Chapter 670 Wanting Jiang Yuyan Who Has No Worth ([-])

It would be a lie to say no, in the vast world, only the ninety-five-year-old in the Golden Luan Hall would dare to take the governor seriously.

The conscience of heaven and earth, she really saw that this Yuyan girl was stunningly beautiful, and there was ambition and unwillingness in her eyes, and there was no lack of scheming that she should have.

Such a girl, in time, will definitely become a famous oiran who is hard to find in the world.

She has also been running this brothel for more than ten years, and she claims to have seen countless people. When she first saw Jiang Yuyan, she concluded that this was a master who spared her life.

Underneath the pitiful and weak appearance is ambition, hatred and unwillingness. Such a person will never focus on looking for death just because he is reduced to a brothel.

For her, life is hope.

But why in just a few quarters of an hour, a person's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, she was pitiful and pitiful, but now she is blatantly fearless, calm and confident.

No, not like.

Ask yourself, Jiang Yuyan at this time is something she, a little brothel bustard, would not want to provoke.

It has nothing to do with Liu Xi, the governor, or Jiang Biehe, who claims to be unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, but just Jiang Yuyan.

"Whatever the girl says, it's because the villain has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and humiliates the girl."

"In order to apologize to the girl, the profit in this building will be divided into [-]% for the girl. I don't know what the girl wants?"

The madam is also a decisive and ruthless character, and her countless advantages of knowing people are once again revealed at this time.

Watching people order dishes is also a means of survival to some extent.

No one can judge right from wrong, little people have the sorrow and struggle of little people.

Besides, who can predict whether the friendship at this time will be a great opportunity?

Now that things are up, it's better to take a gamble than tear up your face.

Shengge blinked, but the madam was really interesting.

Thirty percent of the profit of this brothel is not bad.

"Little girl is not the kind of unreasonable and caring person. Since you have made friends with each other sincerely, it is indeed a good strategy to turn hostility into friendship."

Well, it is a fool to have money and not make money.

Is it possible that the white silver is hot to hold?
"Well, I'm a little hungry..."

Sheng Ge patted his shriveled stomach, blinked his big watery eyes and said innocently.

Aside from other things, just Jiang Yuyan's skin is really easy to make people feel protective.

This is undoubtedly a natural protective color for Jiang Yuyan, who used to live like an ant in the cracks.

The watery eyes seemed to be filled with infinite tenderness and carelessness forever.

Bustard: ╮(︶﹏︶)╭

Looking at this scene, the bustard seemed to have ten thousand horses roaring past in her heart.

In fact, this girl is learning to change her face.

From being cute and pitiful mixed with ambition to being simple and rude, and now to being pure, kind and simple, the years are quiet and peaceful...

How many faces are there?

"It's because the villain didn't think carefully. Wait a moment, girl, and I'll serve you with good wine and good food."

The bustard is full of smiles, and she is good at dancing with her long sleeves.

"Then can I make a small request?"

Shengge's eyebrows were crooked, and she raised her hand timidly, her cute appearance was like that of a child in kindergarten.

"Just say..."

The bustard was unable to complain at this moment.

Girl, everyone still remembers the feat you kicked down the door just now, there is really no need to act like this.

Well, in short, don't pretend, everyone knows what kind of stuff it is.

"I heard singing and dancing go well with eating..."

The performance of Shengge possessed by drama essence has skyrocketed, and it looks playful, cute and eccentric.

The bustard sighed silently, she really couldn't see it.

"Let's get ready, little one."



So amidst the chaos, Sheng Ge nourished and leisurely enjoyed the singing and dancing, and enjoyed the food and wine by the way.

Satisfied with food and drink, and the addiction to eyes is over, Sheng Ge finally has the energy to think about those two little hooligans.

Well, you can't be so spineless when dealing with those two little ruffians.

"Buddhist, I have something that bothers me and I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

Shengge coughed lightly and spoke quietly.

Hearing this, the old bustard raised his heart again.

Girl, tossing people is not such a tossing method.

"Just tell me, if I can help you, I will never frown..."

The old bustard wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears. What crime did she do to let her meet such a person.

"Those two..."

One can know the elegant meaning by hearing the strings, let alone someone as fine as a madam.

For the madam's cleverness and wit, Sheng Ge also had fun.



"Why are your eyes so wide? Don't you know this girl?"

Shengge cocked his legs and licked melon seeds in a foolish way, bent over and patted the stunned face lightly.

"Hey, don't you want to take this girl to find your father?"

"You are so warm-hearted, I can't repay my kindness, and I can't repay you, so I have to take you to find your father once."

"Don't refuse, and don't feel embarrassed."

It is not a good way to promote violence with an eye for an eye, but it is the most relieved at this time.

These two dogs don't know how many helpless women have been abducted and sold.

That being the case, it is better to switch roles.

I don't know if these two little hooligans have such a strong endurance from hunter to prey.

Shengge has never advertised himself as a kind person.

I don't know how many down-and-out women have been abducted and sold by these two sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked and mouse-eyed guys.

Not everyone has the luck of turning bad luck into good luck like Jiang Yuyan and finally becoming a villain boss.

"I heard that there are quite a few Nanfeng restaurants in this city with wonderful flavors and unique flavors. It's really difficult to become popular with your looks, but you can make a living..."

Isn't it the simplest and most direct way to treat the body in the same way?
Sheng Ge who said this had a slight smile on his lips and careless cynicism in his eyes.

In the eyes of others, this scene is really a bit horrifying.

No one would have thought that such a resolute, cold-blooded and vicious move would be uttered from such a flirtatious woman.

Shengge raised an eyebrow...

Oh, is it necessary to be so surprised?

Anyway, her main task in this life is to make Jiang Yuyan fake revenge with a clear conscience and reach the pinnacle of life.

Well, pretentious life is always full of surprises and pleasures.

"I don't know which one you two prefer?"

Shengge dropped the melon seeds in his hand, and patted the two young men who were about to start a new life, hiding their merits and fame and turning them into weak and pitiful people who were helpless.

Well, don't even think about running away.



The two little ruffians kept kowtowing, as if they wanted to arouse Sheng Ge's sympathy.

It's a pity, Sheng Ge's heart is like a stubborn stone.

"Hey, don't make trouble..."

"If it's broken, you won't be able to sell it at a good price..."

(End of this chapter)

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