Chapter 459


Therefore, the sons-in-law Wang Yuhui chooses are usually those who can say a few words, but they really have no real skills.

Wang Yuhui thinks he is noble, and he doesn't think about how a person who has no food for three meals has the right to despise a self-sufficient farmer.

There is nothing to be ashamed of when people do their own food and clothing.


"Da Ni, has mother ever abused you?"

Sheng Ge didn't bend down to help Miss Wang, but continued to speak condescendingly.

From the plot, she knew that the original owner was not cruel.

Although the original owner was more partial to the only son, he definitely did not abuse his daughter.

Otherwise, I would not have heard that Miss Wang was so anxious after she was about to starve to death, and her body also collapsed after the death of Miss Wang.

Miss Wang didn't know why, her eyes were red, and she was quite dazed.

Why would mother ask such a question?


Miss Wang's voice was full of tears, such a majestic mother was unfamiliar to her.

Could it be that mother can't tolerate her, but she really has nowhere to go.

"Mother treats her daughter very well. The family often lacks food and clothing, but as long as there is a bite to eat, mother will let her daughter and younger brother eat first."

Miss Wang said sincerely.

She knows better than anyone that the most difficult thing in this family is not her, but the mother.

Mother is not young anymore, not only has to manage the family's livelihood, but also has to be responsible for the movement of relatives in the neighborhood.

My father devoted all his attention to the imperial examinations, even if he hit a wall every year, he never looked back.

Don't ask about food and clothing, don't ask about money, father is like a passerby who never cares about family affairs.

It seems that except for the book in his hand, everything in the world is ordinary.

She doesn't know what other scholars look like, but if scholars ignore their wives and children like this, then she hates scholars.

Other people's families are getting more and more prosperous, but theirs is becoming more and more dilapidated and desolate.

Mother's hard work, she can see it in her eyes.

"Since that's the case, why are you so afraid of me?"

Shengge asked next.

She felt that this mission world had a long way to go, and it was not just for Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang to wake up as the original owner said.

Is it possible to watch this family starve to death?

Besides, she is a foodie, and she really can't stand the four walls.

"My daughter just feels sorry for my mother. My daughter is useless. Instead of being filial to my mother, she is a drag on you."

"My daughter has a guilty conscience."

Miss Wang's tears fell down.

Every time she ate a meal in this family, she felt uneasy, her brother was right, since the moment she got married, she was no longer from the Wang family.

But now she is eating the food of the Wang family, wearing the clothes of the Wang family, and spending the money of the Wang family. How can she stand upright and straighten her back.

Shengge frowned, feeling a little helpless, not knowing how to persuade Miss Wang.

She trusts the diagnosis of Lotus Fairy very much, stagnation in the heart, malnutrition, not a sign of longevity.

Now that she has become Wang Yuhui's wife, she has become a cheap mother again, so white-haired people can't give black-haired people away.

She likes weddings, not funerals.

"But someone chewed their tongue in front of you?" Sheng Ge asked firmly.

The youngest son of the original owner seemed to be well-behaved and sensible when he was young, but as he got older and reached the age where he could talk about marriage, his temper became more and more tricky and his mouth became more and more poisonous.

Neighborhood gossip eventually affected the relationship between siblings.

"Mother, that's the truth. It's true that the daughter is useless and drags down the family."

"If it wasn't for my daughter's burden, not only can't honor my mother's family, but also depend on my mother's family for food, clothing and housing, how could it be difficult for my younger brother to get married so far."

The education Miss Wang received since she was a child was that everything in the Wang family belongs to her younger brother, and only men can inherit the incense. The three of them are just water that will be thrown out sooner or later, and her younger brother is the only heir to the Wang family.

"What does his failure to get married have anything to do with you?"

"His surname is Wang, and you are also surnamed Wang. They are both members of the Wang family. You live in the Wang family, and your name is justified."

Water splashed by a married daughter?
emmmmm, is blood relationship really so shallow?

"He's useless himself, so he can't blame others."

"There are many poor people in this village, but why can others marry wives and have children and live a prosperous life, but why can't he get married again and again, and no girl is willing to marry him?"

"If a girl refuses, it may be the girl's problem."

"But there are no normal girls in these ten miles and eight villages who agree, so it is definitely his own problem."

"I can't lift my hands, I can't resist my shoulders, but I'm still pretentious and arty, and I can't get rid of the family's troubles, and I still have to be a good four treasures of the study."

It may be that the plot really made Shengge feel aggrieved, so Shengge, who finally had a chance to speak, found it difficult to stop once he opened his mouth.

MMP, this family is all wonderful.

As a little fairy, she really couldn't understand the thoughts of vulgar mortals.

Such a home, isn't it necessary to be sober?
I'm sorry, she's simple and rude, and she can't imitate Confucius' way of persuading people with reason. She can hate people and beat people, but she just can't reason.

Miss Wang's eyes widened. Is it really her mother who despises her younger brother like this?
Although my mother would be dissatisfied with my younger brother's behavior on weekdays, whoever let my father dote on my younger brother always said from time to time that this is the character of a literati, so even if my mother is dissatisfied, she just sighs in private, and has never said it so bluntly.

If the younger brother hears what mother said just now, he is afraid that there will be another disturbance.

"Don't talk about others. If it was my own daughter, I would not marry my daughter to someone like her."

Sheng Ge added something that was still unfinished.

She is a little fairy, not a bitter woman.

It would be better to release the anger and aggrievedness in my heart at once, otherwise what would happen if the little fairy turned into a balloon.

People who are always angry and dissatisfied grow old quickly.

Miss Wang: "...".

How should she answer my mother's words, or else pretend that she didn't hear it.

Aren't they talking about treating her well just now? Why did they suddenly turn into denouncing her younger brother?

Miss Wang held her heart high, obediently waiting for Shengge's next words.

"However, you are indeed right in saying that you are indeed useless."

Shengge said frankly.

She won't be partial to and beautify the other party with all her heart against her conscience just because Miss Wang is pitiful.

Useless is useless.

What happened to the widow?Could it be that they can only eat and wait to die?

There are a lot of widows in the world, but not every widow is as miserable as Miss Wang.

What kind of life to live, only you can decide.

"Knowing that your family is poor, and you often have nothing to eat, you also feel guilty. You want to be filial to your parents, but filial piety is not just talking."

"It's better not to say something if you only say a few words of guilt and guilt, but do nothing to change the situation."

"I listened to worry."


  It feels like I'm taking an ideological education class...

  Carry forward the main theme.

(End of this chapter)

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