Chapter 478 The Wife Who Wants to Sober Up (23)


"Mother, what joy is there in life, and why bother in death."

"Mother, father has worked so hard all his life to get a clear name, and his daughter only needs to die to get it at his fingertips."

Miss Wang San had a calm expression on her face, as if she had seen through the world of mortals, cut off her emotions and desires, and was no longer nostalgic for everything in the world.

The six roots are pure, without desire or desire.

But is that really the case?
If you lie too much, you will even deceive yourself.

clear name?

Is it that important?

Don't be angry, don't be angry...

Shengge frowned, trying hard to restrain the thought of wanting to slap Miss Wang San to death.

She even wanted to use Wang Yuhui to scare her. How could she be afraid of a soft-footed shrimp like Wang Yuhui, a little fairy who has been invincible all over the heavens.

Such as Wang Yuhui, this little fairy can kill with just one thumb.


"As long as you like it."

Talking is useless.

Everyone in this family was stunned.

"Since you are going to die, hunger strike is so boring, why don't you think of some interesting ways for you."

"Of course, you mentioned a hunger strike, and Mom won't make it difficult for you. Why don't you try it one by one?"

Shengge couldn't control his right hand, so he slapped Miss Wang San on the face. Looking at the five finger prints on Miss Wang San's fair face, the corners of her mouth curved even wider.


Finally feel at ease.

She is still more suitable for simple and rude methods. It is better to slap the third girl with a thousand words than to slap her directly.

"I'm sorry, mother still can't watch you harm others."

"It's obviously selfish, but why..."

Speaking of this, Sheng Ge smacked his lips and stopped talking, which made people think about it.

Miss Wang San covered her instantly hot and swollen face, not knowing what to say.

Niang scolded her head and face, and then she couldn't help but slap her and asked her to try suicide one by one.

Is mother going to let her demonstrate tricks to death?

Shengge no longer cared about Third Miss Wang, but went straight to Miss Third Wang's parents-in-law, and said quickly, "My in-laws, I am incompetent, and I really can't persuade Miss Third."

"For the current plan, I can only take Sanya home and ask her father to persuade her."

"Yuhui accidentally injured his leg and couldn't move. Sanya listens to him the most. If he teaches by precept and example, it will be useful."

"'s me, an old woman, who is useless and troubles you."

Before Miss Wang San's parents-in-law could react, Shengge grabbed Miss Wang San's arm and forcefully dragged Miss Wang San out of the house.

"Mom, let me go."

"A daughter is a husband's person at birth, and will be his wife after death, and will be with him in this life."

"Father said that a Zhenlie girl will not serve her second husband."

Miss Wang San continued to resist Sheng Ge, and her mouth was plausible.

Even if she wanted to kill herself, she had to stay at her husband's house, otherwise even if she died, the gain would not be worth the loss.

Her words are terrible, and who knows if there will be rumors after her death that she was expelled from her husband's house, and then she couldn't think about it for a while and committed suicide.

In this way, she was afraid that she would die in vain.

Sheng Ge pretended that he was temporarily deaf, so he couldn't hear Miss Wang San's false words at all, but kept dragging Miss Wang San forward.

She used to think that Miss Wang San was pitiful, she lost her husband at a young age, but now it seems that it is Miss Wang San's husband who is even more miserable, and he is pulled out from time to time to slip away.

No affection, no long-term companionship, no shame, just want to rely on the dead to get everything you want.

It can be said that Miss Wang San has been completely brainwashed by Wang Yuhui, and has completely inherited Wang Yuhui's mantle.

I really didn't expect that among the Wang family, the one who most resembles Wang Yuhui is Miss Wang San.

"Keep on, I'll just stab you to death with a knife."

"Anyway, if you want to die, die early and be reborn sooner, so hang on for more time."

Shengge gave Miss Wang San a fierce look, and did not let go of Miss Wang San's hand until she left her husband's family far behind.

Miss Wang San: "...".

Such a tough and brutal mother, she is really worried.

No, even if you die, you have to let your father know what kind of person your mother is, and you must not let your father be deceived by your mother's usual appearance.

If she wants to earn a clean name, then she has to cherish her feathers.

To avenge this slap, I have to rely on my father.

Besides, she knew her father well, and she had been obsessed with imperial examinations all her life, but when the road ahead was blocked, her father thought about writing a book and making a name for himself through the ages.

Her father would definitely approve of the fact that she died on a hunger strike and followed her husband to earn the chastity archway.

As long as dad nods, it's okay if mom objects.

The mother is the head of the family.

Thinking of this, Miss Wang San felt a little relieved.

Go home and go home, as a chaste and martyr who wants to earn a name and be famous forever, she goes home to visit her father who raised her before she dies, and she is very reconciled.

Filial piety.

Hundreds of good filial piety first.

"Mother, do you think father will be furious if he knows your stupid behavior today, and then kick you out?"

Miss Wang San had a sad face, but her eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Shengge raised his eyebrows, did he want to watch the excitement?
Don't they all say that people are about to die, and their words are good, but why is Miss Wang San still a crooked melon even when she has the determination to die?
Is the upper beam not straight and the lower beam crooked?

Wang Yuhui really spoiled a pot of soup with a piece of mouse droppings.


As a little fairy with a motherly heart, shouldn't Miss Wang San's wishes come true? After all, this is her last wish.

"Third girl, if you speak too early, you will be slapped in the face."

"If you really want your mother to be kicked out, then it's not impossible for your mother to be able to do so."

"But now all you have to do is walk back."

Shengge broke off a branch from the tree, tapped the palm of his hand lightly, and looked at Miss Wang San with a half-smile.

walk back?
Are you sure this isn't a joke?
"Mother, don't you want to take a carriage or an ox cart?"

Miss Wang San asked in disbelief.

"Mother, you have to walk twenty miles to go home. If you go so far, you will lose your legs."

I have been married to my husband for more than a year. Although my husband's family is not rich, it is also an honest and kind family who never let her suffer.

The shoes on my feet were newly made before my husband became seriously ill. If I walk twenty miles, the soles of the shoes may be worn out.

Sheng Ge cast a sideways glance at Miss Wang San, and said sarcastically, "I'm not afraid of death anymore, are you still afraid of walking?"

Miss Wang San: (oд)o
Mother is really a little oily and salty like this.

"Let's go quickly, don't dawdle."

Shengge waved the branch in his hand, as if the branch would fall directly on his back as long as Miss Wang San delays for a while.

Miss Wang San took a deep breath in her heart. During the days when her husband was bedridden, she was never as aggrieved as she is now.


Miss Wang San stomped her feet, frowned and shouted in dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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