Chapter 241 Kong Yiji Who Wants To Get Rich (24)

The night in the mountains always comes very early, and the chirping of insects and birds seems to be in my ears. Of course, there are also the roars of wild animals deep in the mountains.

The night in the deep mountains is quiet, but also noisy and dangerous.

Tranquility is for people. The people of Hejiaao must return home before the sun sets and will not stay outside.

After all, the mountains here are high, the roads are far away, the forests are deep, and the trees are lush.

Shengge laid down on the floor like a gentleman and lay his pillow on his arm.

Speaking of which, this house is much better than Kong Yiji's dilapidated house, at least there is no air leakage on all sides and it can be lived in.

The night is getting dark...

The sound of Ah Mao's steady breathing sounded, and Sheng Ge felt very relieved.

Alas, I really want to hug her little Amao, but she is afraid that Mrs. Xianglin will treat her as a pervert.

Alas, sleepless nights.

Obviously the caring little padded jacket she has been thinking about day and night is right in front of her eyes, but she still can't kiss and hug her high.


Shengge sighed, tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night.

Xianglin's sister-in-law held her heart high, sharing a room with a strange man, which she never dared to imagine before.

If He Lao Liu knew about it, he might despise her even more.

Aunt Xianglin smiled bitterly silently, in the dark room, Aunt Xianglin had crystal clear tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Life seems to love to joke with her.

Marrying Xianglin, although it was hard for her to serve her mother-in-law and support her uncle, it was the happiest time she ever lived.

Xianglin treats her very well, even though her mother-in-law is very eccentric, she is very dissatisfied with her and Xianglin.

But Xianglin always gives her the best within her ability.

Poor, but she misses it very much.

It's a pity that Xianglin passed away before she had time to continue the incense for Xianglin.

The mother-in-law said that she was an ominous person, and she was born with a hard life. If it weren't for her, Xianglin would not have died so early.

Many times she wondered if it was true that she was born an unknown person as her mother-in-law said.

She was relieved to leave Wei's house and no longer be scolded by Yiru.

However, after she had just adjusted to the new life, her mother-in-law and uncle decided to marry her to He Laoliu.

She could tell that if it was not a last resort, He Lao Liu would never marry her.

As Kong Yiji said, He Laoliu never really thought highly of her.

Just, what can she do.

Mrs. Xianglin put her fist to her lips, afraid that she would disturb others by making a sound.

But even so, the extremely suppressed sobs still reached Shengge's ears.

Sheng Ge hadn't fallen asleep at all, but hearing Mrs. Xianglin's soft sobs, her mood was even more complicated.

Was she being too harsh on Mrs. Xianglin?

She used to be Xianglin's wife, and she had really felt the despair and helplessness of Xianglin's wife.

A bystander is clear, but she cannot, as a bystander, ask Mrs. Xianglin to do everything she wants.

Xianglin's wife is a pure and pure person of this era, and her thinking is bound to be limited.

Marry a rooster as a rooster and marry a dog as a dog. This is deeply ingrained and cannot be easily shaken.

Why did she have to tear away all the false pretense and peace in such a vitriolic way during the day, and smash all the expectations of Mrs. Xianglin.

Well, not everyone is as cheeky and heartless as she is.

Shengge no longer turned over, but closed her eyes and pretended to fall into a deep sleep.

Mrs. Xianglin wants to cry, so she should.

She really needs a place to vent her emotions.

Shengge didn't know how long the depressing and desperate crying lasted, because she fell asleep in the sound of Xianglin's sister-in-law's sobs.

She swears to God, she really just wants to squint...



Shengge was awakened by the sound of chopping wood.

Putting on the gown and opening the window, Shengge saw Mrs. Xianglin who was skillful in chopping firewood and boiling water like a man.

Indeed, as the old shopkeeper of the inn said, even if He Lao Liu drove Xianglin's wife back to Dashan, Xianglin's wife can still live on her own with her ability.

It's just that life is not good enough.

The firewood was picked up by Mrs. Xianglin in the mountains.

The vegetables are grown by Mrs. Xianglin herself in a plot of land in the backyard.

The food was exchanged by Mrs. Xianglin with firewood, vegetables and mushrooms picked in the mountains...

Mrs. Xianglin is trying her best to survive with her own hands.

From another angle, after not venting his anger anymore, Shengge suddenly found that Mrs. Xianglin was still worthy of admiration.

Mrs. Xianglin is the kind of person who has a strong will to survive. As long as she has persistence in her heart, she can find ways to keep herself alive.

After being driven back to Hejiaao by He Laoliu, Mrs. Xianglin already knew that she had been abandoned.

But the mother is stronger, she does not have He Lao Liu but still has Amao, Amao is her relatives connected by blood, and it is also her belief in living after being abandoned by He Lao Liu.

Changing places, if she were Mrs. Xianglin, when she didn't know everything, she might not be doing much better than Mrs. Xianglin.

At the very least, she doesn't have the clear and firm will to survive like Mrs. Xianglin.

Sheng Ge was leaning against the door frame. The long gown was thick and black, with some flowers and birds embroidered with red silk thread for celebration. It really looked like a nobleman.

It's just that this young man seems a little old.

It can be seen that Mrs. Xianglin must have spent a lot of effort on this long gown, but it's a pity that He Laoliu, who showed his true nature because of her two necklaces, didn't care at all.

Is Mrs. Xianglin okay?

Not fit to be a wife?

No, Mrs. Xianglin's temperament is calm and diligent, she is quick in her hands and feet and has no complaints. Such a person is definitely a good choice for living at home.

However, He Laoliu disliked Mrs. Xianglin's past marriage, but he held a delicate girl full of bad intentions in his palm.


Mrs. Xianglin wants to live with He Laoliu wholeheartedly.

But what about that little white flower that cries pear blossoms with delicate rain.

Oh, not necessarily.

It's not so much that the little white flower young woman fell in love with He Laoliu, but rather the stable life that He Laoliu can provide her for the time being.

He Laoliu is disgusting with Mrs. Xianglin, and the young girl with little white flowers is not disgusting with He Laoliu.

It's just that He Laoliu is blind and can't see anything.

If Mrs. Xianglin felt something, she turned around and saw Kong Yiji who was leaning on the door frame lazily with a wicked smile, wondering what he was thinking about.

Such Kong Yiji, really dare not recognize it.

Yesterday, Kong Yiji looked rather embarrassed because he was rushing to climb the mountain.

Today, he is really extravagant.

These years, Kong Yiji should be living well.

For some reason, Mrs. Xianglin suddenly thought of the words that Kong Yiji wanted to take her away a few years ago.

If she had gone with Kong Yiji, everything would have been different.

Aunt Xianglin asked herself.

not regret.

With Amao, in fact, I really don't regret it.

Besides, with her temperament, even if she chose again, she would still not choose to go away with a notorious person without knowing anything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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