Chapter 236 Kong Yiji Who Wants to Get Rich ([-])

It must be admitted that He Lao Liu's words are extremely attractive.

Yes, incognito, changing towns, their lives will not change in any way.

Anyway, to her, Luzhen is just a strange town.

she wants to nod...

Tangled ah……

But whenever she wants to nod her head in response, she can always think of Kong Yiji patting her shoulder and talking with a smile.

I couldn't help shivering.

If she didn't feel wrong, when Kong Yiji said this, it seemed that he hoped that they would leave secretly, and then there would be countless good shows.

still don't leave...

However, how to convince He Laoliu who wants to change his face and start a new life before Kong Yiji comes back.

Although the 36 plan is the best plan, but...




While the young woman was trying her best to calmly persuade He Lao Liu, Sheng Ge rode a fast horse towards the deep mountain where He Jiaao was.

Mrs. Xianglin, that idiot...

Regarding Mrs. Xianglin, Shengge didn't know whether he was annoyed because he hated iron but not steel, or a real complaint.

Aunt Xianglin and Amao are more important, she actually doesn't hesitate too much.

What kind of temperament is Xianglin's wife?
Shengge realized that even if she had been Xianglin's sister-in-law for one life, she had gone from insignificance to grandeur in that life. Unfortunately, she still didn't know what kind of temperament Xianglin's wife was.

She is not Mrs. Xianglin.

She is indeed a person who goes with the flow and goes with the flow, but what about Mrs. Xianglin?
She's really not sure.

In the plot world, Mrs. Xianglin would rather die than marry He Lao Liu in order to resist. Now that she accepts He Lao Liu and confirms that He Lao Liu is her husband, will that stubborn temper come out again? Put on a sadomasochistic drama for her?

I regret it, the more I intervene, the more troublesome it becomes. She still doesn't have the ability of the Great Sage, even if she wants to protect an old friend, she can't protect her well.

Shengge felt that his little heart was hurt.

She is afraid that she will never have the chance to reach the step of the Great Sage in her whole life.

Well, she just resigns herself to being a little fan girl. On the way to conquer the stars and seas, idols are always needed. Could it be that they all become cannon fodder?

She doesn't really like the life of tearing cannon fodder and opening maps.


"Can you have a little something to do?"

"The Great Sage is indeed the strongest in one world, but you are not bad either."

"He can't escape, but you can conquer the stars and the sea."

One by one who often played and disappeared suddenly made a sound.

No one can decide and limit which step Shengge can take in the end. The most difficult thing is that Shengge can't persevere to the end.

Endless life, endless world, what will happen over time?
I'm really afraid that one day the mudslides in the live broadcasting world that she finally bound to will make her quit.

Hearing the words one by one, Sheng Ge was not happy or encouraged, but felt sympathetic.

Can't get out of that world?

Jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the invisible, but can never transcend that world.

To the great sage, that world may be imprisoned.

In the relationship between the two lives, she knows best that the Great Sage has a warlike and invincible heart.

Becoming No.1 in the world, blessed by heaven, she is happy for him, but also has some secret worries.

For the Great Sage, the loneliest thing in the world is that he has no opponent, and no one can arouse his victorious and strong heart.

Well, maybe she can borrow a line from Miyamoto who has been cut for generations.

Invincible is really lonely...

"I just want to eat and die..."

Sheng Ge replied honestly.


Yiyi felt that she might have been blind at the beginning, why did she think that Sheng Ge would be a clear stream in the live broadcasting world?

What is not to be happy with things and not to be sad with oneself is clearly lazy...

This must be the truth.

Seeing that Yiyi disappeared again, Shengge knew that this was another time when she was speechless to her.

What a lofty ideal to eat and wait to die, why no one can understand it.

Alas, she is also lonely...



Shengge looked at the familiar mountain in front of him and fell silent.

Well, no matter how the plot changes, the mountain where He Jiaao is located will not change in any way.

The same ruggedness, the same difficult walk...

Not to mention horses, even people are afraid that it will be difficult to walk down safely and soundly.

There was no other way, Shengge had no choice but to tie the horse to the foot of the mountain and walk on foot.


It was hard for Sheng Ge to imagine how Mrs. Xianglin carried Amao, who could not walk, over the weedy mountain.

Given He Lao Liu's fickleness and ungratefulness, he would not kindly send Sister Xianglin and Amao back.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Shengge felt.

Heh, He Lao Liu is really a white-eyed wolf.

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: Is this a revisit of the anchor?Thinking about it, in Mrs. Xianglin's world, the wild wolves on this mountain suffered a catastrophe...

Fighting wolves with bare hands...

Shengge's eyes flickered slightly, yes, when she first became Mrs. Xianglin, fighting wolves was actually a gamble.

Coincidentally, she won.

Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, if you and Ah Mao can only be strangers, will you feel sad...

Anchor: ...

Shengge is silent, sad? Of course there will be.

It's just that she also knows that her caring little padded jacket is in that world, not here.

Amao in this world is only the son of Mrs. Xianglin.

Of course, it is also possible to become her adopted son.

When Shengge found He Jia'ao, the low-key, luxurious and connotative long gown was already covered with weeds and dirt, and now he looked a little bit as embarrassed as he was back then.

Or that broken house...

No, it was even more broken than what she saw back then.

After all, in Mrs. Xianglin's world, He Laoliu was not as careless as he is now. He treated Mrs. Xianglin and Amao pretty well, and he was a hardworking person. Naturally, the house was tidied up more cleanly and popular than it is now.

Today's small courtyard is cold and damp, dilapidated and desolate, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a haunted house.

Did she want Amao, who gave the best, to live in such a place?
Shengge stepped into the courtyard and pushed open the door.

A small, swaddling baby was put on a bed, and the room was empty.

If it weren't for Sister Xianglin's clothes and traces of her life, Shengge would have thought that Sister Xianglin had abandoned Amao and disappeared.

Shengge bent down and hugged Ah Mao, who was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, her nose was a little sore.

She really misses her intimate little padded jacket.

Even if this Amao is not the cutie who has been with her for decades.

Amao is very light and thin, with a malnourished and pale face, not at all as cute as other people's children, but like a skeleton.

As expected, but still hard to hide distressed.

In that world, she desperately wanted to bring the best to Amao, and Amao became what she most wanted to see.

 Happy Children's Day……

  Pull our sweet little Amau out for the holidays.

(End of this chapter)

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