Chapter 481 The Wife Who Wants to Sober Up (26)


Without anyone noticing, Sheng Ge slipped away from Miss Wang San.

Anyway, in this mountain forest, the trees are lush and lush, and it is a good place for Tibetans.


Miss Wang San became more and more frightened as she walked, and she couldn't help but want to hold Shengge's hand and draw some strength.

In this eerie and weird environment, two people are always more confident than one.

But Miss Wang San's hands are empty...

Miss Wang San turned her head to look, only to realize that the mother she had always disliked was gone.


This meant that she had to fend for herself in this wilderness.



Miss Wang San shouted in a mournful voice.

It's not that she has a deep mother-daughter bond with Shengge, it's that when two people are together, they can push Shengge out first when they encounter a beast.

Shengge sat on a big tree and watched Miss Wang San's panic.

Hmph, little one.

The third girl who tormented Undead Wang counted her as a loser.

She has deep entanglements with the wild wolf, and she is afraid that if she stays with Miss Wang San, the wild wolf will instantly turn into a husky, jump out and shake his head to be cute.

At that time, Miss Wang San might doubt the authenticity of this world.

In the darkness, pairs of green eyes appeared at some point, fixedly staring at Miss Wang San, their front hooves were constantly digging, as if they were ready to go, and rushed out as soon as an order was given.

Miss Wang San found out belatedly, and then ran away.

But how could two legs run faster than four? After a while, Miss Wang San's screams were heard.

Shengge always pays attention to it. The wild wolf can hurt Miss Wang, but it must not kill Miss Wang.

When Miss Wang San was dying and fainted, Shengge jumped down from the tree.

Seeing Shengge, the wild wolf stopped howling, and stopped biting Miss Wang San, and just dropped Miss Wang San and fled in all directions without looking back.

Shengge touched his nose, is she that scary?

Originally, she wanted to have a good discussion with the wild wolf. After all, she rarely had an opponent in this world, and she unilaterally beat the Wang family and his son.

Alas, she hasn't had time to reminisce about the old days.

Shengge sighed with some regret.

Wild wolf, let's have a good chat, shall we?



Walking too rough will make your waist flash: In fact, the anchor and the wild wolf are the most destined...

Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, you are so mean to Miss Wang San, I don't know if the original body will strangle you angrily if he finds out.

Lingling Qixianshang: Do you feel that the longer we watch the live broadcast of the anchor, the more simple and rude we become.

Anchor: Be good, don’t BB if you can do it, okay?
Anchor: As for being cheap?This is clearly Miss Wang San's self-inflicted humiliation, okay?

Shengge carried Miss Wang San and walked towards the outside of the mountain step by step. As a person who is dedicated to conquering the stars and the sea, how could he not know the way.


Mistake, she should have hired a carriage in advance and wait outside the forest.

Now she has to carry Miss Wang San back to the Wang family on foot, she is an old man.

While Shengge complained, he fought with the glass bastards in the live broadcast room, and the 20-mile journey didn't seem too difficult.

After all, after Shengge's physique was initially transformed by Pantao, it became extremely powerful, which was different from ordinary people.

Even if her host is just an old woman whose body has already collapsed.

At dawn, Sheng Ge also brought Miss Wang San back to Wang's house.

Wang Yuhui, Wang's youngest son, now there is another Wang San girl...

There are a total of six members of the Wang family, half of whom are wounded.

It seems that the feng shui of the Wang family is indeed not very good.

"Mother, what's the matter, little sister?"

Miss Wang took care of the two wounded patients for several days, her complexion was sallow, and she became more haggard.

Well, Shengge thinks Miss Wang can call her a sister.

"She wants to die."

"She said she didn't want to live like you, like a puddle of mud."

Shengge didn't have the slightest psychological burden to sow discord.

Perhaps, human nature is born to bully the soft and fear the hard.

The original owner and Miss Wang are the most silent and honest people in the Wang family, so under the leadership of Wang Yuhui, the rest of the Wang family spared no effort to bully them.

They obviously despise and cast aside in their hearts, but each of them still has to live by the original owner.

Such a person is disgusting.

Miss Wang's hand, which was cleaning up the blood for Miss Wang's third, paused, her eyes stared blankly.

She knew that people from all over the world looked down on her everywhere, and her father and younger brother even made no effort to hide their dislike for her.

It's just that I didn't expect my little sister to think the same way.

She thought that since her younger sister lost her husband, she might be able to understand her situation, so that she would not be ridiculed and despised everywhere.


Miss Wang sighed, and continued to clean up the blood in silence.

Shengge glanced at Miss Wang, and wondered how she developed such a clay figurine's temperament as Miss Wang.

Be obedient and accept what others give you.

Insults, taunts, even beatings.

Could it be that Miss Wang will not be angry or hurt?

No, Miss Wang would be in pain, but she didn't dare to be angry. Wang Yuhui's distorted education had already left a deep mark on Miss Wang.

No wonder Miss Wang.

Shengge patted Miss Wang's head compassionately, then turned and left the house to ask for a doctor.

Miss Wang is nostalgic for the warmth of her palms touching the top of her head, which let her know that she has not been abandoned by everyone, and she still has a mother.



After Miss Wang Sanyou woke up, she found herself lying on a cold and hard bed, and the room smelled strongly of herbs.

Miss Wang San let out a long sigh of relief, she is still alive.

Even though she was ready to commit suicide by hunger strike, at the moment when she found out that she was still alive, she still had a feeling of rejoicing for the rest of her life.

Perhaps, she was not so firm about death.

When the leg bones were bitten by wild wolves, she hoped that someone would come down from the sky to save her from danger.

At the most painful and dangerous time, the last thing she thought about was who could save her.

What should she do?

Miss Wang San was confused for a moment, but at this moment she couldn't see clearly the way ahead.

She is familiar with the furnishings in the room.

This is the room she shared with her elder sister and second sister before she left the pavilion.

It has been more than a year, and no new furniture has been added to the room, making it look even more dilapidated and embarrassing.

Who brought her back.


Miss Wang San thought of Shengge, and her originally miserable face instantly became ferocious and full of resentment.

In Miss Wang San's view, all the crimes she has suffered now are because of her mother.

If it wasn't for her mother who dragged her out of her husband's house involuntarily, if it wasn't for her mother's stinginess and refusal to ride in a carriage, if it wasn't for her mother's ignorance and self-righteousness, how could she be besieged and bitten by wild wolves.

The mother is the crow's mouth.

She hoped that her mother died in that dense forest.

"Little sister, you're awake."

Miss Wang was holding a basin of warm water, and a towel was placed beside the wooden basin.

During the days when Miss Wang San was in a coma, Miss Wang was always taking care of her.

(End of this chapter)

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