Chapter 491 The Jade Rabbit Who Wants Not to Eat Pie ([-])


However, in life, you must have fun.

If every live broadcast world of hers is as oppressive as this world, she is afraid that she will not be able to persist in the live broadcast journey.

It was also difficult for the glass bastards in the live broadcast room to accompany her to watch the whole world's parents gossip.

The old woman's foot wraps are smelly and long.

Her temperament is more suitable for a good time. Is an unpretentious life still called life?

"There is nothing to worry about."

"Let's leave now."

The original owner is still alive, and the original owner will come back. The ownership and decision of your life belong to the original owner.

If at the beginning, she was told one by one that the original owner would not come back and that she had to stay in this world until the end of her life, she would probably be pretentious.

What Wang Yuhui, what Miss Wang San, if you are not afraid of death, go on.

However, the original owner will come back, so she has to be tactful.

Hearing Shengge's words, they nodded one by one, and then helped Shengge escape from the world.



When Mrs. Wang woke up, she looked at her surroundings and wept with joy.

It's just that before she could sort out her thoughts, she heard that a distinguished guest had arrived.

Mrs. Wang looked at the heroic daughter in front of her with a tough look all over her body, and her emotions were complicated.


She is eligible to see distinguished guests anytime.

Fan Xuedao...



Fan Jin didn't know why he wanted to come to this small county under the jurisdiction of Huizhou Prefecture on a whim. After all, he studied Taoism in Shandong and had nothing to do with Huizhou Prefecture.

Today, he always wanted to come to Huizhou for a visit. When he saw the words on the plaque of this small shop, his eyes suddenly became a little sore.

Even though the words on the plaque looked majestic and bold, the sense of familiarity that came over him made him feel like he didn't know what night it was.

father in law?

These two words seemed to be too heavy for him to bear.

Without his father-in-law, he would never have the bright future he is today.


What to say.

He felt that he might be a little hysterical.

His father-in-law is still there, living the life of Yuanwailang, with no worries about food and clothing, wearing gold and silver.

It's just that he and his father-in-law never saw each other after the farewell that year.

These few words...

Fan Jin questioned and was told that it was written by an old woman...


Convulsed, Fan Jin decided to meet again.

But the moment he saw Mrs. Wang, Fan Jin was disappointed.

People are not as good as those few words that he is familiar with.

Fan Jin bid farewell to Mrs. Wang and Miss Wang, and wandered aimlessly on the road, listening to the sounds around him.

Mrs. Wang and Miss Wang are a miracle, this is the common thought in everyone's mind.

The more he listened, the more Fan Jin felt something was wrong. He was late, right?

Fan Jin desperately bought the small building facing the street, and gave Miss Wang a bigger house with a more prosperous location.

Liveable and do business.



Sheng Ge no longer knows what happened in this world.

She thought it would be better not to see her, but she forgot the saying that there is a definite number in the dark.

Gu Sheng, who returned to the real world, changed into light and comfortable clothes to go bungee jumping.

To be honest, if she was still the anchor who did homework before, she would not dare to do such a dangerous and exciting thing.

She is afraid of death...

After traveling through so many worlds, she still changed.

She doesn't know whether her change is good or bad, she has changed after all.

She is someone who can even jump over clouds, does she still care about bungee jumping?
Facts have proved that they really do care.

The feeling of falling from a high altitude made Shengge's heart tighten, and his mind went blank for a moment.

But after a brief blank, it is more of a kind of ease that sweeps away all the troubles.

After the bungee jumping, Sheng Ge's expression remained unchanged, and his steps were steady and powerful, as if he was an outlier among a group of people.

As night falls, the whole city is covered with bright lights. There are leisurely couples, people who hurry home from get off work, and lazy people who ride the night breeze slowly and enjoy the night view.

Well, she's one of those slobs.

She was aimless and didn't know what she wanted to do.

She just wants to slow down and enjoy the beauty of every place.

Shengge came to the most prosperous snack street in the city, eating from the street to the end of the street, grilled squid, kebabs, octopus balls, hot and sour noodles, coconut milk tea...

It's like going back to the age when I was in school, in groups of three or four, arm in arm, complacent about being able to eat a meat skewer earlier.

Amidst the bright lights and the hustle and bustle of voices, Sheng Ge seemed to have found the most authentic self.

She is always there and never lost.

Well, I have been a foodie since I was a child, otherwise how could I know how much the price has increased every time, the size of the meatballs is big or small.

Facts have proved that if you don’t care about raw or cold food, if you eat it in the past, only your own taste will suffer.

Shengge would never admit that she landed near the air-raid shelter, and picked up a handful of 98K in the first room beside her.

However, not everyone who lands a 98K is a chosen person, and they may also be moving workers...

She is a box holding 98K when she lands...

Alas, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t mess around and eat too much, causing my stomach to hurt...

Shengge No.90 Nine Confessions.

After dawn, Shengge received a call from his mother.

wild man...

emmmmm, I made it one by one because it was all her fault.

Where did the wild man come from? Even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she couldn't tell.

Sheng Ge stood in front of the large French windows, overlooking the people on the ground.

Wild man?
Not now, it seems that there will never be any in this lifetime.

Shengge knew that he would no longer be able to enjoy ordinary happiness like ordinary people.



"Yiyi, let's start the live broadcast."

"I only have one request, and that is if I can not be so aggrieved."

Sheng Ge expressed his appeal with righteous words.

A crying child has candy.

"Seeing that you have completed so many live broadcasts, let's go on vacation in the next world."

"There are beautiful scenery, beauties, delicious food, and you are also cute. I think you will like it very much."

One by one, Sheng Ge happily described the beauty of the next world, but Sheng Ge's heart became higher and higher.

From her point of view, Yiyi and her ideas have always been divergent.

One by one thinks it's a vacation, maybe it's hell mode in her eyes.

The little fairy refused in her heart.

"just forget it."

"Vacation or something, how extravagant, I'd better just complete the routine tasks honestly..."

Shengge said with lingering fear.

"You're welcome."

"Shengge, this is a reward for you."


Hearing the words one by one, Sheng Ge's heart became even colder.

Also, when she heard the words "You're welcome", she couldn't help but think of calories...

Take it away, take it away, you're welcome.

Swear to God, this song will brainwash you.




 This world is a happy and funny world, and it won't be too long by visual estimation.

  Finally, finally, here comes the point.

  Warm congratulations to the book "Quick Transmute: Live Broadcast" breaking 100 million words.

  Hahaha, finally reached 100 million words.

  Ask for votes, ask for votes, ask for votes.

  Say important things three times
(End of this chapter)

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