Chapter 458 The Scholar's Wife Who Wants To Sober ([-])


The original owner couldn't figure it out, is a clear name after death really that important?

Her own daughter was stubborn and stupid, and her husband was twisted and stubborn and wanted a name.

The original owner's wish was to let the whole family take a sober look.

The plot is very simple, so Shengge quickly finished receiving it.

As a foodie and a little fairy who loves meat, Shengge really can't understand what the person who hunger strikes and commits suicide to fight for an archway thinks.


Is it bad to live?
If the married husband dies, don't they all live?
Sheng Ge said that he seemed unable to accept this kind of brain circuit.

Shengge briefly explained the plot of the live broadcast world to the glass bastards in the live broadcast room. She needed the glass bastards to share their hatred with her and make good complaints.

Such a scumbag...

Sheng Ge didn't know how to describe such a stupid daughter.



Lingling Qixianshang: There is no need for the anchor to be so angry. Aren't most literati in this world twisted and hideous?It is hard to pursue fame and fame, but since there is an extra opportunity to earn fame, Wang Yuhui naturally has to seize it.

Dimly lit place: If the anchor hadn't changed Fan Jin's young son-in-law, Fan Jin might have been ridiculous, but Fan Jin was much luckier than Wang Yuhui, at least Fan Jinzhong had been elected as an official.And Wang Yuhui was a poor scholar all his life.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Don't make complaints about the anchor, let's go.If you can't wake up with one rake, then two rakes...

Shengge: ╮(╯_╰)╭

Well, she forgot about raking this time.

She has completely despaired of the awkward rake from time to time, so she doesn't force it.

Shengge looked at the rake beside the bed and sighed long.

In a word, just do it.

Shengge opened the small rickety broken door, looked at the dilapidated courtyard and didn't know what to say.

In the small dilapidated courtyard, there is a small but exceptionally clean and tidy room, which is Wang Yuhui's study.

I don't know if it's because the more you fail the exam, the more persistent you become. Wang Yuhui is obsessed with studying, and he will be a scholar at the end of his life.

If he failed the exam, he thought about compiling and explaining some books, thinking about being famous through the ages.

Books of rites, records, and township agreements.

Haha, it’s nothing to do with Nong Sang, in this era where the male master is outside the house and the female master is inside, as the male master, he doesn’t know how to support his family, but he is so obsessed with illusory things that his mind is distorted.

It's not that it's wrong to have high aspirations and want to be famous in history, but like Wang Yuhui, he doesn't care about his family's life and death, and even wants to rely on his daughter's death to earn his own name.

Such a man deserves a beating.

Now the plot has just begun, and the husband of Miss Wang San, who committed suicide, is seriously ill and still alive, and Miss Wang San did not catch up with the hunger strike.


Widowed and widowed at home, Miss Wang looked at the menacing Shengge and yelled timidly.

Married daughters, spilled water.

She was married, but after losing her husband, she returned to live in her mother's house with a shy face, relying on her parents for food and drink, it was really hard for her to be confident.

Shengge looked at Miss Wang, who was weak and yellow-faced, she was obviously malnourished, she was skinny and skinny.

Miss Wang doesn't have the kind mother-in-law and father-in-law like Miss Wang San. Miss Wang's husband was newly deceased, and her mother-in-law kicked Miss Wang out without giving her a chance to react.

Its good name is to return its freedom.

I don't even think about what freedom is in this era that is harsh on women.

In the eyes of the vast majority of women, caring for a husband and raising children is the greatest value and only pursuit in their life.

Miss Wang was kicked out of her husband's house and had nowhere to go but to return to her mother's house.

"Danny, where's your father?"

Shengge really wanted to meet Wang Yuhui in the story, and see what kind of honor it was to encourage his own daughter to starve to death.

There are wonderful things every year, and there are so many in this world.

Shengge felt that she wanted to complain about every world.

"Mother, Daddy has gone to visit Mr. Yu Da, the new tutor of Huizhou's school."

Miss Wang lowered her head and replied in a low voice.

Such an appearance made Shengge a little unhappy. Did she abuse Miss Wang?Could it be that she looks like a stepmother?

"Look up and talk."

Shengge shouted coldly.

It used to be No.1 in the world, so it goes without saying.

Miss Wang shuddered, then her legs went limp and she collapsed on the ground.

Shengge: ()
The glass bastards in the live broadcast room: ~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

The glass bastards in the live broadcast room were very happy to watch, so they almost performed a seaweed dance to express their approval.

Walking too sloppy will flash your waist: the original owner's eldest daughter was so frightened that her legs were weak when she first came, and the anchor is unprecedented.

Lotus Fairy: Anchor, your cheap eldest daughter is not a long-lived woman. With depression in her heart and malnutrition, she will only live for three to five years.

I'm a magic stick: Miss Lianhua, how can you come to snatch the voice of the magic stick, pinch your fingers, shouldn't this kind of thing be exclusive to the magic stick?
Lotus Fairy: This fairy is the basis for seeing, hearing, asking, and treating diseases.

Host: Shut up (*≧|≦*)
As soon as Sheng Ge's blustery spirit was released, he said in a menacing manner.

She is number one in the world, she has the final say, and everything else is just a small one.

Anyway, Yedi, who spends a lot of money, can't retreat, and the mysterious unknown person has never been online again, so she is unequivocal about people.

Not a sign of longevity...


Why does it feel that Wang Yuhui's family is so unlucky, but Wang Yuhui's indifferent and twisted father has a long life.

Looking at the husbands married by these daughters, the eldest girl has been a widow for a long time, the third girl is about to become a widow, and the husband married by the second girl does not seem to be strong and strong.

Shengge was very skeptical about how the original owner and Wang Yuhui chose their son-in-law.

Even if you are blind and pointing fingers, the worst is nothing more than that.

Miss Wang, who was sitting slumped on the ground, had red eyes. She was already skinny and sallow, but now she was shivering in fear, making her look even more pitiful.

This is not the white lotus pretending to be pitiful and pitiful, but genuine fear.

For women in this era, their husbands are the sky, and when their husbands die, the sky will collapse, and they will be helpless, like duckweed without roots, where the wind blows, and there is no awareness and ability to resist.

Especially in the family there is a father who always thinks about fame and never allows remarriage.

When Ms. Wang lost her husband, she was not very old. She was in her young age and her fertility was still there. It is not impossible to marry a hard-working and simple farmer Han weaving and farming in peace and joy.

Who can say that the days of weaving and farming are not a kind of happiness.

But Wang Yuhui was stubborn, and insisted on his identity as a scholar. He felt that the dealer was a mud leg, and dealing with those people was a self-willed depravity.

(End of this chapter)

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