Chapter 475
Shengge looked at Wang's youngest son with a runny nose and tears in disgust.

Could it be that she was scared to cry?
But she has clearly looked in the mirror, she looks quite kind in this world.

Looking at Wang's youngest son, Shengge suddenly remembered a cute elementary school student she met when she was solving problems in the live broadcast room.

For any homework, as long as it exceeds one page, the child will start to cry silently.

When someone asked him why he was crying, the primary school student answered that he was crying while doing his homework.



But that primary school student is much more likable than Wang's youngest son. He speaks childishly and always throws out a few words from time to time that make people want to laugh.

"Don't cry."

Shengge put down Wang's youngest son and let Miss Wang support him.

Perhaps Shengge was too vicious in Wang's youngest son's heart, so when Shengge's voice fell, Wang's youngest son tightly covered his mouth and dared not make a sound, but tears still flowed uncontrollably.


Sheng Ge was quite speechless, Wang's youngest son really made her unable to do anything.

"Ask you again if you like to take the imperial examination."

"Do you like reading or not?"

Shengge felt that her image now must be the vicious old witch in fairy tales, the kind that doesn't need makeup.

The youngest son of Wang was hesitating, how should he answer.

Mother wants to hear whether he likes it or not.

Wang's youngest son felt that no matter which of the two answers he answered, he could not avoid another beating.

Answer like...

Mother is furious...

Answer do not like...

That means that he has been deceitful, pretentious, arty, and bossy for so many years.

Since he first went to private school, he has spent an incalculable amount of money over the years, will mother really not mind?

Wang's youngest son thought he was doomed.

Seeing that Sheng Ge's expression became more and more dangerous, and the atmosphere in the courtyard became stagnant and weird, Wang's youngest son finally made up his mind to speak the truth with his neck stuck.

"I don't like reading."

Anyway, it's just a beating.

Getting beaten or something, I believe practice makes perfect.

"If you don't like reading, what do you like to do?"

Shengge asked next.

Wang's youngest son's little face was wrinkled into a ball, can you not ask him these obviously out-of-the-box questions.

Is this kind of esoteric question suitable for a scholar like him who has been hit by a blind cat and killed a mouse, and only passed it several times?
what does he like
I like to drink and listen to music, I like to swim in the lake and go boating, I like to be rich and powerful...

But can he say this?

He still has this little cleverness.

Mother is so irritable, he can't court death.

"My son doesn't know..."

Wang's youngest son once again returned to the state of asking three questions and knowing nothing.

Sheng Ge cast a sideways glance at Wang's youngest son, and then said sarcastically, "You don't know? It just so happens that Mother knows, so Mother will answer for you, and see if it suits you."

"You like to make some good friends and cheat some money from your mother to drink and listen to music, and by the way, pretend to be romantic, and by the way, tell a story about a talented man and a beautiful woman."

"You like to ignore your teachers in your private school. Your classmates are studying how to be an official through the imperial examination, but you are reading all kinds of pamphlets."

"Yaoer, do you think so?"

In the name of studying, I don't know how many messy things I have done.

Wang's youngest son lowered his head with guilt. He knew how much he weighed, so after he passed the examination for a scholar, he started eating and waiting to die.

It can be said that apart from reading and making progress, he began to try everything else.

A few days ago he just heard that the brothel is a fragrance of beauty, once he enters it, he can forget his troubles, linger and forget to return, the taste is beyond words.

He was so ready to move, his heart itched unbearably.

It's a pity that before he thought of the perfect timing and excuse to beg for money from his mother, his mother suddenly became so fierce uncharacteristically.

He thought, he probably won't be able to wait until he gets the money to have a look at the brothel.

If my mother knew that he had the idea of ​​going to the brothel to be chic, she might beat him to death.

"Mother, my son knows his mistake. My son doesn't dare anymore, never dares to drink and listen to music, never dares to think disrespectful to Mr., never dare to think about going to a brothel for a while..."

Wang's youngest son: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

What did he just say?
Wang's youngest son almost bit his tongue.

What did he just say.

Didn't he just think that he must never let his mother know, but why did he say it by himself.


He must have been stupid to death.

A bunch of stupid...

"So you still want to go to the brothel?"

Shengge raised her eyebrows, and she realized that she really underestimated Wang's youngest son.

do not judge a book by it's cover.

It seems that she still doesn't know Wang's son well enough.

Could it be that in the hearts of men, brothels have unspeakable mysteries and interests, do they have to find out?

Or is it that a person who is depressed and self-proclaimed is always delusional about having a soul-stirring relationship with a brothel beauty that has never been seen before or since?
At the beginning, Fan Jin's young son-in-law was like this, and then she beat him up.

Now the cheap scumbag's son is even worse than Fan Jin's little son-in-law, I'm afraid he really deserves a beating.

As a little fairy, you must treat everyone equally, and you must not favor one person over another.

He beat Fan Jin's little son-in-law back then, and now he has to beat his cheap son-in-law.

"Da Ni, go and get the rake for Mother."

Shengge felt that beating people was easy with a rake. Although it was ugly, it couldn't bear to be practical.

As a Yangou, he has adapted to the ugly rake faintly, which is a worrying thing.

Miss Wang: Isn't her presence weak enough?
Wang's youngest son: If mother hit him with a rake, it would kill him. Mother just threw it at him and maimed father. If he beat him specifically, he would not even think about living.

The most important thing is that the rake is a bit evil.

"Mother, my son is really wrong."

"My son swears to God that he has never been to a brothel, and he will never go in the future."

"It's all those classmates who are good... No, they are seduced by friends, and they told my son so many brothels are beautiful and good, so my son came up with such an idea."

"But my son really didn't go."

"Mother, my son will never associate with those cronies again. From now on, he will absolutely listen to his mother's words wholeheartedly. If mother points east, my son will never go west."

Wang's youngest son, full of desire to survive, made promises again and again.

He didn't want to die yet, especially if he was beaten to death by a rake, and he still had a bad reputation for stealing chickens and dogs.

Shengge looked at the youngest son Wang carefully, seeing that the youngest son Wang did not seem to be lying, and that more and more blood was dripping on the ground, so he stopped tossing.

In case of accidentally tossing to death, the original owner will never stop.

As for Wang's youngest son's words of listening to his mother wholeheartedly, Sheng Ge just forgot and scoffed.

Wang's youngest son is definitely the kind of person who understands current affairs, but will also relapse.

 From September 28th to October [-]th, the monthly pass is doubled. If you have a monthly pass, please save up and vote in these few days, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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