Chapter 482 The Wife Who Wants to Sober Up (27)



Miss Wang San replied in a calm tone.

"Sister, is mother back?"

Miss Wang San couldn't wait to ask.

Miss Wang nodded, and then shouted towards the yard, "Mother, little sister is awake."

"Is everything alright, mother?"

Miss Wang San couldn't hide her surprise in her voice.

God is so unfair, she and her mother entered the barren mountains at the same time, she was bitten by wild wolves, and almost got eaten, but her mother was safe and sound.


Miss Wang frowned. Although she is innocent, it doesn't mean she is really stupid.

The tone of the third sister obviously did not want her mother to live in safety.

Miss Wang looked at Miss Wang in disapproval, and silently condemned.

Didn't the third sister not know that since she was young, if it wasn't for the mother who tried her best to protect them, if the mother didn't support the whole family by herself, how could father give their sisters a look.

But the third sister couldn't see this, she had always been close to her father and obeyed her father's orders.

Every word my father said, the third sister regarded it as a golden rule, and did it without blinking an eye.

The third sister turned a blind eye to her mother's efforts and mother's hardships.

She used to endure it, but now the third sister is so vicious that she wants her mother to die, how can this be possible.

Third sister didn't even think about it, if it wasn't for her mother, how could she still be alive.

"What does Third Sister mean by that?"

"Could it be that the third sister hopes that mother will be killed by the beast?"

Miss Wang has a straight-forward personality, and she usually looks a bit meek and silly, but if she really can't bear it anymore and erects her thorns to protect something, then it must be extremely sharp, and there will be absolutely no beating around the bush.

Miss Wang San was stunned...

She has only been married for more than a year, but why does it feel like everything has changed drastically.

Mother has changed...

He became mysterious, became irritable, and even slapped her.

And what about the eldest sister?

The eldest sister who had always been docile, submissive, and afraid to speak out could now straighten her back and scold her severely.

What happened at home.

Obviously, a month ago, my father sent someone to send a letter to her, saying that everything is fine at home.

Miss Wang San looked at her elder sister who was clearly wearing new clothes with complicated eyes.

The mother said that there is no money in the family, and the poor can't open the pot, so they can't take a carriage.

But actually?
Niang would rather buy new clothes for the eldest sister than let her come back in a carriage.

If she was in a carriage, why would she have to suffer so much, her whole body was in terrible pain.

Sure enough, what Dad said was the truth, and Mother never loved her.

Pain, jealousy, completely wiped out the little sanity left by Miss Wang San.

"Sister, did your mother buy your clothes for you?"

Miss Wang was a little dazed, obviously she was asking the third sister if she had any ill intentions towards her mother, but why did the third sister get stuck on the clothes strangely...

Is there a relationship between the two?
"Eldest sister, if mother is willing to spend money to let me come back in a carriage, I will not suffer these unreasonable disasters."

"Sister, I'm sorry."

No, she hates.

Miss Wang San originally wanted to shed a few tears in response to the occasion, but she stopped thinking about how tightly her body was bandaged.

I heard that if the wound is stained with tears, it will leave a scar. She must not do such a stupid thing.

After hearing these two words from Miss Wang San, Miss Wang finally understood the relationship between them.

"Third sister, Mother didn't lie to you."

"Mother didn't dare to delay when she received the news that her brother-in-law was seriously ill and dying, so she drove over in a bullock cart."

"The money for making the oxcart is replaced by things from my mother."

"How can you misunderstand mother."

"You are the youngest daughter in the family. Ever since you were a child, your mother has made you suffer a little bit. How can you be so wolf-hearted and turn black and white to smear my mother like this. If my mother knew about it, I would be so sad."

Miss Wang was afraid that Shengge would be sad when she heard her conversation with the third sister, so she deliberately lowered her voice.

As the daughter of a scholar, she has been influenced by her ears and eyes, and there is always some ink in her belly, so she speaks clearly and logically.

"Since she gave birth, shouldn't it be natural for her to raise me?"

Miss Wang San said confidently.

"Besides, dad is the head of the family."

"Father loves me the most."

Listening to Miss Wang's self-righteous words, Miss Wang thought of the scene where Sheng Ge came back covered in blood with exhaustion on her face, and walked twenty miles on the mountain road.

"Third sister, you are confused."

"If Mother hadn't walked the twenty-mile mountain road step by step to carry you back, you would have died in the barren mountains long ago."

"For so many years, what you wear, eat, use, and the four seasons are all bought by mother with a little bit of hard-earned money."

"You said dad loved you the most?"

"But you don't even think about who is always by your side, doing everything without complaint."

"Mother earns the money that the family lives on, and mother handles all the internal and external affairs. What did father do?"

"Why is dad the head of the family..."

After talking about the call all at once, even Miss Wang froze in place.

In the past, she and the third sister had somewhat similar thoughts...

But now she dared to question her father's authority in the family, and she was no longer afraid...

It was as if she had finally found a clear path in the thick fog.

At this moment, Miss Wang seemed to be born again.

Miss Wang San trembled with anger.

"You deviant..."

Under the narration of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room, Shengge watched all the conversations between Miss Wang and Miss Wang without missing a single bit.

Shengge didn't show any annoyance at Miss Wang San's words.

What she cares about now is Miss Wang's transformation.

She always thought that her silly, sweet and cheap eldest daughter could only be meek and weak all her life, living in Wang Yuhui's shadow.

Unexpectedly, under a moment of anger, Miss Wang finally stepped through this threshold, successfully transformed, and was reborn from the ashes.

That's right, her thousands of words, her precepts and deeds are not as good as letting Miss Wang figure it out by herself.

As long as Miss Wang figured it out, she could rest assured.

Even without her protection, even if the original owner returns after the mission is over, Miss Wang will be safe and sound.

It seems that she still has to thank Miss Wang San.

If it weren't for Miss Wang San's stimulation, Miss Wang wouldn't have figured it out so quickly.

It seems that she has to tidy up and come on stage, so that Miss Wang San can see how helpless she is.

How about she change into the clothes she bought that day?

Miss Wang's eyes turned red when she saw Miss Wang's new clothes just now, if she saw her wearing a new outfit again...

Thinking of that scene, Sheng Ge couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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