Chapter 248 Kong Yiji Who Wants To Get Rich (31)


It's never love itself that tires people.

So, in the same way, it is not the words themselves that make people feel bad.

The person on your mind?
Mrs. Xianglin raised her head suddenly, is He Lao Liu still her?
Taking a closer look, Mrs. Xianglin saw He Laoliu standing at the door not far away and the woman she brought home and then robbed her home.

Aunt Xianglin watched He Laoliu carefully supporting the young woman, for fear that the other party would suffer even the slightest injury, her eyes could not help but sore.

The treatment of people is really very different.

Walking too wavy will flash your waist: Why do you think the anchor is gloating...

I'm a magician: anchor, please hide the smile on the corner of your mouth.

A jackal with a female cat: a blatant smile...

Shengge's smile froze instantly when he saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, could it make people gloat?

Well, she is a villain.

Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Mrs. Xianglin will let go when she has had enough pain.

All she had to do was to wait for Mrs. Xianglin's heart to leave.

Sheng Ge jumped off the wolf's back with Amao in his arms. With a wicked smile on his lips, he reached out and patted the wolf on the head.

The wild wolf also cooperated and rushed towards He Lao Liu with a long howl.

He Laoliu, who was carefully accompanying his little wife, heard the familiar howl of wolves, and his legs instantly went limp.

As a person who grew up in Hejiaao, he is no stranger to ferocious animals like wild wolves.

In this Hejiaao, people are buried in the belly of wild wolves every year.

Every winter, when the winter snow first melts and the spring is cold, the wild wolves will turn over from the back mountain and enter the village.

At the beginning, he couldn't help saying that he drove Xianglin's sister-in-law and Amao back to Hejiaao.

Orphans and widows, a baby who can't speak, a woman, as long as the wild wolf goes down the mountain, it must be no match...

In this way, Mrs. Xianglin will completely disappear from his life.

That second-entry house, including the unspent money, will be his.


"I told you a long time ago not to come to Mrs. Xianglin, she is a person with bad luck, and I met a wild wolf as soon as I came here."

"It's really bad luck."

He Laoliu dragged the young woman to dodge while cursing.

"Maybe Mrs. Xianglin and Amao were killed by wild wolves long ago."

"Wild wolves killed him, even if Kong Yiji is overbearing, he can't blame us."

Shengge pulled Mrs. Xianglin to stand behind a mound of dirt and listened quietly to He Lao Liu's dislike and resentment like a surging river.


At this moment, the young woman was also so frightened that her face paled, and it was difficult to remain shocked.

Even though she had a good mind, she couldn't help being afraid when facing a wild wolf with fangs.

Really unlucky.

At this moment, the young woman finally believed in what He Laoliu said.
Mrs. Xianglin is a born broom star.

"Did you hear that?"

"Is this the husband you've been thinking about?"

"Although there have been couples since ancient times who originally flew separately in the face of a catastrophe, but He Lao Liu is not too cruel."

"Anyway, Amao is He Laoliu's own son. How can He Laoliu hope that Amao will be bitten to death by wild wolves."

Hit the snake and hit seven inches.

Shengge knew that, to Mrs. Xianglin, Amao was like a spiritual pillar.

Only the safety of Amao can shake the balance in Sister Xianglin's heart and destroy Sister Xianglin's luck.

So, please cooperate with He Lao Liu to make those harsh words more violent.

Well, she's a mean, bad person.

Others would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one relationship, but what about her.

Well, since she knew He Lao Liu's scumbag attributes, she has been trying to break up the other party.

Alas, it's no wonder that a person like her is born alone.

No, it's not as simple as Zhu Gusheng, she has been lonely for several lifetimes.

It's all to blame one by one, what kind of live broadcast objects are selected for this.

If the live broadcast continues, she seems to really think that she can be attacked or accepted, male or female...

Where do you need any blue basin friends...

Shengge looked at the tears in Sister Xianglin's eyes, and was surprisingly indifferent.

It's not scary to cry, and it's not scary to be sad. I'm afraid that the scar will be healed and the pain will be forgotten, and then the other party will forget the suffering after a little greeting.

I only hope that she can still see the stubborn Mrs. Xianglin.

A Mao turned his face away, a little bit unbearable.

He is clear about Kong Yiji's intentions, and he also understands that Kong Yiji's actions are for the good of his mother.

But A Niang's behavior made him feel a little worried.

Considering that the young woman was still pregnant, Sheng Ge did not refuse to let her go. Seeing Mrs. Xianglin's face sinking like water, she put her finger to her lips and whistled loudly.

"Let's go, it's time to visit your husband-in-law, Amao's father."

"After all, a dad like He Lao Liu is really rare."

"Tiger poison doesn't eat its offspring, rare things are more valuable..."

Ah Mao listened to Kong Yiji's words one after another, as if he had stabbed a knife in people's heart, his head was full of black lines.

The level of this poisonous tongue, I am afraid that only the lady who has gained a great reputation in Shanghai Bund by pinching her fingers with a three-inch tongue can do it.

Well, as expected of the aunt in his memory.

If Shengge knew what Ah Mao was thinking, he would curl his lips in disgust.

You are too young, boy.

When you are young, you have little knowledge.

If you have seen the Dasheng and Tang Sanzang who are cheap and handy, you will not be so rare and strange.

The level of the Great Sage's mouth is directly proportional to the golden cudgel in his hand.

The strength value of the Great Sage is No.1 in that world, does this mean...

Well, it's better to think about it if you want to fight.



Mrs. Xianglin's mind has been echoing that sentence...


Mrs. Xianglin sneered, walked around the mound with big strides, and the wild wolf had already disappeared into the mountains at this time.

"He Lao Liu..."

The tears in the corners of Mrs. Xianglin's eyes hadn't been completely wiped away, but He Lao Liu frowned as if subconsciously ignoring it, and complained in a rough voice.

"where did you go?"

"Do you know that there were wild wolves just now, if you are not lucky, you will become a widow again."

He Lao Liu was cursing and cursing, and Mrs. Xianglin was no longer sad like before, but just looked at He Lao Liu indifferently.

This person she once thought could really be with her for the rest of her life.

Shengge didn't rush forward, but gave Mrs. Xianglin enough room to develop herself.

To be honest, she would rather let Mrs. Xianglin become a widow again than see Mrs. Xianglin get entangled with He Laoliu.

When it is broken, it is broken, even if it is Chinese New Year, there is no need for people like He Laoliu who want money, no money, no beauty, no quality.

Being a jerk also requires capital, okay? Is it really delicious to be a jerk?
"Do you know that I was almost killed by a wild wolf..."


 The author will try his best to code and update it tomorrow.

  Well, we will make an appointment at midnight tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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