. When you get there, you will know what is charming and charming, and life will be blissful."

Talking and talking, the originally serious skinny pole began to spread the colorful culture to Shengge.

The corners of Sheng Ge's mouth twitched, it seemed that lust had nothing to do with age, nor status.

The current Shou Ma Gan is a small soldier, and if he is lustful, he will go to the brothel now.

Later, the thin hemp pole became the commander-in-chief, and the lustful man married concubines one after another.

When she took Amao to Shoumagan's mansion, she saw all kinds of beauties, just like the old emperor's Sangong Sixth Court.

She very much suspected that the skinny hemp pole's children were weak and worthy of a daughter, probably because they went to brothels a lot when they were young.

Alas, the bloody lesson tells everyone, don't waste time when you are young...

"Brother, do it yourself."

Shengge sincerely patted the other party's shoulder like a skinny stick.

The skinny man looked puzzled, why did he feel that Kong Yiji looked at him with pitiful and sympathetic eyes?

This look is really like the half-immortal who was deceived and abducted at the entrance of the village.

Following the large army, Sheng Ge left the small town and even passed Gu Huaiyuan's Crouching Tiger Village.

Gu Huaiyuan should be still very young at this time.

She didn't have the kindness to tell the middle-aged soldier Gu Huaiyuan that he would be a boss in the future.

I have to admit that the middle-aged soldier treated her very well, and gave her real power to practice as soon as she entered the army.

It can be seen that the middle-aged soldier really wants to train her to be a general under his command.

No matter where you look, you are invincible.

It's a pity that she doesn't have this ambition.

Shengge never thought of making great achievements and becoming famous.

If she had a choice, she would rather sleep every day until she wakes up naturally, and be a monk ringing the clock for one day.

Big ambitions are not suitable for her.

Sheng Ge, who was driven off the shelves, felt that all the fun in life had been taken away.

This army has indeed found treasures in the dense forest and mountains outside Lu Town. With money, it will have confidence, and the whole army has changed its old appearance.

Every time someone mentioned the treasure, Shengge felt that someone was cutting her flesh.

Why didn't she pay attention to Fengshui and the terrain when she was chasing wild boars in the mountains?

man's luck...

People are more popular than dead people.


If she had discovered the treasure, she would have gotten rich by now, and she might have completed the task.

After completing the live broadcast task, there will be no shackles on the body, and you can make waves as you want.


The middle-aged soldier did as Shengge wished, and all such things as robbing houses were left to Shengge, a person with problematic three views.

Not only did Sheng Ge not dislike him, but he did it with gusto.

A long time ago, she wanted to be a grand thief who robbed the rich and gave to the poor, but unfortunately she never had the chance.

Now there are people who are taken advantage of by paying money and efforts to help others, so why not do it.

Shengge is also a good man, every time he robs, he is a villain full of disgust, and after robbing the money, he will divide it into three shares.

One is for ordinary people, one is for middle-aged soldiers for military expenses, and the last one is her own.

After all, she still has to take into account Kong Yiji's wishes.

Get rich...

Such a simple, down-to-earth, wish of hundreds of millions of people, how could she be ashamed not to fulfill it?
The middle-aged soldier saw what Shengge did.

Kong Yiji's love for money has never been concealed.

It's hard for him to dislike such an aboveboard love of money.

Besides, in his heart, the value of Kong Yiji far exceeds those gold, silver and jewels.

Money and military expenses can be raised again when they are gone, but it is difficult to find them if they are missed.

Therefore, due to the connivance of the middle-aged soldiers, Shengge seemed to be a special existence in the army, but no one was jealous.

Well, because of Kong Yiji, the food and treatment of all of them has improved a lot, at least there is meat in every meal and soup in every meal.

 ask for support...

  The author is still more than 600 points away from reaching [-] points.

(End of this chapter)

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