Chapter 492 The Jade Rabbit Who Wants Not to Eat Pie ([-])

Before Shengge's refusal could be said, they were pushed into the new live broadcast world one by one.

There are plausible words in every mouth...

emmmmm, it's not that she doesn't want to take a vacation, it's that she doesn't like to go on vacation in a world that she chooses one by one.

She and Yiyi are already old partners, and it is very clear how much each other weighs.

This little fairy refused in her heart.



Shengge opened her eyes, and found that everything in her eyes had become extremely huge. Could it be that she was thrown into the Lilliputian Country one by one?
Does she also need to have a Shengge adventure by herself?
Do not……

It turns out that she thinks too much.

After Shengge saw his little furry paws, his heart went cold.

Became an animal again...

Is it possible that the so-called vacation world in Yiyi's heart is to become an animal?

God knows what she has become this time.

I've been a pig, I've been a monkey, and now I've turned into someone who doesn't know what. Anyway, the fur is white, and it looks soft and shiny.

"There are beautiful scenery, beauties, delicious food, and you are also cute. I think you will like it very much."

This is the original words of Yi Yi.

It turns out that what is cute is turning into an animal.



If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: This rabbit is so cute, so special...

Lang Jiujiu: Is it particularly delicious?
Lingling Qixian: It looks like its fur is shiny and smooth, its body is healthy, and its meat is extremely delicious.

Beicheng Nansheng: Is it really okay for you to be so cruel?
Beicheng Nansheng: Am I the only one who thinks this little rabbit is very cute and really hits girls' hearts?

Dimly lit place: What is the heart of a girl? Are you a girl?Frightened, frightened...

The frog that brings home specialties: It’s really cute, and I’ve come up with a thousand ways to eat rabbits in my mind.

Chunhe Jingming: Stir-fried rabbit, braised rabbit with green bamboo shoots, stewed rabbit, pickled pepper rabbit, dry pot rabbit...

The stars in the sky are shining: kill a rabbit, butcher it into moderately sized pieces, you can add a little salt, cooking wine and ginger first, cook until it is almost mature, add chili and stir fry...

I have spicy sticks to follow me: Shouldn't we sigh at this time that the anchor is finally not a big ugly comparison? You are so fierce, what should you do if you scare the anchor away.

Host: Go on, what about after stir-frying?

Sheng Ge was listening with gusto. She didn't expect that there are so many ways to eat a rabbit. It seems that she has to study hard.

At this time, Shengge had already ignored what the group of glass bastards said about killing a good rabbit, referring to her rabbit...

Chunhe Jingming: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

The stars in the sky are shining: Σ(дlll)
Lingling Qixian Shang: The anchor is worthy of being an anchor, we are willing to bow down.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: anchor, have you noticed that you are now a rabbit?
Anchor: ...

Shengge was dumbfounded. As a foodie, the first thing she noticed was the delicious rabbit meat and how to make it.

Emmmmm, could it be that her brain also went with the wind after turning into a Jade Rabbit?

Anchor: The little white rabbit is white and white, with two ears pricked up, loves to eat radishes and vegetables, it is so cute bouncing around.

Anchor: Tutu is so possible, how can you eat Tutu?

Lang Jiujiu: Host, are you sure you like carrots and vegetables?But, anchor, can you tell us what the world is going to do first?
Host: Vacation...

Shengge blurted out without thinking.

You've become a rabbit, what else can you do if you don't go on vacation.

But the plot should be accepted or must be accepted, is it possible to be a blind man with black eyes?

Oh my god...

Accepting the plot, Shengge has only one idea, and the road to enemies is narrow.

The worst thing in the world is definitely not that you have changed from a person to a rabbit, but that this rabbit once teased that great monk Tang Sanzang...

Is there anything worse than this?

She is not only a rabbit, but also the most famous jade rabbit among rabbits, the one that often sleeps in the arms of Fairy Chang'e.

Thinking about it, there must be many otaku envious of her treatment.

After all, she can share the same bed with Chang'e now, and she can still lie in the arms of Chang'e fairy...

As a rabbit with a history of teasing Tang Seng, Sheng Ge was terrified.

She once accompanied Tang Seng all the way to the west to learn scriptures, how could she not understand Tang Seng's toughness.

A Zen stick can definitely kill a nest of rabbits.

Obviously, when she was learning Buddhist scriptures in the Western Paradise, the Jade Rabbit could already transform into a human being, so why is she still a little rabbit now?

Could it be that Tang Seng's Zen staff was too ruthless?

No wonder one by one will say that there are beauties and beautiful scenery.

Jade Rabbit's wish, she wants to stop eating mooncakes, and wants to avenge the Zen stick that year...

After accepting Yutu's wish, Shengge just wanted to lie down and pretend to be dead.

What the hell is it if you don't want to eat mooncakes.

The Mid-Autumn Festival of mortals originally originated from Chang'e Fairy, once a year, as Chang'e's personal Jade Rabbit, how can you dislike moon cakes.

Isn’t it normal to eat mooncakes once a year?
Besides, isn't the jade rabbit making medicine?How come it's on the bar with moon cakes...

As for avenging the Zen stick...

Hehehe, just think about it.

After all, she did not seldom play tricks on that Zen stick back then.

Anyway, it is a resort world, and it is normal that the missions of the resort world cannot be completed.

Everyone is happy.

"Jade Rabbit, Jade Rabbit..."

Just as Shengge was relaying the basic situation and tasks of this world to the glass bastards in the live broadcast room, a light and ethereal female voice came to his ears.

Don't think about it, it must be Fairy Chang'e who can call her like this.

She has met Fairy Chang'e several times, so she is no stranger.

Xu Shi has seen a woman like Meng Po who is dressed in red like a fire, with a smile and a glance of thousands of years. No one can compare with Meng Po in terms of appearance.

Even if it's the cold, misty, fairy-like sister Chang'e.

Speaking of it, it's not that Chang'e is really inferior to Po Meng, maybe it's preconceived, maybe Miss Meng Po's looks are more in line with Shengge's liking, anyway, in Shengge's eyes, the title of the most beautiful woman in the three worlds should belong to Miss Meng Po.

"Yutu, why are you here again?"

"Although this is the place where Guanghan Palace is closest to the Buddhist world in the Western Heaven, you can't see the second disciple of the Buddha in the Western Heaven no matter what."

"Yutu, don't be obsessed with it anymore, turn back in time."

"Day after day, you miss him so far, but he doesn't know it, is it worth it?"

"Come back with me, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, it's time for you to make mooncakes."

Fairy Chang'e bent down and hugged Sheng Ge in her arms.

Shengge: (||Д)
What does Miss Chang'e's words mean.

Could it be that Yutu previously created an image of Tang Sanzang with no regrets?
emmmmm, is this to play her to death before giving up?
She is Zhu Bajie, and Tang Seng is a master and apprentice, and if a master and apprentice fall in love, they will be punished by heaven.

What if these words reach Tang Seng's ears and give her a Zen stick?


Shengge wanted to speak anxiously, telling Chang'e not to talk nonsense.


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(End of this chapter)

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