Chapter 474
This poisonous woman...

This poisonous woman wants to completely destroy his son and his lifelong hope.

The most important thing for a scholar is reputation.

Even if he passed the imperial examination, special officials would come to investigate his reputation. If his son had the reputation of sneaking, he would not be an official for the rest of his life, even if he wanted to be an ordinary person, he would be pointed at.

No, it can't be like this.

His only son must not just fall into the hands of this poisonous woman.

He saw the whole process with his own eyes, didn't he just snatch a rabbit's leg?Everything in this family belongs to the son.

Why would the old poisonous woman use words like rob and steal to describe her son.

He had to prove his son's innocence.

Wang Yuhui managed to support himself with that leg, but who would tell him why he tripped over a basket just after getting off the ground...

When did he have a backpack in his room...

Extremely ashamed and angry, the angry Wang Yuhui had no time to shout for help before his eyes darkened and he passed out.

If Shengge knew about Wang Yuhui's plan, she would just spread her hands innocently. I really don't blame her.

She really didn't order that ugly rake.



While cursing, Shengge took the pole and beat the youngest son Wang fiercely. The youngest son Wang was beaten so badly that he didn't even think about crying out for pain.

Seeing Shengge beat him so hard, the neighbors couldn't speak up even if they had doubts.

That's it.

That's it.

"Aunt Wang's family, don't be angry, this child has been beaten and scolded, I think he knows his mistake."

"Everyone is a neighbor who can't see up and down, and is willing to give this child another chance."

Seeing that Wang's youngest son was bloody and bruised, the onlookers could no longer remain indifferent.

It's okay to be beaten so hard for a petty theft.

Wang's youngest son wants to cry but has no tears. He has been wronged. He has a heart but no guts. He doesn't need a group of rude mountain villagers to give him a chance.

However, he dared not shout.

If he dared to shout out, Mother would definitely continue to beat him to death.


"I am a mother, what a failure."

Shengge threw the blood-stained board aside in frustration, then sat on the ground slumped, sighed, but stopped talking.


It's not that she doesn't want to continue acting, it's just that she can't make it up anymore.

"It's all gone, let's go, don't look at it."

Perhaps the scene was too tragic, and the neighbors felt that the excitement was a little out of place, so they dispersed spontaneously.

The lively Wang family instantly became quiet.

Miss Wang was completely stunned, while the youngest son Wang couldn't tell.

He snatched a rabbit leg, but was beaten so badly, Wang's youngest son felt that he had lost a lot.

However, fortunately, he had swallowed the rabbit's leg just now, otherwise the beating would have been in vain.

Thinking about it this way, the youngest son of Wang suddenly realized that he was not so miserable.

"Do you know where you are going wrong?"

Sheng Ge looked down at Wang's youngest son and asked indifferently.

"You shouldn't grab a rabbit's leg..."

The youngest son of Wang, who was completely frightened by the beating, replied honestly.

He was really wrong...

In his whole life, he didn't want to eat rabbit legs again.

Sheng Ge: You are so angry, but this little fairy still has to keep smiling.

Could it be that the youngest son of Wang is a fool.

"Being beaten up by me, you thought of this?"

"My mother, I finally understand why you haven't achieved anything for so many years."

Shengge stabbed Wang's youngest son mercilessly.

As far as Wang's youngest son is concerned, he should never think about passing the imperial examination in his life.

"Others are simple-minded, but at least have well-developed limbs. How come they are so useless when they come to you?"

Sheng Ge smacked his lips in disgust.

Now that she has become the original owner, she naturally has to think about it for the original owner.

She didn't plan to be this poor old woman for the rest of her life, so she planned to complete the task in this world without any delay for more than ten years.

she will be crazy...

Of course, she would rather go surfing the stars and the sea.

It would be great to meet Fan Jin's young son-in-law before leaving.

I haven't practiced the lockpicking skills for a long time, I'm afraid I'm going to be unfamiliar again.

Wang's youngest son: "...".

Can mother speak more harshly?
He knows that he is not a material for studying, but who told him to teach him every day by precept and example that everything is inferior, and only those who study are high.

He doesn't want to be a lowly person, and he doesn't want to be ignorant and stupid like those mountain villagers.

"Do you like to study, and do you like to take the imperial examination?"

Sheng Ge continued to ask coldly as if he couldn't see Wang's youngest son's bloody butt that was beaten by her.

One road is impassable, is it possible that he really crashed to death on the south wall?
She didn't hope that Wang's youngest son would become like Wang Yuhui one day, harming his wife and children.

One scumbag may destroy countless people.

Now the psychology of the entire Wang family is extremely distorted, so why not Wang Yuhui did something wrong.

Under Wang Yuhui's influence, it's no wonder it's back to normal.

"Hi... like... right..."

The youngest son of Wang stumbled and said with a lack of confidence.

Even if you don't like it, you can't admit it, or you have to plow the land like those people in the village carrying a hoe every day...

He doesn't want to live like that.

"speak English."

Shengge broke the pole with one foot, and shouted sharply.

Was it not enough to be beaten badly enough, to even dare to play tricks.

Wang's youngest son shivered, in pain and fear.

Such a mother is so cruel.

When his father was so miserable before, he didn't take it seriously, and was even a little complacent. Since his father was injured, he naturally didn't have the energy to urge him to study.

But now that bad luck befalls him, he realizes that it is wrong to gloat.

If someone asked him why it was so miserable, he was really embarrassed to answer that he robbed a rabbit's leg.

"Mother, my son wants to..."

"Aren't you telling the truth?"

Before the youngest son Wang finished speaking, Shengge lifted the youngest son Wang who was lying on the ground up.

Wang's youngest son bared his teeth and cried out in pain.

"Mother, mother..."


Wang's youngest son howled loudly regardless, it was extremely miserable.

Half painful, half scary.

In the narrow and cramped courtyard, the mournful cry of Wang's youngest son resounded, directly awakening Wang Yuhui who had fainted from crying again.

Wang's youngest son was crying so badly, if people didn't know why, they might think he was crying.

Wang Yuhui, who woke up faintly, almost didn't come up after hearing the desperate and miserable cry of Wang's youngest son.

What happened to my son crying so badly.

Poisonous woman, poisonous woman...

Wang Yuhui wanted to yell, but his voice was hoarse, and he could barely make a slight sound out of his throat, and no one could hear him.

(▼ dish▼#)
(End of this chapter)

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