Chapter 615 Zhou Zhiruo Wants to Be Rough (26)

"Good boy, call me uncle."

Zhou Fu pretended to be mature.

Shengge: ...

Inexplicably, there is a feeling of being forced to stuff a mouthful of dog food, what the hell?

This little fairy is here to fight the country, not to watch you spread dog food.

Obviously Zhou Fu's little brother was the one she risked her life to save, but why did he follow Song Qingshu astray?

The people she saved, even if they were going to go astray, they could only go astray with her.

What the hell is following Song Qingshu?

"Shut up, you have to remember, we are here to fight, not to show affection."

"To show affection is to be struck by lightning."

Shengge twirled her strands of hair around her fingertips.

Without a pretty little brother, she had to do it herself.

"Eh, that's not right."

"Zhiruo, there is a loophole in what you said. The sixth uncle shows his affection in Wudang all day long, and he has never been struck to death by lightning."

"Without practice, there is no voice."

"As the young head of a faction, you must have a basis for your words, and you will learn from me in this regard in the future.

Song Qingshu had a look of complacency that he had finally gained the upper hand.

Shengge covered her eyes, she really couldn't see.

Who are these two idiots who didn't expect to be released?

Was the point of what she said just now that the sky was struck by lightning?
Sand sculpture...

"Yes, yes, you are the best, we are all far behind."

In terms of lack of IQ, everyone can't keep up with it.

"Martial nephew, if you talk again, people from the six sects may know that the next head of the Wudang sect has no brains."

"Low IQ, this is flawed."

"Don't feel inferior, you have to learn to accept reality, we are not smart, but we can hide our clumsiness."

Zhou Fu picked up Shengge's words in a timely manner.

Shengge laughed, look at this vicious person, he is indeed the one she saved.

It is a good tradition of the teacher's school to talk cheap and owe hands, and it should be carried forward.

Who made the founders Monkey King Monkey King and Jin Chanzi.

How could such a glorious tradition handed down by such a prominent generation disappear in the long river of history?

Junior classmate Zhou Fu did a great job.

Song Qingshu: ...

Hehehe, what evil did he himself do back then to bring Zhou Fu himself in front of Grand Master and create such a master uncle for himself.

This day is simply impossible.

Alas, I can't talk anymore, he really doesn't seem to be Zhou's opponent in terms of brains.

It is the best policy to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.

He and the person surnamed Zhou are born at odds.



It finally subsided, and Shengge often let out a sigh of relief.

Such an atmosphere of sand sculptures is actually not in line with the aura of a dry fight.

Lang Jiujiu: Broadcaster, it's rare to have some fun in this life, why interrupt?

Yu Sheng Gu Liang: There is so much love...

A glass of wine for the rest of my life: Is this the legend of falling in love and killing each other?

Dimly lit place: Are the names of the two upstairs showing their affection again?

Dimly lit place: Anchor, Anchor, someone here is showing affection, please drag it out and kill it.

Anchor: I can't kill those who show affection by my little fairy, let alone you who are far away from the emperor.

Announcer: Sad.

Shengge put on a lot of pretentiousness.

The people around me are all in pairs, and the glass shards in the live broadcast room seem to be showing signs of getting out of singles.

Well, it's not scary not to take off the singles, what's scary is that until now she feels that she's so cool and comfortable alone.

Well, she is the kind of person who is born alone.

Wouldn't it be nice for bosom friends in twos and threes to live a life wanton and unrestrained?

With a leaf dangling from the corner of Sheng Ge's mouth, he leaned against the tree in a bored and shapeless manner. The disciples of Emei also followed suit, looking lazily as if they had come for an outing in another place.

What's there to be nervous about? No matter how fierce the Mingjiao people are, can they be more ferocious than those beasts in the back mountain of Emei?
Besides, with the junior sisters around, everyone in the Mingjiao is simply a bunch of scumbags.

Junior Sister will definitely let these people know what it means to flick the fingers, and the mast and scull will be wiped out in ashes.

Apart from Emei, the Wudang faction is the calmest.

Didn't you see that their young master is still showing his IQ like a fighting cock?
Wudang and Emei have been very close these years. No one knows Emei's confidence, but Wudang still knows a thing or two.

But other people who don't know why are a little bit drummed. They followed Wudang and Emei so recklessly to besiege Guangmingding, wouldn't they come back in a hurry?
If you lose, you lose, and you are afraid that you will lose your wealth and life.

Oh, is it too late to go now?

Also, as agreed, the Emei School is a bunch of little fairies who don't eat the fireworks of the world.


Your fairy is so tough, she knocked down a tree and used it as a stool?
This is clearly a human-shaped tigress, who can't be provoked.



"No regrets, take your mother down the mountain from the path."

Yang Xiao, who has been disabled and paralyzed for several years, now looks a little more lonely than a hero.

Ji Xiaofu and Yang Buhui's life in Mingjiao these years has not been satisfactory.

Because of Yang Xiao's broken leg, even if it hindered Yang Xiao's majesty, many congregants still blamed Ji Xiaofu's mother and daughter for this incident.

Yang Xiao should have a bright future, but now he can only linger on his last breath.

The hope of Mingjiao unification was shattered.

Yang Buhui is no longer the eccentric appearance in the plot, but rather introverted and withdrawn.

If she knew what life would be like after finding her father, she would rather live in that small town with her mother for the rest of her life.

Are she and her mother the sinners who destroyed Ming Cult?
Oh, Mingjiao?

After so many years of hearing and seeing, she is too aware of how filthy Mingjiao is.

His father was disabled, and his power was left behind. The already precarious Mingjiao became more and more torn apart.

There are soldiers fighting bravely in various places, but there are also big devils in the eyes of famous decent families who are constantly doing evil.

She didn't know how to evaluate the Mingjiao sect.

But she knew that the evil maggots were in her body, and she had to go to great lengths to get rid of them.

This Mingjiao is not the Mingjiao that my father thought of, let alone the Mingjiao that my father has always imagined.

Didn't she always say that she and her mother, the two bastards, misunderstood Mingjiao, so she might as well give it a try.

Since you have to hurt your muscles and bones, it's better to be more thorough.

It is rare for Yang Buhui to agree with Sheng Ge on the issue of dealing with the Mingjiao. She is in it, so she empathizes more than Sheng Ge.

"Father, open your eyes to see the current Mingjiao? Is it really the Mingjiao you imagined?"

"Father, Nirvana is the only way to be reborn."

Even Yang Xiao, who was in the era of complete victory, could not convince the whole Mingjiao, let alone now.

For several years, Yang Xiao worked hard, but it was still difficult to turn the tide.

It's only been a few years, but Yang Xiao looks like he's more than ten years old, and the white hair on his temples is extremely dazzling.

"No regrets, speak carefully."

"One day as a member of the Mingjiao, then you will be a Mingjiao person for the rest of your life."

"You can die, but you can't betray."

 Well, robbing your tickets, I'm a robber.

(End of this chapter)

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