Chapter 473 The Scholar's Wife Who Wants To Sober ([-])
While talking, Sheng Ge ate another piece of meat.

Alas, it seems that there is a lack of chili noodles.

Dip some hot red chili noodles, I am afraid it will be more delicious.

Wang's youngest son is really good at talking, does he think she is really an ignorant and stupid woman who can be fooled by him?

Wang's youngest son swallowed unconsciously, then lowered his head.

This is the first time that Wang's youngest son has a clear understanding. It seems that mother really wants him to fend for himself, and doesn't plan to take care of him.

do not do that……

He will be scared to death.

For so many years, he has been raised by his mother, so he really has no ability to make a living by himself.

The mother is in charge of the big and small affairs of the family. Although he is the only son in the family, he has always opened his mouth for clothes and food.

Even from time to time, I can meet up with my classmates and friends to drink and listen to music.

Naturally, he didn't earn the money himself, and it couldn't be his father, only his mother.


Why do I suddenly feel that my father is such a waste.

Well, he is worse than dad.

"Yao'er, although my mother is a woman, I can't let you become a person who doesn't trust you. You should go to rely on your own efforts."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Ge began to deal with the roasted rabbit wholeheartedly.

It is delicious, the skin is crispy, and the heat is better controlled. Could it be that the best time to eat roasted rabbits has been delayed just because of the scumbag son of Wang Wang?

Stop it.

She is not the real original owner, but she will not be extra tolerant just because the scumbag son is the only male heir of the Wang family and wants to continue the incense.

What does it have to do with her to continue the incense?

It's not her incense that continues to play.

Sheng Ge thought like a bachelor.

Besides, Wang's youngest son has been staring at the hares and pheasants since he came back, wanting to eat them wholeheartedly, but he didn't ask where these things came from, and he didn't ask her if she was injured.

Scum son, there is no most scum, only more scum.

Shengge felt that he was about to despair of the Wang family.

Wang Yuhui scum.

Wang's youngest son is scum.

Miss Wang, the only one who can still be seen, has a deep-rooted concept of foolishness and filial piety, and the road to reform is long, and she may die in the middle of the road.

Therefore, Shengge was already prepared to fight alone.

It is also the world of scholars, and she misses her little son-in-law Fan Jin a little bit.

Same as Confucianism, Wang Youza.

I don't know how bad it is for Miss Wang Er, who has never met, and Miss Wang San, who is the key figure in this live broadcast world.


How much he couldn't bear to think about it before he went on a hunger strike and died.

Shengge felt that Miss Wang San might need to enjoy the same treatment as Di Xin.

Di Xin wanted to commit suicide, and Miss Wang only wanted to commit suicide, the nature was similar.

Alas, I really miss the days when there were spells and illusions created at will.

Those who do not clean up should clean up well.

"Dani, here it is."

Shengge broke off a rabbit leg, handed it to Miss Wang, and then leisurely watched the roasted rabbit, cut off piece by piece and ate slowly.

Sometimes she wants to eat meat and drink heavily, but now she just wants to live a little more delicately.

After all, the world is too bad.

Miss Wang took the rabbit's leg, feeling a little fearful, and dared not say anything for a long time.

The younger brother watched eagerly from the side, looking fierce.

Under Sheng Ge's urging, Miss Wang finally took a bite, but before she could swallow it, she saw Younger Son Wang rushing over and snatching the rabbit's leg away.

Shengge was a little dumbfounded.

This youngest son of Wang is really good at taking surprises.

Could it be that she died?
Shengge didn't speak immediately, but after chewing slowly and eating seven or eight percent full, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Yaoer, this is how you make a living."

"That's right, what you snatched by yourself is also your strength, which is worthy of recognition."

"That mother beat you with her strength, you have to be sure."

Shengge handed the knife to Miss Wang, motioning for Miss Wang to fill her stomach, then picked up the water carrying pole standing beside her, and walked towards Younger Son Wang with a faint smile.

It's like playing a game, how can you scold someone if you grab the head with your strength.

Sensing Shengge's intentions, Wang's youngest son ran out in a hurry, but was hit in the leg by a pole that Shengge threw casually, and fell to the ground.

Shengge sighed, the shoulder pole is still not as smooth as the ugly rake.

The ugly rake was nestled in her hand. She wanted to hit someone's calf, but she definitely wouldn't hit her foot.

It's a pity that the ugly rake has been turned into a pannier by her and is still thrown in the kitchen.

"Father, help, mother killed someone."

Before Shengge could make a move, Wang's youngest son shouted heart-piercingly.

"Killed, killed, mother killed her son."

Wang's youngest son is a person with a high desire to survive.

He didn't want to be fooled by a sentence like his father was killing a pig.

With outsiders around, my mother would definitely not beat him to death.

Wang's youngest son felt that he was extremely wronged. Didn't he just steal a rabbit's leg? In the past, he was the first to pick and eat the whole family's food.

This widowed eldest sister should not have been living at home, but she even wanted to take his place.

He can't even eat it, why should the elder sister, Kefu's dead star, eat it.

If he hadn't been hungry, he would have used the rabbit's leg to hit the elder sister directly.

Shengge beat up Wang's youngest son with a shoulder pole in an unbelievable manner, and before everyone came, he once again showed his acting skills like a movie queen.

As early as when Shengge beat Wang's youngest son violently, Miss Wang dropped the knife and stopped caring about the roasted rabbit.

"Why is my life so hard?"

"I worked so hard to raise my eldest son, and I didn't expect him to be famous, but how could I steal and rob him?"

"I'm really ashamed to see the ancestors of the Wang family."

"No one should stop me, I must beat this son well today."

"It's delicious and lazy, so I won't mention it. Now I've got into the bad habit of stealing and stealing. Rather than watching him get worse and harm the neighbors, it's better to beat him to death."

Stealing openly and secretly?

Harm the neighbors?

The people who came to watch the excitement all looked at Wang's youngest son angrily.

Whose family hasn't lost anything yet, and now Shengge personally says that her son is stealing and stealing.

Those who lost their things and couldn't find the thief and let it go, are now extremely suspicious.

Wang's youngest son planned to rely on these neighbors to save him, but he never thought that such an accident would happen.

"I do not have."

"A gentleman does something and doesn't."

Wang's youngest son screamed in pain.

Although he wanted to steal a few eggs from the place where the old hens in the village often lay their eggs, those old hens were so fierce that they almost pecked his pants.

Sheng Ge sneered, a gentleman does do something and not do something, but Wang's youngest son can't even be considered a real villain, so why talk about a gentleman?
"I originally wanted him to learn from the ancient sages, but I didn't expect him to have such a nature."

"It's because I didn't discipline well, I'm sorry to my parents and folks."

Miss Wang was completely stunned.

On the other hand, Wang Yuhui was so anxious to get angry that he bit his mouth, but he couldn't get out.

 On the day of family reunion during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wrote so grumpily, is it really okay?


  I am still a little fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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