Chapter 460 The Scholar's Wife Who Wants To Sober ([-])


Talking but not doing is even more annoying.

"What do you really care about?"

"You lost your husband at a young age, you live in your mother's house, you don't have enough to eat, and you don't have enough clothes to cover your body. Do you still care about the unwarranted reputation of a widow?"

"Your father is stubborn, he always emphasizes fame and integrity, don't you?"

"To put it bluntly, even if you want to keep the festival, but you have been kicked out by your husband's family, for whom do you keep the festival?"

"You are crying and crying, and the misery shows that you are useless."

"Your surname is Wang. There is nothing wrong with living in the Wang family after you lose your husband, but it's your fault if you continue to let your parents take care of you."

Sheng Ge looked at the poor Miss Wang who was crying and was speechless.

The more you look at her, the more she looks like a vicious stepmother.


Is she my real mother?

"do not Cry."

"It's time for you to think about how to make money for a living instead of crying."

Shengge sighed, bent down and reached out to help Miss Wang.

Could it be that women in this era are really made of water? It's like it's going to rain heavily when they cry.

Miss Wang looked at Shengge timidly, her mind was in a mess.

She didn't hold back her tears. Ever since she lost her husband and was driven back, she was careful everywhere, and she had never cried like this before.

Holding it in my heart, I feel like I am carrying a weight forward all the time.

Now whether she is crying because of fear, or to take the opportunity to vent the grievances accumulated in her heart for several years, only she knows.

"Mother, my daughter knows she's wrong."

Years of hardships have made Ms. Wang's mind extraordinarily mature, and she is extraordinarily clear-headed about the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

She knew that mother did not dislike her daughter in her heart. Although mother's words were a bit sharp, she was not sincerely thinking about her.

If she does not stand up on her own, cannot be self-sufficient, and then honors her parents and treats her parents a hundred years later, and her younger brother marries a wife, the Wang family will no longer be a Wang family.

Even though her surname is Wang, and she is a family connected by her younger brother's blood, she still does not have the right to set foot in the small courtyard of the Wang family.

"But, mother, what should my daughter do?"

She is determined to change her current situation, but she doesn't know what to do.

Years of education had made her completely lose the ability to survive. Before marriage, she relied on her parents, and after marriage, she relied on her husband.

Her husband died early, so she had to go back to her natal family and rely on her parents again.

But what the mother said let her know that only relying on herself is the most righteous and confident, no need to be frightened, no need to be worried, you can live with your head held high, and you can honor your mother.

Being filial to parents is a matter of course, but instead of helping them reduce their burden, she made it even more difficult for mother to live at home.

His brother's indifferent and harsh words, and his father's suspicious eyes made his mother sandwiched between them and suffered a lot of grievances.

She could see clearly that she was actually not welcome in this family.

Father regards younger brother as hope, likes what younger brother likes, hates what younger brother hates, even though they had a father-daughter relationship, sibling friendship, but in the daily dislike and quarrels, the former blood relationship has long been wiped out .

"How to do?"

Shengge was also a little worried.

Now that she is hungry, she is dizzy from hunger, and she can't think of any way out of her mind except to piss people off.

Even if you want to find a way, you have to eat and wear warm clothes.

Things like the brain need to be pampered.

"I'll think about what to do later."

"Wash up, mother will take you into the city."

Sheng Ge patted Miss Wang on the shoulder proudly, and said with a smile.

Shengge's mood improved a lot when he thought that he would be able to eat delicious food soon.

into town?

Miss Wang blinked her eyes, very puzzled.

His father told him since he was a child that women are supposed to stay out of the house, and if they show their faces in public, it would be immoral.

A woman's lack of talent is virtue. From childhood to adulthood, the farthest distance she has traveled is from her mother's house to her husband's house.

Not to mention she is now a widow.

When mentioning the status of a widow, Miss Wang couldn't help feeling sad.

There is a lot of gossip in front of the widow's house. Ever since she was a widow in her mother's house, even though she never went out, there were still endless rumors.

Countless things were said vividly, with nose and eyes, as if she was really such a shameless person.

But father and younger brother took it seriously, and even the second sister asked her to reflect on herself when she came back, so as not to implicate them.

"Mom, can I?"

Miss Wang looked at Shengge in disbelief, the light in her eyes seemed to burn people's hearts.

Shengge's heart was slightly sour, what had happened to make Miss Wang so flattered, but it was just going to the city.

Is it true that returning home after getting married is really the water that was poured out, and it is difficult to recover after being overwhelmed?

To be honest, Sheng Ge didn't hate Miss Wang.

Although Miss Wang's character is weak and a little stupid, she was taught to go astray by her father who was obsessed with failing the imperial examinations since she was a child, but her nature can be regarded as pure and kind.

Among the members of the Wang family, Sheng Ge had the least dislike for Miss Wang.

Wang Yuhui...

Shengge just wanted to say that he deserved a beating.

The third girl who was looking for death and life to be martyred, Sheng Ge was even more haha.

Second girl...

In the story, there is very little attention to the second girl, but it does not prevent Shengge from letting Shengge know that the second girl is a heartless person who forgets her mother's family when she has her husband's family.

Others have wives and forget their mothers, but when they come to her, they have a husband and forget their homes.

Comparing it like this, Miss Wang is more pleasing to the eye.

"It's possible."

"However, you can't enter the city in such a state, my mother thinks it's embarrassing."

Shengge quickly entered the role, isn't she just a mother?The first time is born and the second time is familiar, she is now practice makes perfect.

Although this time the children are a little cheaper.

Under Sheng Ge's urging, Miss Wang changed into clean clothes, but she still looked a little tight, but Sheng Ge didn't make things difficult anymore.

In the entire Wang family, perhaps only Wang Yuhui's precious son can make a new dress for the holidays.

Shengge rummaged through the box to find out the copper coins and silver that the original owner had secretly saved over the years to prevent catastrophe. Holding a rake in one hand and Miss Wang's sleeve in the other, she hired a bullock cart and walked slowly towards the city.

If you don't consider your livelihood and those bad things, this small village can be regarded as a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Shengge was very skeptical. In such a place full of treasures, why did the Wang family live in such a miserable situation, and it was getting worse every year.

There are mountains and water here, hunting, fishing and farming, as long as you are willing to put in the effort, you can have enough food and clothing.

But it happened that the Wang family was an outlier.

If there is an item of evaluating advanced civilized cities in this era, the Wang family must be the one firmly holding back.

The royal family's population is not considered prosperous, but it is not considered thin, but life is just embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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