Chapter 457 The Scholar's Wife Who Wants To Sober ([-])


Well, she prefers the look of the world killing all directions...

After watching the entire Tianlongbabu Shengge, I also complained all night, and then let out a long sigh of relief, feeling good.

Sure enough, complaining can make people feel happy.

"Yiyi, can I be a girl in the next world..."

When she was in a good mood, Sheng Ge instantly healed her scars and forgot about the pain. She didn't remember tossing her pee one by one, and she started to get flustered.


"It's not impossible."

"As a cosmic invincible beauty system, your wish will naturally be fulfilled."

Said one by one calmly.

Shengge suddenly returned rationally, this is really not like Yiyi's style of painting, could it be that Yiyi has dug a hole again and is waiting for her?

I don't know if it's too late to regret it now.

"Shengge, I see that your mission is over, and you are in a happy mood without any burdens. Why don't we pursue the victory and strike while the iron is hot."

The voice that was originally plain and straightforward suddenly became cheap.

Shengge hadn't figured out what Yiyi's words meant, and was pushed directly into a new world...

Shengge said that he refused...


She hasn't reported her mother's safety yet, and she hasn't had a weekly meal and shopping with her mother.

If she disappeared suddenly, would my mother die in a hurry?

The spicy chicken system ruined my life.

Yiyi seemed to have heard Shengge's heartfelt voice, and then quietly said, "How could such a thing happen as an invincible beauty system in the universe?"

"Your mother-in-law will only think that you are fooling around with wild men..."

Shengge: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

I really didn't expect you to be such a shameless system.

The little fairy was about to turn into a pig.

As a single dog who has been single for thousands of years, she has the reputation of fooling around with wild men. She is even more wronged than Dou E.



It's better to let her mother go missing.

Negative Ratings.

"So it turns out that Dou E is what you're thinking of."

"It's a pity that the mission world has already been selected this time, and a sudden change may be risky."

"However, you don't need to worry, as long as you are willing, you will be Dou E in the next world."

Shengge: "...".

MMP, this system is retarded, when did she say she wanted to be Dou E?

This incident proves that people can't talk nonsense, maybe there will be a hot chicken system standing behind you secretly trying to arrange for you to die...

She is an example.

Shengge had completely lost the mood to talk to the spicy chicken system one by one.

Anyway, it has already been thrown into the mission world. Instead of wrangling these verbal disputes with the spicy chicken system, it is better to make a good show in the mission world. Even if you have to fight, you can still go to others.



Walking too wavy will flash your waist: Is the gap a bit big...

Lingling Seven Strings: I thought it was a king, but I didn't expect it to be a bronze...

Lang Jiujiu: Well, the anchor is also a person who has experienced a lot of troubles, but why can't he be more eye-catching.

Beicheng Nansheng: I actually became a fan of an anchor with unique taste. I think the position of black fan is more suitable for me.

Shengge inadvertently glanced at the sporadic bullet screens drifting by in the live broadcast room, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.


She has become a bronze from the king. Thinking about this description, you know how miserable she is now.



A real hero dares to face the bleak life, let alone a man who has been a king...

Bah, she is obviously a little fairy.

Shengge did countless mental construction, then opened his eyes, and almost cried out.

A hero can face a bleak life, but he doesn't want to face a life of nothingness.

As a hero, he eats meat and drinks heavily.

Is she going to be reduced to a poor man who starved himself to death like Kong Yiji again?
The baby is in denial.

The only difference is that she is a woman now, an old woman it seems.

Shengge looked at his wrinkled hands, which were full of calluses, which looked like they were overworked.

And the house is just a mud room, Shengge is really afraid that if there is a heavy rain, she will have to sleep on the street.

The same old man, why is this woman not as good as Hu Butcher.

Through the small window, Shengge moaned and sighed continuously, then resignedly closed the door and began to accept the plot.

Since you can't resist, learn to enjoy it.

This is still a world of scholars and outsiders, but she is no longer a butcher Hu, and she probably won't meet that lovely little son-in-law Fan Jin.

Even if they both belong to scholars, they are no longer in the same world.

The plot is simple, but also very sad.

Wang Yuhui...

However, she is not Wang Yuhui, but Wang Yuhui's wife who doesn't even have a name.

The original owner and Wang Yuhui have one son and four daughters. The eldest daughter is already at home, while the other daughters have just left the cabinet.

The main plot of this live broadcast world revolves around Wang Yuhui's daughter, Miss Wang San.

Wang Yuhui was a poor scholar, he couldn't pass the imperial examination, and he couldn't earn money. He just had some sour ambitions. However, Miss Wang San's husband died of a serious illness, and Miss Wang San wanted to starve to death with all her heart.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law persuaded him, but it didn't work, so Wang Yuhui was invited.

But instead of persuading Wang Yuhui, he weighed the pros and cons with confidence and replied, "Dear family, I think about it carefully, my little girl is really going to die, so let him do it. Since ancient times, it's hard to keep one's heart away."

Then he generously encouraged the third daughter who had just lost her husband, "My son, since you are like this, this is a famous thing in history, should I stop you? You did it like this. I will go home today and call you Mother came to say goodbye to you."

Ever since Wang Yuhui heard that his third daughter was going to die of starvation and martyrdom, there was no word of persuasion.

Instead, she pretended not to hear her daughter's words, "My eldest sister is dead and her husband is at home tired of my father's support. Now that my husband is dead, do I still have to be raised by my father? My father is a poor man who can't support so many daughters."

The ants are still alive, but Miss Wang San's age is as beautiful as a flower, if it is not out of helplessness, how can she have the thought of martyrdom.

She knew that it would be unfair for her to stay in her in-law's house without a son after her husband died.

And when he returned home, he would definitely not be able to live on, so it would be better to simply die and get a clear name for his father.

Wang Yuhui obviously also thought of this point. He studied hard all his life and was just a scholar who couldn't gain fame. Now that his daughter's death can earn him a reputation as a celebrity, why not do it.

And just like that, this extremely ridiculous thing happened.

Miss Wang San starved for eight full days before she died. Wang Yuhui looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and said a few words, "It's a good death, a good death."

The original owner has never been able to understand the absurd behavior of her husband and daughter, and has always been brooding.

(End of this chapter)

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