Chapter 463 The Talented Wife Who Wants to Sober ([-])


"Dani, one mouthful of tears, one mouthful of meat, could it be that this is a new way of eating?"

Shengge asked eagerly for knowledge.


Inexplicably feel a little nauseous.

Miss Wang choked, her eyes widened, she looked at Sheng Ge foolishly, and then began to hiccup uncontrollably.

Shengge's black face, if Miss Wang choked to death eating chicken legs, whose fault is it?

The chicken leg was handed over by her, and Miss Wang also choked and hiccupped after listening to her words...

It seems that if Miss Wang is really dead, she can't escape the murder charge.

Shengge's thoughts began to diverge uncontrollably, but he forgot to hand Miss Wang a glass of water.

Miss Wang poured a few glasses of water before she stopped hiccupping, and then sadly found that she was full...



The first meal the mother and daughter ate in the city was in a variety of situations, which made people watch a lot of excitement.

"Run, or wait to be beaten?"

Sheng Ge asked mysteriously.


Miss Wang looked at her frail and skinny body, and thought about the possible consequences of unsuccessful escape, Miss Wang firmly shook her head.

Those waiters in the shop were all agile, and she couldn't match them.

"Mother, run away and leave me alone."

Mother has been doing housework for many years. Although she is old, her legs and feet are quite agile, unlike her who has been sick all the time after being hit.

Shengge: "..."

#daughter is always so impartial, what to do, ask online. #
However, it is really difficult for Miss Wang to escape with her body.

Does this count as self-knowledge?

"Little two."

Shengge shouted at the top of his voice.

"Guest officer, do you want to pay the bill?"

The waiter had a towel on his shoulders and a smile on his face.

"Can you not end?"

Shengge asked subconsciously.

The smile on the waiter's face froze for a moment, the guest officer who was looking at the vicissitudes of life was actually here to make trouble.

However, who let customers be their parents.

"Guest officer, if you don't have enough cash with you, you can tell the location of the small mansion, and the shopkeeper will send someone to pick it up."

The waiter answered honestly.

It is true that the restaurant does not need to pay the bill, but only those noble officials can eat the overlord meal.

"Does the village also take care of it?"

Hearing that there was no need to pay off debts with work, and no need to be beaten, Shengge's mind instantly brightened.

A dead fellow is not a poor fellow, this is Shengge's principle of doing things.

Although the Wang family is poor and has no money, the decorations of Wang Yuhui and that cheap son over the years can still pay off some debts.

No matter how difficult the Wang family's life, they never wronged that cheap son.

Isn't it just the price of a meal? Cheap son's inkstone, fan, and jade crown are always worth some money.

Don't you think it's ironic to wear a jade crown when you're so hungry that you don't even have any rice in the pot?
The waiter suddenly looked up at Shengge, then nodded stiffly.

He thought it was a wealthy woman with a small fortune. After all, he ordered dishes as he wanted regardless of the price, but he didn't expect to be mistaken.

"That's good."

Shengge breathed a sigh of relief, and then reported the location all at once.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find any money, you can move things."

Shengge kindly reminded.

After all, it will take time and energy for the waiter in the shop to travel long distances and go to a remote village, so he can't let him go for nothing.

The corner of the waiter's mouth twitched, what kind of mental retardation is this customer in front of him?

moving things...

The shop boy had an ominous premonition.

This guest officer who orders dishes generously can't be a poor guy.

So poor that I can't even pay for a meal...

Miss Wang, who watched the whole process, felt that today's mother's words and deeds refreshed her cognition, as if it opened up a new world for her.

It turns out that this is also possible.

But if my younger brother and father knew about it, I'm afraid they would be angry and yell at him.

The only valuable things in the house are the supplies bought by my younger brother and father.



After the waiter left, Sheng Ge sat leisurely by the window, drinking tea leisurely, with a shameless look.

Anyway, they owe a lot of debt, and there is still a pot of tea and a plate of snacks short.

Sheng Ge is this kind of bachelor thinking.

The shopkeeper at the side looked at Sheng Ge's leisurely appearance, humming a little tune with Erlang's legs crossed, and was quite speechless.

I've never seen someone who was held here on credit with such arrogance.

I'm afraid there is a mine at home.

A normal person should be like that skinny woman, restless and afraid to raise her head with a guilty conscience.

"Mother, what if Daddy drives you and me out of the Wang family?"

After much deliberation, Wang Dani still asked this question.

Father has always paid attention to reputation, always emphasizing that family ugliness should not be publicized, and don't fall into his status as a scholar.

Now that she and her mother were detained in a restaurant after having the Overlord's meal, and the waiter in the shop swaggered to collect the debts, now everyone in the village would know what she and her mother were doing.

With father's temperament, he might really drive her and mother out in a fit of rage.

Hearing this, Sheng Ge raised her eyebrows, her little cute daughter is really naive and terrifying.

How could Wang Yuhui, who was used to clothes, hands and food, open his mouth and never worry about family affairs, be willing to drive out the original owner who was taken advantage of by him.

Without the original owner, who will farm, who will weave, who will wash and cook, who will deal with the world...

Without the original owner, Wang Yuhui would starve to death sooner or later.

"Send me away?"

"I didn't violate any of the seven rules. The entire Wang family is supported by me alone. Could it be that he really dares to divorce his wife?"

"But even if it is destined to break up, it should be my divorce."

"Danny, the first thing my mother wants to teach you is that women never rely on men, and the so-called sense of security does not depend on others."

Considering not to be too personable, Sheng Ge added slowly, "Dani, I share weal and woe with your father. Not only did I never dislike him for not being able to support the family, but I also tried my best to manage the family's livelihood."

"If your father really divorced his wife because mother ate a king's meal, it can only mean that mother's painstaking efforts over the years have been fed to the dogs."

The suspicion in Miss Wang's eyes gradually dissipated, and she knew that what mother said was true.

Without a mother, the family would have been broken up long ago.

"Dani, you don't have to blame yourself, and you don't need to blame others."

"Life and death are fateful. What Kefu said is pure fiction. You are my mother's daughter. If you are really hard-nosed, can my mother live without illness and pain?"

"You are useless, why not your mother."

"You can't be filial to your mother, and your mother can't protect you. You are my mother's first child, how can my mother not feel bad?"

Sheng Ge, who was a master of drama, immediately began to display his superb acting skills like a movie queen.

She is facing a person who is much older than the real her, and she really can't give birth to any mother-daughter relationship.

She is a little fairy, not an old aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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