Chapter 616 Zhou Zhiruo Wants to Be Rough (27)

Yang Xiao shouted sharply.

Why didn't he know that his wife and daughter were not going well in Mingjiao these years, but there was nothing he could do about it.

In his life, no matter whether he was honored or powerful, he was bestowed by Mingjiao.

Everyone has obsessions, Mingjiao is something he cannot let go of.

Yang Buhui pursed his lips and lowered his head.

If you are in it, your eyes will be covered by falsehood and you will not be able to see reality clearly.

Dad is like this, if today's Mingjiao doesn't make drastic changes, then it will inevitably rot in the bones over time.

Those people who pushed back and forth and refused to accept each other will definitely put the responsibility on daddy.

She could see Daddy's hard work, but others didn't understand.

Some people must be eliminated, and they must be eliminated continuously, and they will not be disturbed by them.

This is the experience she gained from watching others scramble for power and profit in Mingjiao for so many years.

"Daddy, my daughter won't leave."

Ji Xiaofu made up his mind, and Yang Xiao couldn't do anything about it.

After all, Yang Xiao's current energy has to be put on the siege of Guangmingding by the six sects.

Ji Xiaofu stood quietly behind Yang Xiao with a dazed expression, no one knew what she was thinking.

Don't regret it too soon...

And of course she wasn't much better.

As an ordinary woman whose cultivation base has been abolished, Mingjiao and Emei are constantly at odds.Over the years, she has long been used to ridiculing her openly and secretly.

Only after spending time together day and night did she realize that Fenghua Xueyue's thoughts could really be wiped out little by little in the long river of time.

She once thought that after leaving Emei, staying with Yang Xiao would be her lifelong wish.

But now?

Her former teacher, the Emei Sect, took the lead, and the six sects besieged Guangmingding.

Noble sects can't tolerate her, and Mingjiao can't tolerate her either.

In the eyes of decent families, she is a traitor.

In the eyes of everyone in Mingjiao, she is a broom star.

Although Yang Xiao has tried his best to protect her these years, but Yang Xiao himself has been devastated in order to manage the size of Mingjiao.

It was no longer the time for Yang Xiao to talk about the divided Mingjiao.

There seems to be no place for her in the vast arena.

She once made side-effects, hoping that Yang Xiao would let go of the burdens in his hands, go back to the mountains and forests, and be an ordinary couple with her.

But Yang Xiao never intended to retire, she had nowhere to go, so she had to stay here.

For so many years, when she dreamed back at midnight, she had thought about what it would be like if she hadn't met Yang Xiaofang and paid her heart, but had obeyed the arrangement of her teacher and married Wudang Yin Liuxia with everyone's blessing.

She didn't have much affection for Yin Liuxia, but she didn't dislike him either.

He was a straightforward person, and it was a bit boring to get along with.

But that's the real match.

Yin Liuxia cared for her very much, if she hadn't met Yang Xiao, she might really marry Yin Liuxia according to her master's wishes after a few years of wasting.

I heard that over the years, Yin Liuxia has become famous in the Jianghu...

I heard that Yin Liuxia married a beautiful wife, and everyone in the world blessed him...

I heard that Yin Liuxia got a beloved daughter and spoiled her very much...

Everyone said that Yin Liuxia's wife must have accumulated countless blessings in her previous life, so she can marry Yin Liuxia in this life who is so devoted and serious to his wife.

Yin Liuxia protected his wife very well, and their wedding was blessed by relatives and friends.

Unlike her, who betrayed everyone...

I can't think about it anymore. If I can't control my emotions and regret it, what should I do.

No, no, she can't regret it.

If you regret it, doesn't it mean that she is wrong?
But even so, she still couldn't help thinking, if she married Yin Liting, would she be the one everyone envied?

What is she planning in her life?
Ji Xiaofu looked erratic, and didn't pay attention to the conversation between Yang Xiao and Yang Buhui.

After all, Yang Buhui is the person who gets along with Ji Xiaofu day and night, and Ji Xiaofu's thoughts cannot be hidden from her.

It's not that Ji Xiaofu regrets that she and Yang Xiao made a private decision for life back then. If she is proud of herself now, she probably won't even think about Yin Liting, a vulgar person who once loved her deeply.

However, she is not doing well now, but Yin Liting is thriving.

Once there is a gap, some dark thoughts can no longer be covered up.

Yang Buhui once saw that his mother deliberately collected information about Yin Liuxia, read it over and over again, and then burned it angrily, so that no one else would find out.

She doesn't quite understand this approach. Since she doesn't love her, since she has already made a choice, wouldn't it be the best result to forget each other and meet Stranger again?
Why do you deliberately torture yourself over and over again, obviously you will be unhappy, but you still want to hear the other party's news uncontrollably?

Then self-compassion?
Mother doesn't love Yin Liuxia, but the better Yin Liuxia lives, the less mother wants to let him go.

It's a pity that Yin Liuxia is a firm-willed and incomprehensible person.

Even though the mother wrote to the other party sincerely, the other party never responded.

It was as if Ji Xiaofu had never appeared in his life.

Time is really a knife that has stopped, polishing everyone beyond recognition, and it is no longer what it looks like in memory.

However, facing the changes in time, everyone is full of powerlessness.

"Mother, I believe you will advance and retreat with father."

Yang Bugui pointed out.

Ji Xiaofu nodded guiltily, she was a little more afraid of this daughter.

Even though Buhui looks restrained and timid on the surface, she knows very well that this is just a superficial appearance.

Her daughter is very much like Yang Xiao, she has a lot of ideas.

"Xiaofu, I have made things difficult for you these years."

Yang Xiao sighed, and said with a vicissitudes.

in case……

Would everything have been different if his legs hadn't been crippled?
Ji Xiaofu's eyes were a little bit astringent, the only warmth and motivation these years may have been Yang Xiao.

She doesn't regret meeting him, or knowing each other, but the current life really makes her discouraged.

In today's battle, the future is unknown.

Forget it, forget it, why think so much about what you have and what you don’t have.

At the very least, everyone in Mingjiao said one sentence correctly, she was really the broom star who made Yang Xiao unlucky.

If it wasn't for her, Yang Xiao would still be the left-hand envoy of light who was so unrestrained and unrestrained that made countless women dream of him.

She and Yang Xiao, it's really hard to define who is dragging down who.

For so many years, the fates of her and Yang Xiao have long been tightly twisted together like a ball of hemp rope, which keeps being cut and messed up.

She knew that she was sorry for Yang Xiao with those thoughts just now.

She is dissatisfied with her current situation and blames others...

What about Yang Xiao?

Who should Yang Xiao blame?

To be honest, it is a blessing that Yang Xiao didn't turn his anger on her because of the broken leg all these years.

Think about it from another angle, if you have a husband like this, you can't ask for anything.

It's really not clear who's catastrophe is whose.

In the face of life and death, there is no more chaotic jealousy.

 After hesitating for two days, I still can't bear to portray Ji Xiaofu as a bad person.

  People's hearts are fleshy, and the relationship between Yang Xiao and Ji Xiaofu is no longer as superficial as love.

  I don't know if my thoughts will be approved by you.

  But I really don't like pure villains.

(End of this chapter)

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