When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 429 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 429 Duan Yanqing Who Wants to Convert ([-])

Qiao Sanhuai is Qiao Feng's adoptive father, who raised Qiao Feng since he was a child, so he naturally knows everything about Qiao Feng the most.

Those eyes are really similar to Qiao Feng...

If he hadn't been sure that Qiao Feng wouldn't show such ferocious wolf-like eyes to him, he might really think that it was the son he had raised for more than ten years who wanted to kill him.

Qiao Sanhuai hesitated to speak, not knowing whether to speak out or not.

Qiao Feng looked at Qiao Sanhuai fixedly, smiled wryly, and already had a guess in his heart.

Those eyes must be very similar to his...

It seems that Duan Yanqing is not lying.

"Father, I'm afraid it's not safe to live here, why not..."

How about...

Now that the world is big, the Central Plains Wulin will definitely not trust him anymore.

And he couldn't provide a shelter for his parents anymore.

"Feng'er, you don't have to worry."

"This place is close to the Shaolin Temple, and Master Abbot also sent Shaolin Temple disciples to take care of it everywhere, so thieves dare not come here easily."

"Feng'er, Dad doesn't want to lie to you, you are indeed not Dad's biological son."

Although Qiao Sanhuai is in this remote place on the hillside, she has heard rumors about the sudden rise in the rivers and lakes.

After all, no matter how remote it is, there will always be passers-by.

"Feng'er, dad is still proud of you."

Qiao Sanhuai patted Qiao Feng's shoulder, and said kindly and generously.

He can't say which one is more important or more affectionate, but he can guarantee that he has really treated Qiao Feng as his own son and doted on him all these years.

Qiao Feng only felt a little choked up, even though he was outspoken and informal, but when his background was exposed again, and he was criticized by everyone, he felt a little hesitant, as if there was no other way to go in this world.

Back then, as a member of the Beggar Gang, he took it as his duty to guard the Central Plains and slaughter the Liao soldiers, but now I tell him that he is a Khitan, and he is hated by the Central Plains people.

Daliao and Song have been at odds for a long time, and it is difficult for them to coexist peacefully.

No matter what he does, he will be criticized by thousands of people.

Whether it is from the Central Plains or the Khitan, it seems that whatever he does will be wrong.

At this time, the adoptive father said firmly that he was still proud of him.

In fact, hasn't he reached the point where he has nowhere to go and is enemies everywhere?

"Qiao Feng."

"It's just a life experience, why should you completely imprison yourself in it?"

"The Khitan people are kind to you, and the Central Plains people are kind to you. You can live up to them, but there are so many things in the world that have the best of both worlds."

"This seat is not instigating you to give up which side, but just let you weigh the most appropriate method."

Thinking about Qiao Feng's end in the plot, Sheng Ge couldn't help but sigh.

At that time, he really had nowhere to go.

He couldn't let go of the kindness of the Central Plains for his upbringing, so he couldn't bear the Khitan sending troops, and tried his best to stop it.

But to Khitan, Qiao Feng is a traitor, he has betrayed his nation and his ancestors, he is a heinous person worthy of death.

Qiao Feng raised his eyes, what's the right way?

Duan Yanqing sure this is not nonsense?
Just like this, how did Duan Yanqing become the head of the four villains full of evil?

Shengge: "...".

Why does little brother Qiao Feng look at her like this?
Little scared.


Lang Jiujiu: Qiao Feng is using his eyes to despise you, you said a lot of nonsense.

If you walk too sloppy, you will lose your waist: anchor, Miss Xinben, in Qiao Feng's eyes, you are mentally retarded.

Anchor: ...

Shengge pouted secretly, how could it be nonsense.

Qiao Sanhuai and his wife are not dead, Master Xuanku is not dead, and Qiao Feng is not the villain in the plot who was accused of being ungrateful, wolfish and ambitious.

Everything is still in time...

As for the Yanmenguan incident back then, as long as the truth is revealed, Qiao Feng's life experience will definitely not be as eye-catching as it is now. After all, there are not a few people in the Central Plains Wulin who were responsible for the incident back then.

Qiao Feng's background was not Qiao Feng's fault.

"Mr. Duan, when did you have such a free will to meddle in other people's affairs?"

Qiao Feng was sensitive to the fact that Duan Yanqing came here by no means by accident.

Duan Yanqing has devoted more than ten years of his life to taking revenge and regaining his position, even if he joined Xixia Yipintang at the beginning, it was just to take advantage of the situation.

If there is no benefit, it is too late, and the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. It is really hard for him to believe that Duan Yanqing is such a peaceful person.


Didn't you say that Qiao Feng is an upright man?


A straight guy doesn't mean a fool.

"I just received news that someone wants to harm your parents."

"It just so happens that I'm tired of being a villain, so I just do good deeds every day."

"You don't have to appreciate me too much."

Sheng Ge said meanly in a low-pitched tone.

"Do good deeds every day?"

Qiao Feng really felt that Duan Yanqing's words could not be trusted.

Compared to doing good every day, he is more willing to believe that Duan Yanqing kills one person every day.

"Σ( ̄д ̄;) you!!

"What exactly do you know?"

Qiao Feng had a vague premonition that his identity was exposed in Xingzilin that day, which seemed to push him into the fog.

But the fog didn't become thinner with his entry, on the contrary it became thicker.

"I know everything I need to know, but I just don't want to tell you."

Shengge spread his hands.

"Since someone carefully set up the game, how can I still want to let the opponent fall short at the beginning of the game?"

"Because you are more pleasing to the eye, I can show you the way and keep an eye on Shaolin Temple."

"I still have something to do, let's take a step first."

Sheng Geshou shamelessly picked up a jar of wine from Qiao Feng's digging jar just now.

"and many more."

Qiao Feng stopped.

Shengge raised his eyebrows, he couldn't be so mean.

"Old Duan, in Qiao Feng's opinion, you are not a heinous, inhumane person. It is a good thing that you wish to do good."

"I also hope that you can restrain Ye Erniang and Yun Zhonghe, and the reincarnation of heaven, otherwise you will have a miserable end."

Sheng Ge smacked his lips, well, he still didn't mention Yue Laosan, so he knew that Yue Laosan was incompetent.

As one of the four villains, Yue Laosan actually wanted to fly solo...

"Qiao Feng, haven't you heard that Yun Zhonghe died under the knife?"

Shengge asked back.

It stands to reason that since Qiao Feng heard about his defection to Xixia Yipintang, he should also know about Yun Zhonghe's tragic death.

After all, there will be only a few days before and after...

"It's really Yun Zhonghe who died?"

Although the news about Yun Zhonghe's tragic death spread widely, most of the people who believed it were ordinary people.

With Duan Yanqing's protection, neither Ye Erniang nor Yun Zhonghe will be in danger of life, not to mention Yun Zhonghe's light kung fu is first-class, as long as Yun Zhonghe wants to leave, no one can stop him.

"Give me another jar of wine, and I will tell you."

"What do you think?

Sheng Ge shook the wine jar in his hand, and said with a smile.

I really want to take Qiao Sanhuai away and let him make wine exclusively.

(End of this chapter)

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