Chapter 632 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss ([-])

Shengge: Σ(д|||)
All the glass bastards in the live broadcast room: Σ(°△°|||)︴

This young lady is beautiful, but she is not too fierce.

"Wait a minute..."

Shengge shouted out of luck.

As the saying goes, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. If you have something to say, say it well, and being rude really affects harmony.

Well, she is afraid of plantain fans.

Although I don't know why Princess Iron Fan obtained this plantain fan, it is undeniable that the plantain fan is indeed a rare spiritual object.

"I can't slow down..." Princess Iron Fan was always proud in front of the Bull Demon King, how could she bear the Bull Demon King's saying that wild flowers do not smell like wild flowers.

Seeing this, Shengge subconsciously called out his ugly rake.


There seems to be something wrong.

The Bull Demon King's talisman is a mixed iron rod, definitely not an ugly rake.


While Sheng Ge was hesitating, a strong wind blew up, with the momentum of sweeping everything, making people daunting.

Without hesitation, Shengge stuck the ugly rake on the ground, holding the rake tightly with both hands.

Hmph, is it true that all the rakes of this little fairy are vegetarian?

Anyway, this ugly rake followed her from world to world, and he was also a rake who had seen the world.

But it turned out that Sheng Ge was too happy.

Although the ugly rake is strong, it is still a bit difficult in the professional field of plantain fans.


So Sheng Ge was blown away magnificently, as for how far she flew, she couldn't figure it out in her heart.

Indistinctly, there seemed to be a conversation coming from the wind.

"Sister-in-law, will there be any accidents, brother?"

Even if Niu Xiangxiang, who is not afraid of the heavens and the earth, is still a little guilty when facing the angry Princess Iron Fan.

"Once born and twice acquainted, that dog has long been used to it?"

Princess Iron Fan said nonchalantly.

Others don't know, doesn't she know?

Bull Demon King's skin is like a wall of copper and iron, and even a sword or magic weapon can hardly hurt him, let alone a gust of wind.

Back then, when the Bull Demon King stuck to her like a dog skin plaster, how many times she was slapped away by the plantain fan?

It's also because she was young and ignorant that she believed in the bull devil's tricks and entrusted her with her heart.

Tens of hundreds of years passed by, and she couldn't remember what her beloved Bull Demon King looked like.

She also knows that the person she can't let go of tossing and turning is the Bull Demon King who held her in the palm of his hand back then.

But things are different, and some things will never come back after all.

She is not reconciled...

damn thing?
Niu Xiangxiang blinked silently, if the eldest brother is a dog, then what is she?
Well, she'd better keep her mouth shut, so as not to get hurt by the fish in the pond, brother, you old man just ask for blessings.



Beicheng Nansheng: How long has it been since I saw the anchor so embarrassed?I don't know if the anchor is still in the mood to miss the beautiful lady.

If you walk too wavy, you will lose your waist: Tsk, there are so many worlds, don’t you guys understand how good-looking the anchor is?

Lang Jiujiu: Tsk tsk tsk, as the saying goes, there is no grievance in the world that can't be overcome, if there is, it's because you don't have enough good looks.Believe me, this must be the life creed of the anchor.

I'm a magic stick: the old monk made a calculation, the world of anchors will enjoy the blessings of all people, and the old monk is here to congratulate first.

A glass of wine for the rest of my life: the blessing of Qi people?Is it the blessing of Qi Ren as I understand it?

I am a magic stick: I can only understand it but not express it in words... (°°)

Dimly lit place: Am I the only one who thinks that the devil's fierce smile is cheap? There must be something in his words.


Shengge glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

It seems that the glass bastards in the live broadcast room still know her quite well.

Appearance is justice, and of course there is no barrier that cannot be overcome.

As for the blessing of Qi Ren...

Isn't the bull devil just sitting and enjoying the blessings of all people?

The noble and proud Princess Iron Fan, the charming and charming jade-faced fox, are typical winners in life.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really hate it, when did the glass bastards in the live broadcast room get so anxious about their IQs?As for the blessing of Qiren, he guessed and pretended to be mysterious.

I hate it...

I don't know if the IQ of these glass scumbags will affect her through the live broadcast room.

Inexplicably worried, what should I do?
Shengge's schadenfreude didn't last long, because she found that she seemed to be fanned by a plantain fan to a desert where everything was silent and only the wind and sand were constantly raging.

Still kind of deserted.

Sheng Ge, who has always been optimistic about the sky, panicked for a moment.

What to do, the desert survival skills seem to have not been learned yet.

Um, I don't know if Princess Iron Fan carefully chose such a shitty place to starve him to death, and then remarried openly.

Woohoo, this little fairy really has a hard life.

Just a few days after crossing, he was about to be deliberately murdered by his beautiful wife.

After finding a place where the wind was blowing, the raging wind and sand were partly blocked by the boulders, so Shengge calmed down.

How long has she been flying? The sun was shining brightly when she was clearly in the cave, why did she land with a bright moon in the sky?

It is really the most poisonous woman's heart.

If you ignore the growling stomach, Sheng Ge might lie on the ground arty and pretend to be literary, enjoying the magnificent and mysterious night view of the desert.

But the people depend on food, and in the face of such a big thing as hunger, other literary things can be forgotten for the time being.

Well, Sheng Ge is an extremely vulgar person.

If she had known that there would be a catastrophe, she would never have let out a long sigh. With this time, she might as well eat and drink with Niu Xiangxiang for a few days, so she wouldn't be as pitiful as she is now.

Shengge touched his beer belly, which had been stacked several layers of swimming rings, and sighed in despair.

I don't know how the big ugly Bull Demon King chased such a proud beauty like Princess Iron Fan.

Sure enough, even the good cabbage made the big fat cow go crazy.

If Princess Iron Fan knew Sheng Ge's thoughts, she would definitely cry for injustice.

The bull demon king who was tens of hundreds of years ago really has seen it before. When he turned into a human form, he was a sharp-edged and handsome young man. If he was in the form of a beast, he was also strong and brave.

But who would have expected that after the two got married, the Bull Demon King seemed to have eaten a catalyst, his body size increased sharply, his round belly, and his huge face almost took Zhu Bajie's place.

Is marriage really the grave of beauty?



Sheng Ge, whose stomach kept growling, began to sigh again.

It seems that since she came to this world, sighing has become her daily compulsory course.

Well, with the body of the Bull Demon King, she felt that she could save her strength until rescue came.

The mysterious confidence that comes from a cow.

(End of this chapter)

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