Chapter 477 The Wife Who Wants to Sober Up (22)


Doesn't the mother try to persuade her?

Could it be that mother's love for her in the past was all fake?

As for the in-laws, they were even more surprised.

They want to persuade their mother-in-law to give birth, not to discuss how to die together.

Does it matter how you die?

"Hunger strike to death."

Miss Wang San seemed to have rehearsed this answer thousands of times in her heart, and when Sheng Ge finished speaking, she blurted out the answer.

Hunger strike to death...

Sheng Ge's smile was playful.

The brothers and sisters of the Wang family are really interesting. The youngest son of the Wang family was beaten to death by her for grabbing a rabbit leg, and the third girl of the Wang family was still clamoring for a hunger strike to die.

After really starving and experiencing the struggle on the edge of life and death, I can no longer say the words of suicide in a calm manner.

I really want Wang's youngest son to see Miss Wang San, who is so arrogant and self-confident that she looks like a celebrity and a martyr, and then let Wang's youngest son use his shameless expertise to teach Wang San miss how to behave.

"Why did you choose to die on a hunger strike? Could it be that it is so beautiful to die on a hunger strike?"

Sheng Ge sneered and asked interestingly.

This is not the era when the Wei and Jin Dynasties regarded being weak, thin, and pale as beautiful. No one would be amazed when they saw that you were weaker than others after death.

Miss Wang San was speechless when asked.

The mother's reaction was really not what she expected. The daughter is looking for death and life. The mother should try to dissuade her, but why does the mother seem to be in high spirits, as if she is watching the fun.

This must be an illusion.

"My father-in-law, my mother-in-law, can I have a private talk with Sanya?"

Some sharp questions are really not suitable for speaking in front of in-laws.

Miss Wang San's father-in-law and mother-in-law looked at each other, with worry and doubt almost overflowing in their eyes.

However, considering Shengge's identity, he still nodded.



Lingling Qixian Shang: Host, you can take it easy, don't let the little girl be scared to death by you before she goes on a hunger strike.

Host: Is this little fairy such a rude person?
Anchor: Don’t you feel that your sense of existence has weakened?Is it the start of school?

Anchor: Tsk tsk tsk, the start of school is really an epic disaster.

Shengge froze for a while during the live broadcast, adjusted his mood, and then looked at Miss Wang San.

"Third girl, why do you want to die with your husband?"

Shengge didn't see much affection and mourning from Miss Wang San's eyes, but more calm and firm.

It seemed that the death of her husband was just a reason for Miss Wang San to commit suicide.

"When the husband dies, there is no child, the family is poor, and as a widow, she has no ability to support herself, it is better to go with her husband clean and tidy, and still have the reputation of a chaste and strong woman."

"Father taught his daughter not to be greedy for life and afraid of death since she was a child. If a person lives for a lifetime, since he can't get riches and honors in front of him, he must get his name after death."

"It's better to earn a memorial arch than to live with nothing, which will be praised by future generations."

Miss Wang San wiped the wet tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and replied decisively, and she still had a face of glory, just like a righteous man who generously went to death and looked at death as if he were going home.


Shengge really felt that using such words to describe Miss Wang was an insult to these two words.

If it's true that the way is different and they don't conspire with each other, Shengge wouldn't be so angry.

Miss Wang San is definitely not giving up her life for righteousness, but she is afraid of the life after losing her husband, fear of gossip, and fear of hardship, so she thinks about it, and by the way, she can earn the title of chaste and martyr. Even the county annals will have stories about Wang San The records of the three girls.

"Third girl, if you are cowardly, you are cowardly, and if you commit suicide, you commit suicide, but don't say it so high-sounding, it's really scary."

"Third girl, do you despise your elder sister from the bottom of your heart?"

"You despise her and look down on her, so you don't want to be like that?"

"Do you really think that suicide is a righteous thing? You are my daughter. I have worked so hard to raise you, and you have never paid anything back. Are you really being taken advantage of by being a mother?"

"And your mother-in-law and father-in-law, since you can commit suicide without hesitation after losing your husband to show your chastity, why can't you take care of your father-in-law and mother-in-law?"

"You feel that you are worthless and don't want to take responsibility, so you want to seek death once and for all."

"Admit it, third girl, you look down on your elder sister, but in fact, you are not as good as your elder sister."

Shengge hit the nail on the head, directly piercing the chaste atmosphere that Miss Wang San tried so hard to create.

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, timidity is timidity, selfishness is selfishness, why make so many hypocritical excuses?
Since it can be done, do you still care about what others say?

To deal with this kind of person, you need to use the autumn wind to sweep away the ruthlessness like falling leaves.

Miss Wang San's face was pale, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was opening and closing, her fingers were trembling slightly, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

She is not even as good as the eldest sister?
She is useless?
How could mother say that about her.

Miss Wang San kept panting heavily, trying to refute and prove that she was not that kind of person, but she couldn't make any sound.

Such a mother, let her accept powerlessness.

For a long time, my mother has always worked hard, looked like a soft doormat, submissive, when did she speak so sharply.

Miss Wang San felt a sense of humiliation, and this sudden sense of humiliation was more difficult for her to accept than the pain of losing her husband.

She and her husband are not childhood sweethearts, nor have they sworn eachother.

Only after being introduced by a matchmaker, and my father agreed, she was dressed in a red wedding dress, a red hijab, and two small wooden boxes and married her husband in a daze.

Because the husband can read a little, he is more refined and gentle than ordinary mountain villagers.

If it takes longer, maybe they can really develop a relationship, but she and her husband have not been together for long.

She was sad to lose her husband.

What she is sad about is not the loss of her loved one, but what she is sad about is that she has lost the basis of her livelihood and the foundation of her foothold.

Having lost her husband and became a childless widow, it is very difficult to remarry. Even if she manages to remarry successfully, this marriage will become a stain in her life, and she will be pointed at from time to time.

Living in such a humble and humiliating way is not in line with my father's teachings.

Since she can't be as glorious as her father said in her book, even if she dies, she still has to fight for glory.

She didn't want to live a difficult life, and she didn't want to carry the responsibility of her husband's family on her shoulders.

What she wants is a dependence, not a responsibility.

"Mother, you are ignorant, you don't know what glory is, and you don't know what name is, my daughter doesn't blame you."

"But you can't prevent your daughter from becoming a model and glory for this Huizhou woman. Mother, if father finds out, he will definitely be unhappy."

Miss Wang San tried her best to twitch the corners of her mouth, and smiled lightly, with a ladylike posture, elegant and gentle.

 The meeting lasted until ten o'clock, and it was hard to get out of this chapter.

  There are typos, welcome to catch bugs.

  The author went to wash up first.

(End of this chapter)

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