Chapter 456 The Scholar's Wife Who Wants To Sober ([-])


Ten miles of red makeup, Jinse and Ming.

Not long after Duan Yu got married, Sheng Ge passed the throne to Duan Yu.

Being an emperor is such a labor-intensive task, it's really not suitable for a pretentious person like her.

Besides, she vaguely felt that she would not stay in this world for too long.


This is Duan Yanqing's wish.

Now, she has fulfilled Duan Yanqing's wish.

In Jianghu, the Four Great Evil Men are an old story, and few people mention it.

Even if someone mentioned Duan Yanqing again, the first thing that everyone would think of would be the world's number one expert.

And Chaotang...

She is the king of Dali Kingdom, and her name is justified.


Shengge felt that he could be narcissistic for a while, this task was accomplished wonderfully.

It seems to be over the limit, after all Duan Yanqing is no longer a big ugly with a broken leg.

After the wedding, Duan Yu became more mature, more aristocratic, and more like an orthodox king than her.

Shengge never revealed Duan Yu's identity from beginning to end, and it didn't make much difference whether his son recognized it or not.

Not father and son, but also master and apprentice.

Whether father and son are closer, or master and apprentice are closer, no one can make a clear conclusion.

There is really no need for her to add another romantic gossip to the Dali Kingdom, which is a topic of conversation after dinner.

In herself, after she ascended the throne, she made Duan Yu the crown prince without hesitation, and her refusal to be drafted attracted criticism.

If Duan Yu's real life experience is spread out again, it is still uncertain how others will arrange it.

Never underestimate the power of gossip, perhaps the entire royal family of Dali will be accused.

What is the secret that she and Dao Baifeng have to say...

What is the secret of her enthronement...

There is no need to doubt that the brains of the masses are huge.

She ran out to expose Duan Yu's life experience only when she was out of her mind.

As for Dao Baifeng, he loves his son eagerly, and he will not put his son in a dangerous situation.

After reconciling with Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yu became Dao Baifeng's only hope and reliance.

Shengge declined Duan Yu's request to keep her as the overlord in Dali, and was going to have dinner with A Zhu and Qiao Feng, and then tease the little cutie A Zhu gave birth to.

I haven't seen him for many years, and I don't know what happened to the child who looked like Amao in his eyebrows and eyes.

Sheng Ge would never admit that she missed Ah Zhu's skills a little.

Over the years, Ah Zhu's cooking skills must have become more exquisite.

Saying goodbye to Duan Yu, Sheng Ge went all the way to admire the flowers and scenery, taste the delicious food in the world, and by the way, act chivalrously and save the beauty.

Anyway, she is a bad old man now, and the hero who saves the beauty is not afraid of the beautiful young lady clinging to her.

You know that beautiful young ladies are also very picky, okay?

If you wear a coarse cloth and hold Butcher Hu's butcher's knife in your hand, and jump out to be a hero to save the beauty, you will definitely not have a good story about saving your life with your body.

In the same way, an old man with gray hair, unless he recognizes his daughter...

Shengge still has this self-knowledge.

Stopping and stopping, it has been more than half a year since Qiao Feng and A Zhu were found. The years have not brought vicissitudes to A Zhu, but they are more gentle and moving, just like the warm sun in early winter, people can't help being nostalgic .

Now A'Zhu and Qiao Feng have added a soft and soft little daughter.

Shengge couldn't tell what was in his mind when he saw that the child who looked like Amao had grown up and there was no sign of Amao anymore.

Not much.

It should be said that this is normal.

With so many worlds and such a long time, how could she be lucky enough to meet someone who looks like her.

That's it.

She and Amao have had a mother-child relationship for two lifetimes, so they should have been satisfied long ago.

Shengge smiled faintly, settled down at Ah Zhu's house with peace of mind, passed the life of a pigsty, and teased the little girl from time to time.

The soft, waxy, babbling little girl would always sweetly lie on Shengge's lap and bask in the sun with Shengge.

On such a peaceful day, Shengge suddenly had the idea that the years are quiet and beautiful, which should be the case.

While wandering around with a little girl on his back, Sheng Ge ran into Wang Yuyan, and the fairy sister who was not in the mood for fireworks back then also married into a woman.

Seeing the smile on Wang Yuyan's face and the peace in his eyes, Shengge knew that Wang Yuyan had accepted the man beside her who didn't look very good but loved her to the bone.

Wang Yuyan is knowledgeable about ancient and modern times, has a beautiful appearance, and the people she admires are like crucian carp crossing the river.

After leaving Murong Fu, Wang Yuyan became more and more gentle, her beauty was like jade like wine, her fragrance was mellow and sweet.

Murong Fu dismissed Wang Yuyan, so naturally someone would love her to the bone.

As for Murong Fu...

Sheng Ge didn't bother to inquire about it. It is said that she married a noble daughter from a noble family...



When Shengge was repeating her old-age life day after day, Yiyi, who raised her, finally showed her face.

Shengge felt that the existence of Yiyi had subverted her understanding of the system, and she really wanted to know what other systems looked like.

Is it possible that Chengdu is the same as Yiyi, the dragon sees the head but does not see the end, and is completely stocked?
Before leaving, Sheng Ge abolished her martial arts and did not suppress the hidden wounds in her body.

Among the four villains, she abolished Yun Zhonghe with her own hands, and Ye Erniang committed suicide to atone for her sins. How could Duan Yanqing be so proud and unparalleled for a long time?

Duan Yanqing's wish is fulfilled, everything is right, so shouldn't the sins of the past also be redeemed?



When Duan Yanqing came back, he found himself standing up, the scars on his face were barely visible, but also, he had no martial arts at all.

Sitting on the throne of Dali is his own son, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and the weather is good.

And he...

No worries, no worries, and no more regrets, it's time for atonement.




Shengge returned to her own world, and the stubborn and ugly rake became obedient again.

As long as Shengge wanted it, the rake could be turned into anything.

Shengge was very puzzled, did the rake need a beating?

When she wanted to make a big splash, the rake would be disobedient.


Is this because she is afraid that she will be too popular and become a heartthrob?

Shengge childishly turned the rake into a brick and threw it aside, then turned on the computer and replayed Tianlong Babu again.

oh so angry...

The obviously silly, sweet little brother Duan Yu has been transformed by her into a cute little man with the appearance of a wise king, and he is also a 24-filial husband.

And Sister Shenxian lived peacefully and smoothly...

The most important thing is that Duan Yanqing is obviously not a big ugly.

I don't know what kind of intention it is, Shengge didn't eat chicken, didn't play with pesticides, and didn't even read novels, but just patiently read the entire Tianlongbabu.

While watching, complaining, then watching angrily, then complaining...

Well, it seems that she just wanted to complain, by the way, recall the delicious food made by Miss A Zhu.

Others are pictures for reference only, the real thing is by no means as good as the picture.

But at Miss Azhu's place, the pictures are not as good as the real thing.

The delicious food with complete color, fragrance and taste made her nostalgic for it.

(End of this chapter)

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