When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 430 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 430 Duan Yanqing Who Wants to Reform ([-])

She was obviously an ordinary mountain dweller who couldn't be more ordinary, but the wine she brewed could resonate with the aura of heaven and earth, making her leg injuries nourished faster.

It seems that there are wizards in every field.


Qiao Feng took a serious look at Sheng Ge, he had never heard that the head of the Four Great Evils had the habit of drinking too much.

"If the benefactor wants to drink, he can take it away."

Qiao Sanhuai didn't know Shengge's notoriety in the world, but he just regarded Shengge as a lifesaver.

returning a Favour many times more.

Not to mention that the disabled old man in front of him is still a lifesaver.

Although he was an ordinary mountain dweller, he could vaguely imagine what kind of uproar would be caused in Jianghu when the person who had the same eyes as Qiao Feng killed their couple.

Everyone would only think that Qiao Feng killed the couple.

Originally, Qiao Feng was in a difficult situation after his life was revealed. If Qiao Feng was framed and blamed to kill the couple again, Qiao Feng would be expelled from the Central Plains martial arts and become a character that everyone shouts and beats.

Qiao Feng was his child, how could he bear to see the child he raised with his own hands fall into such a situation.

Therefore, the disabled old man in front of him is not only a savior to their husband and wife, but also a kindness to Qiao Feng for rebuilding.

It's just a few jars of wine, even if the benefactor wants his life, he will give it.


Shengge's eyes were bright.

Qiao Sanhuai is still cute, not as stingy as Qiao Feng, who stopped her with a jar of wine.


Qiao Sanhuai nodded, took the initiative to dig out the wine and handed it to Shengge.

Sheng Ge didn't shy away from it, and directly put the wine in the space.

Qiao Feng has a forthright personality, and he will never do anything to repay his kindness. As for the Qiao family, they are even more honest and honest.

Qiao Feng: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

The Joes: (#Д)
Were they dazzled just now?
"I didn't expect you to be stronger than I imagined."

Qiao Feng only thought it was a mysterious and undisclosed technique practiced by Sheng Ge, but in the eyes of the elders of the Qiao family, it was regarded as a miracle.

Qiao Feng chuckled, what is South Murong and North Qiao Feng? Ask yourself, he has no chance of winning against Duan Yanqing.

Jiang Hu really underestimated Duan Yanqing.

So, when he fought Duan Yanqing back then, Duan Yanqing let go?
"Oh, it's good to know."

"Invincible is really lonely."

Shengge really wanted to pretend to be a gentleman, put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and created a feeling of being too cold at a high place.

But who told her to be a cripple? A cripple has to use a cane...

So, the pretending failed again.

Qiao Feng's head was full of black lines, this Duan Yanqing really refreshed his cognition.

"Qiao Feng."

"For the sake of so many jars of wine, I will answer your question just now."

"The one who died was indeed Yun Zhonghe."

"Don't you know that Yun Zhonghe's kung fu was abolished by me personally?"

The moment she abolished Yun Zhonghe's martial arts, Yun Zhonghe's fate was doomed.


Among the four villains, Yun Zhonghe was the one she hated the most.

Hacked to death?

Such an end complemented Yun Zhonghe's.

Having ruined so many women and stained with their blood, he deserved to die in the most tragic way.

Qiao Feng was terrified and looked at Shengge in disbelief.

It turned out that Duan Yanqing personally abolished Yun Zhonghe's kung fu?

That's right, only Duan Yanqing abandoned Yun Zhonghe, others dared to do it, but I didn't expect Duan Yanqing to be so decisive.


Qiao Feng has never been a person who keeps doubts in his heart.

"I am old and disabled and doomed to die alone. I am jealous."

"Don't you know that jealous people are the scariest?"

"So, this seat has abolished Yun Zhonghe."

"I wonder if this reason can satisfy Chief Qiao?"

"No, it should be the former gang leader..."

Sheng Ge replied nonchalantly, doing whatever he wanted more and more.


She is a widowed and lonely person, how can she bear Yun Zhonghe's lively and fragrant every day.

If the crane in the cloud is not dead, who will die?


Qiao Feng didn't know what to say.

This is not like the words of a big villain full of evil, it is clearly the little hooligans he has seen before.

Duan Yanqing, you are worthy of your name like this.

"As for Erniang Ye..."

"Don't worry, it's not time yet."

Shengge smiled, but the coldness in his eyes did not leave the toast.

Children, women, are vulnerable groups at any time.

She thinks that Ye Erniang's tragedy is due to others, so she gives Ye Erniang a happy time, but the ending will not change.

Shengge didn't know if what she did was right, or if she was being paranoid.

But, she just couldn't get past this level in her heart.

Even if Ye Erniang vowed to be good, she still felt that she could not obliterate the countless babies who died in Ye Erniang's hands.

This is what is unforgivable.

Qiao Feng frowned, and remained silent for a long time until Sheng Ge left.

Is Duan Yanqing cleaning by himself?

The first one is the crane in the cloud?
what's next?

Erniang Ye?Or himself?



Sheng Ge who left Qiao's house did not leave Shaoshi Mountain, but found a hidden cave to stay.

With Father Qiao's wine, Shengge is more confident in healing his leg.

Shengge gritted her teeth, and reconnected the broken bones. No one knew how painful it was for her to break her own leg again and reconnect it again.

Duan Yanqing was seriously injured back then, and he was unable to heal at all, so his legs were completely deformed after they were broken.

Reconnecting now is tantamount to breaking bones, reconnecting them, and then slowly cultivating.

If it weren't for the continuous surge of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, Sheng Ge would probably pass out from the pain.

Shengge's head was covered in cold sweat, his face was pale, and his clothes were completely soaked, but after reconnecting the wrapped legs, he smiled silently.

When will she be able to do this to herself.

Obviously she is most afraid of pain.

As the worlds came one by one, what did she look like.


Finally, there is no need to be a cripple.

However, is she too impulsive...

It was only when Shengge's stomach was growling with hunger that she remembered that now that she couldn't move, she should find someone to serve her...

emmmmm, when she recovers to the point where she can barely walk, she might starve to death.




She should lie dead at Qiao Sanhuai's house, it's better than waiting to die in this wilderness.

The wine must be so delicious that it made her lose her mind...

Amidst Shengge's long sighs and short sighs, the rake she had hated so much jumped up and out of the cave bit by bit.


Does this mean that the husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when the disaster is imminent?

The ugly rake actually despised her too.

Woo woo woo.



Qiao's courtyard...

Qiao Feng, who was drinking tea with Father Qiao, heard the knock on the door, got up and opened the courtyard door, and saw a crutch standing on his own.

 Still want to break what the hell...

  Typing while working, so tired...

(End of this chapter)

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