Chapter 669 Miss Jiang Yuyan ([-])

Should we first deal with the two hooligans who coaxed Jiang Yuyan to take her to find her father, or should I go to the brothel to settle the score first?


Looks like a bit hungry.

Eat and drink enough to have the strength to work, otherwise the effect of beating people will be greatly reduced.

Ever since Jiang Yuyan's mother passed away, she embarked on a journey to find her father. She lived and slept in the open. She couldn't eat or sleep well, and she didn't know how many times she was cheated.

I remember that Xiao Yu'er once commented on Jiang Yuyan like this, even if Jiang Yuyan was thrown into the pack of wolves, Jiang Yuyan could still become the wolf king.

This is Jiang Yuyan's scheming and means.

But it is not difficult to imagine how this scheming and means appeared in a young girl who was only 17 years old.

The darkness she has seen and the pain she has experienced are more than those of ordinary people in a lifetime.

Rolling and crawling in the mud, her heart was no longer bright.

She pretended to be pitiful, weak, and waited for an opportunity.

This is her way of life.

Alas, it seems to be far away again.

In order to fill her stomach, she should go to the brothel first.

It is said that the brothel is the best in the area.

Thinking of this, Sheng Ge no longer hesitated, relying on Jiang Yuyan's surviving memory, went back in a blatant way.

At this time, the brothel has experienced Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque's fighting, and it seems that some people have not recovered from their self-defeating.

Shengge didn't hesitate, and kicked down the already crumbling door.

Ahem, she is thinking about the safety of other people.

What if the door falls and accidentally hits someone.

As a socialist youth with four talents, he must put the interests of the broad masses of the people first.

"How dare you come back, you bastard?"

"Come on, call me..."

The shouting person with his waist in his head had a big flower on his head, his face was covered with makeup, his plump lips were still painted blood red, and there was a big gold bracelet on his wrist.

Sheng Ge didn't know why this style became popular in brothels.

Forgive her clumsy eyesight for not being able to appreciate it.

She didn't hesitate at all about fighting or anything.

Shengge's eyes were rolling, no one knew what crooked idea she was thinking.


With so many people onlookers, it seems a little boring to just watch the fights. Why don't she create some talking points for the people who eat melons?

"Try if you dare to touch me. My father is Jiang Biehe, a unparalleled hero of benevolence and righteousness."

"Jiang Biehe, have you heard of it?"

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. Although he was just the school boy of the jade-faced swordsman Jiang Feng back then, he is now a famous hero, the kind who can pin you down with one finger."

Shengge's actions are always simple and rude, and in a few sentences, Jiang Biehe has worked so hard to conceal the past to the public.

Isn't it the unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, isn't it the legend that the rivers and lakes are not fallen?
For this extremely hypocritical, hypocritical guy, Sheng Ge thought it would be more interesting to tear off the fig leaf.

Just imagine, the illusion you have worked so hard to maintain is broken by someone with a few words, how outraged it would be.

Jiang Biehe doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy.

When he was a book boy, he was unfaithful and betrayed Jiang Feng who designed him.

When he was a husband, he was not good, and when he was newly married, he had an affair with a brothel girl.

When he was a father, he was heartless and denied Jiang Yuyan for the sake of status and reputation, allowing her to be bullied.

When you are a friend, you are unrighteous, calculating and plotting everywhere.

Such a person is treacherous all his life.

Therefore, Sheng Ge felt very at ease when he exposed his old background.

They are all villains, pretending to be unparalleled.

Although the rank of the villain Jiang Biehe is not worth mentioning compared to Jiang Yuyan.

Didn't Jiang Biehe deny Jiang Yuyan?

Then she made the matter a big deal from the very beginning, and everyone in the world knows it. Let's see if Jiang Biehe can still turn a blind eye.

Yigao is bold, but she is not afraid of being killed without anyone noticing.

"Stop talking nonsense here, who knows that Jiang Daxia has only one daughter, her maiden name is Jiang Yufeng, she is the disciple of Nanhai Shenni, she is open and aboveboard, noble and elegant."

"Where did you come from, wild girl, to dare to slander Jiang Hero here?"

Among the onlookers, there are many people who are struggling in the rivers and lakes but are still unknown.

Therefore, it was no secret who Jiang Biehe was after the people who ate melons asked each other.

"Brother who is speaking, is it possible that you haven't heard of an illegitimate daughter?"

"If you are a person who is loyal to your wife, why are you running around in this flower street and willow alley? Don't you know that the lip marks on your cheeks haven't been wiped clean?"

"No matter how beautiful the home flowers are, how many of you here can resist the temptation of wild flowers?"

"To be honest, I am the illegitimate daughter Jiang Biehe left behind in the Qinhuai River for several months."

Identity and history cannot be concealed. Shengge has always believed that if he can uncover the past by himself, then don't wait for others to slander him.

Don't forget, there is also Hongye Zhai in this Jianghu, known as Jianghu Baixiaosheng.

All the affairs of the Jianghu, all the people of the Jianghu, there is no Hongye Zhai who doesn't know.

Shengge's words about an illegitimate daughter made the melon-eating crowd present feel a little embarrassed.

However, the words are not rough, as long as they have a little extra money, who doesn't want to marry two more concubines, or raise a second wife.

The statement about the illegitimate daughter seems to make sense.

"Are you sure you want to hit me again?"

"I don't know if this little brothel can withstand Daddy's anger."

"By the way, it is said that my aunt is Liu Xi's goddaughter..."

For someone like Sheng Ge who is so thick-skinned that he is unparalleled in the world, reputation doesn't matter at all.

Well, this little fairy is destined to be a villain in this world.

Isn't the villain just everyone shouting and beating?

No matter how bad the reputation is, it doesn't matter.

Liu Xi?

As soon as the word Liu Xi came out, the lively crowd suddenly fell silent.

Maybe Jiang Biehe's prestige is a little strange to the common people, but Liu Xi, the great eunuch who holds real power, high authority and strong martial arts, can go to the point where a child stops crying.

No one knows that in the huge Dongchang, countless fans are under the command of Liu Xi alone.

One word disagreement, the kind that destroys the whole family.

Emmm, they really want to watch the fun, but they have to watch it with their lives.

slip away...

However, today's harvest seems to be quite a lot, at least he learned that Jiang Biehe, who is known as the unparalleled hero of benevolence and righteousness, is also a dignified person.

It seems that as soon as this news spread, Jiang Biehe's position as the leader of the martial arts alliance, which was already firmly established, might fly away like a duck in his hand.

"Buddhist, do you still want to fight?"

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you."

Shengge looked at the bustard and a group of turtles with a smile, and his smile was flamboyant and wanton.

Well, what is the slogan of this little fairy in this world?
Do things, continue to do things, do things with your life.

Life is endless and creation is endless.

The old bustard's wrinkled face was pale, what are these things?

Didn't she just spend 500 taels to buy a woman?Why is even the governor Liu Xi involved?
She's just a little commoner.

The old bustard's eyes were unpredictable, looking at Sheng Ge, he didn't know what he was thinking.

 In the afternoon, I played Wufa Tiannv with the Jimeis. It was really enjoyable.

(End of this chapter)

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