Chapter 464 The Scholar's Wife Who Wants To Sober ([-])



Hard life...

Miss Wang lowered her head as she thought about the gossip and gossip over the years.

Since she lost her husband at a young age, these rumors have always been lingering in her ears, and over time she has silently believed them.

Speaking of which, she was rarely treated kindly.

"Da Ni, Mother will try her best to protect you, but you have to stand up by yourself."

If Miss Wang can't stand up on her own, then even if she does too much, she won't be able to change Miss Wang's situation.

Miss Wang was silent.

Can she still change?
Over the years, she has been curled up like a snail in her shell, afraid to think and face everything outside.

The ridicule of others, the pointing and pointing of others, and her inner torture.

The silence spread every minute and every second, and Sheng Ge was not in a hurry, calling for Xiao Er to bring another pot of tea.



The Wang family is in chaos at the moment, unlike Shengge's place where they are at ease.

Wang Yuhui panicked, wanting to protect those treasures that he had cherished for many years, but he was powerless.

His ignorant wife who would not resist at all dared to eat the overlord's meal, and blatantly used his son's things to pay off the debt.

"You can't move."

Wang Yuhui's heart was bleeding when he watched a little bit of his collection for many years being moved out of the study and then put on the carriage.

"Why can't we move?"

The shop waiter was not in a good mood either. Although he had a premonition in his heart, he really didn't expect that the woman who ordered a meal would be so embarrassed.

What look?
To marry such an irresponsible man.

Along the way, he also heard many stories about the Wang family. The whole family, including husband, son and daughter, were all supported by an elderly woman.


"Are you going to divorce your wife?"

"Wang Xiucai, you have been supported by your wife for many years, and you don't touch vulgar things. Now you want to divorce your wife for a meal, won't your conscience hurt?"

The waiter looked at the gradually gathering crowd around him, and raised his voice.

Wang Yuhui's face was dark. Is his reputation of careful management for so many years going to collapse on this day?

He has obtained a good reputation for many years, and the only thing he can keep is this clear reputation. If his reputation is also ruined, how can he persist in his pride as a scholar.

My son's belongings were also taken away.

How can my son look up in front of his classmates?

As for divorce...

When he was angry just now, he did have the idea of ​​divorcing his wife, but it was only for a moment.

It's not just the reputation, but more because the family still needs the hard work of the wife.

"I have been in trouble with Jiannei for many years, how could I divorce my wife because of a trivial matter."

"Is this something a scholar would do?"

Wang Yuhui waved his sleeves so proudly, rearranged his clothes and hair, and then sat silently by the side.

His heart was still bleeding, but he couldn't show it.

The waiter smiled contemptuously, and then moved all the valuable things of the Wang family away without hesitation.

It was regarded as a good deed, and the surplus was converted into cash and given to the old lady in the shop.



Shengge waited in the restaurant, and then found out that he was hungry again, and the waiter still didn't come back.


Could it be that Wang Yuhui and that cheap son suddenly rose up, vowed to protect those treasures to the death, and then tied up the waiter and killed them?

Does Wang Yuhui have the guts?

Shengge pouted.

Wait, wait, the waiter, who had returned with a full load, came back in a carriage, and after a while gave Shengge some broken silver.

Sheng Ge's face is inexplicable, is it possible to give money back after eating the Overlord's meal?

I saw the waiter in the shop scratching his head foolishly, and said with some embarrassment, "I accidentally took too much, so the shopkeeper folded the excess into cash and ordered me to hand it over to you."

Shengge was taken aback for a moment, then ecstatically.

I really didn't expect the waiter in this shop to be so good.

"Little cutie, the future is boundless."

Shengge patted the waiter on the shoulder, and silently put the broken silver into his purse.

In an instant, the waiter felt that he had realized something.

Maybe this woman is not as miserable as he thought.


Thinking that there was still some broken money, Sheng Ge took Miss Wang to the inn with a big wave of his hand. It was getting late now, so it would be better to leave it during the day for beating people or something.

Xu was shocked a little more today, Miss Wang was able to follow Shengge into the inn calmly.

Silent night.

"Mother, my daughter won't be as timid as before."

Shengge did not respond to Miss Wang's words.

As long as Miss Wang can figure it out, she doesn't need to be sure at all.

While Sheng Ge was in a daze, Miss Wang babbled a lot, as if she wanted to tell all her grievances and pains for so many years in this quiet night.

The sun was rising in the east, and the warm and bright sunlight shone into the room. Sheng Ge yawned lazily and rubbed his eyes.

The dark circles in the corners of Miss Wang's eyes indicated that she had trouble sleeping last night, but her spirit was much better than usual, the brows that had been subconsciously frowning all this time gradually relaxed, and the sorrow between her eyebrows and eyes was no longer as strong as before.

Her heart disease was difficult to heal, and what she feared most was having to arrange a funeral for this cute little daughter.

After all, the entire Wang family may only have a close eye for the eldest daughter.

"Pack up and go home."


Miss Wang flinched a little, but when she thought of what she said last night, she slowly straightened her back.

If father is really angry, then she must protect mother, if father wants to hit her, hit her.

Sheng Ge gnawed on the meat buns, hired a carriage, and thought about what she should do in this live broadcast world leisurely and quietly.

Seriously speaking, this world is not as magnificent as the previous live broadcast world, but the more trivial things are, the worse it is.

After all, it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework.

In the world of martial arts, things that can be solved with fists are not considered things, but now, is it possible that she can beat Wang Yuhui to death?

A little sad, a little sad.

Thinking of Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang San, who was obsessed with seeking death, Shengge couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

What a wonderful father and daughter.

"Mother, don't worry, if father gets angry, my daughter will definitely not implicate you."

"Father is a scholar, so I don't think he can do it."

Miss Wang thought that Sheng Ge was worried about facing the anger of her father and younger brother after returning home, so she comforted her.

hands on...

Shengge was eager to try when he heard these two words.


Wang Yuhui still wants to fight her?

Just do it, whoever is afraid of it.

As a little fairy who grew up wearing a red scarf, although she doesn't agree with domestic violence, she really doesn't mind domestic violence and domestic violence Wang Yuhui, and teaches Wang Yuhui what is a scholar.

Such a man, if he doesn't beat him up, is he still respectful?
(End of this chapter)

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