Chapter 633 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss ([-])

In the middle of the night, when you can't see your fingers, it's better not to run wild in the desert.

No one can predict how many murderous intentions are hidden in the deserted desert.

Most importantly, she really felt that with the fat on the Bull Demon King's body, she could live for several days longer.

Instantly convinced himself, Sheng Ge lay down nearby.

The conditions are simple, and she cannot be disgusted.

Needless to say, with this big rock, it is really a windshield.

Hey, with a tough daughter-in-law like Princess Iron Fan, how could the Bull Demon King have the guts to mess around with flowers and grass.

I really don't know the blessing when I am in the blessing.

If there is a beautiful young lady who is devoted to her, she will definitely change her mind and make soup.

It's a pity that God didn't give her such a chance.

Daughter's body, man's heart.

Shengge rubbed her soft belly, her thoughts became more and more lost.

Over time, Sheng Ge fell into a deep sleep without knowing when.

I don't know if this is a big heart or a bold person with a high level of art.

This time, Shengge didn't know how long she had slept, she was just awakened by a strong sense of hunger, and her throat was itchy and sore along the way.

This world is really a bad start.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that the hungry chest sticks to the back. After all, the fat of the Bull Demon King, which is comparable to that of Zhu Bajie, cannot be lost in a day or two.


There seems to be a little brother haunting the front...

"Little brother, little brother, look here..."

Shengge stood up swiftly, waving the ugly rake majesticly.

If people don't know, they may think that this is bandit robbery.

In the yellow sand all over the sky, the figure got closer and closer, and the outline gradually became clear.

But Shengge's hand wielding the rake gradually slowed down, and his brows were affected.

I don't know if it's anxiety or hesitation.

She has already guessed who the other party is.

The absolute protagonist in this world, Supreme Treasure.

Is it more timid to be close to the nostalgia?

Shengge didn't know how to express her emotions at the moment.

Convoluted and confusing.

Anyone who has watched Westward Journey knows that Supreme Treasure and Monkey King are still essentially the same person.

The time is wrong, but the person is still the same person.

Regardless of the ignorance of Bai Jingjing or the sincerity of Fairy Zixia, these unforgettable memories belong to the same person.

It's been a long time since we met again, what kind of attitude should she face?

Shengge knew in his heart that the monkeys in this world were different from any previous world.

The Monkey King in her memory would never hesitate. For him, there was only one goal, and that was to keep moving forward.

But Supreme Treasure is different...

Supreme Treasure is innocent, full of pyrotechnics, and he has all the embarrassments and hesitation of ordinary people.

Ordinary clothes, slightly unruly hair, from a distance looks more like a knight who walks the rivers and lakes without restraint.

Knights have always loved sons and daughters, heroes and shortness of breath.

With just one glance, Sheng Ge knows that this is not the person in memory.

In her eyes, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven would not be so anxious and unsure of the way forward.

he is not he...

But if he is not him, how should he explain it.

Everyone knows that wearing the Supreme Treasure with the golden hoop becomes the Monkey King.

Can a golden hoop really change a person?
This was the first time that Shengge had an uncontrollable panic.

What she is afraid of is not her unknown future, but the fear that the motivation she regards as a god to spur her to keep moving forward will collapse.

It must be admitted that, to a certain extent, the indomitable Great Sage has made her fearless today.

Shengge stood there quietly, without saying a word, like a prisoner waiting for the final sentence.

To this day, she has walked steadily step by step to where she is today, and the only one who can make her cautious is the Great Sage.

Yes and no, just one word is enough.



When encountering living things in the desert, the surprise of Supreme Treasure is no less than that of Shengge.

After all, in this eerie and eerie desert, it is always good to have someone for company.

"Hey, brother..."

Zhizunbao smiled happily, and trotted towards Shengge briskly.


He seems to be happy too early...

The person on the other side was not a human being, but it looked like a cow that had become fine.

These days, goblins are very fierce.

Either you have to cook and eat his food, or you have to marry him.

Does his Supreme Treasure look like the kind of spineless person?
His people and his heart belong to Bai Jingjing, and they will never change until death.

Alas, I don't know if I can still pretend I didn't see it and sneak away.

Seeing the cow's listless and absent-minded appearance, it's very likely that he didn't hear his call at all in a daze.

36 meter, go first.

If you don't go now, wait until later.


Under Shengge's surprised gaze, Supreme Treasure slipped away magnificently.

Shengge: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Who will tell her what the plot is.

Forgive her, my mind is a little confused and I can't keep up with the rhythm.

emmmmm, what are you running for, did this little fairy let you go?
Seeing the Supreme Treasure fleeing in a hurry, Shengge threw the ugly rake directly, hitting the ground heavily, blocking the Supreme Treasure's path.

Just like this little coward, he is definitely not a great sage.

Shengge was almost [-]% sure about the assertion.

"Why are you running, is this king so scary?..."

Shengge stepped forward, raised Zhizunbao's chin with his index finger, and looked at his appearance carefully.

Tut tut...

The more he looked, the more Sheng Ge frowned.

She has seen the great sage in human form more than once. It is not absolutely beautiful, but the outstanding temperament makes the appearance seem less important.

This Supreme Treasure is roughly [-]% similar to the face of the Great Sage, but...

The skin is a degree whiter than that of the Great Sage...

The edges and lines of the face are also softened...

Most importantly, the momentum...

The aura varies greatly, the great sage is arrogant and unruly, like an indestructible sword, piercing through all falsehoods.

And Supreme Treasure has weaknesses, desires, and warmth.

While Shengge was watching, Zhizunbao almost made me cry.

This cow that has become a spirit can't be blind and can't tell whether he is a man or a woman, right?
Or is it that the taste of this cow is really outrageous?
If I had known that I would meet a fine cow here, I might as well be honest and be the husband of the village in Pansi Cave.

Although that Fairy Xia looks supernatural, always talking nonsense, turning her face and denying others, at least she is a beautiful young lady.

How is it like now...

He was actually given tofu by an ugly, fat and rude bull demon.

Alas, Jingjing, I'm sorry for you, I can't keep my innocence.

There was Zixia before, but now I meet Niujing, the sky will kill him.

No matter how you look at it, these peach blossoms of his are all rotten peach blossoms.

It goes without saying that the bull demon is vicious, and that Zixia is also fickle.

One during the day, one at night...

 I always think that the Great Sage is different from the Supreme Treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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