Chapter 671 Wanting Jiang Yuyan Who Has No Worth ([-])

"Not being able to sell for a good price is the next best thing. If you can't support yourself in the future, it's a big sin."

"In the future, I will point to eating..."

There was always a slight smile on the corner of Shengge's mouth, as if he was talking about something extremely gentle.

"Feng Shui turns around, you should have thought that this day would come..."

Shengge got up and walked towards the nearby Nanfeng Pavilion with one in one hand.

Well, don't ask why those two hooligans are suddenly quiet...

Disobedient things, just knock them out.

Noisy, easy to affect the mood.

Three times, five divisions, two, Shengge solved the trouble, and glanced at the few people hiding around the corner.

"Don't hide it, watch it openly and aboveboard, don't you feel ashamed to be sneaky?"

Xiao Yu'er has always been a very curious person.

Hua Wuque's words finally aroused Xiao Yu'er's interest.

So Shengge made a big fuss in the brothel, and won the first battle perfectly with a method that seemed to hurt the enemy one thousand, self-injury and eight hundred self-revealing shortcomings. The whole process of punishing the villain as a human being is completely seen by the protagonist group.

Xiao Yuer, who was born on Wicked Island and boasted countless ghost ideas, couldn't help but marvel.

It seems that this time, he was really mistaken.

If it wasn't for the shrewdness of the old flower, it would have missed a big excitement.

"Girl Jiang..."

Tie Xinlan's heroic figure bowed her hands to Sheng Ge gracefully and gracefully.

And Xiao Yuer is still cynical, Hua Wuque is cool and handsome.

"Aren't your eyes uncomfortable?"

Shengge looked at Hua Wuque, whose face was nearly half covered by slanted bangs, and said meanly

It's not that she's meddling in other people's business, it's that she feels pity for beauty, and can't bear to see such a fluttering white beauty become squinted...

Hua Wuque: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Conscience of heaven and earth, he is clearly the one with the weakest sense of existence among the three, so why is it he who is the one who preemptively strikes this Jiang girl?

Is it because Tie Xinlan is not bright enough, or because Xiao Yuer's anger is not obvious...

This Yuyan girl actually saw him at a glance?
I swear to God, he is clearly the one who has nothing to do with himself.


This is definitely a nitpick.


Hua Wuque made a few excuses deliberately, but who made him grow up in Yihua Palace, so he was silent.

Shengge was extremely skeptical about Hua Wuque's words.

Forget it, she, the big villain boss, should not get entangled in the protagonist group.

"Miss Jiang, why don't we send you to find your father?"

Xiao Yu'er's ghost idea turned quickly.

Speaking of which, Xiao Yu'er is somewhat similar to Sheng Ge in temperament.

Jumping away, watching the excitement is not a big deal.

Not to mention that Xiao Yu'er has long suspected that Jiang Bie He Jiang, who claims to be unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, is a sanctimonious hypocrite.

Why not do it when you reveal the secret.

Not to mention that Xinlan also suspects that her father was plotted against by Jiang Biehe.

From this point of view, it is imperative to go to Jiang's house.

He serves multiple purposes, Xiao Yu'er is really too smart.

With Jiang Yuyan as an excuse, he and Laohua Mingxiu secretly went to Chen Cang on the plank road, and it was even more convenient to secretly investigate Tie Ruyun's whereabouts.

Hearing this, Sheng Ge cast a glance at Xiao Yu'er, and pretended to be surprised and said, "Why should I be so pitiful, and go to the door to find my father after suffering hardships and putting myself in a humble place?"

"Do you think this girl is a fool?"

The Jiang family must go back, but how to go back must be according to her wishes.

In the plot, Jiang Yuyan is full of admiration and goes to the door to find her relatives and find her father, just to change Jiang Biehe's father.


what's the result?

Since you want to be a demon and pretend, it's better to play a big game.

In terms of making waves, she has never counseled anyone.

Xiao Yuer: "..."


Xiao Yu'er felt that the brain he had always been proud of seemed not enough after meeting this girl Jiang.

It's not that Jiang Yuyan has a higher IQ than him, it's that the other party doesn't play cards according to common sense.

The appearance of not being afraid of anything that day made him a little envious.

He didn't know what gave Jiang Yuyan such confidence.

"I don't know what Miss Jiang plans to do, can you tell me a thing or two?"

What Shengge said and did completely ignited the little flame of gossip in Xiao Yu'er's heart.

watching a play watching a play...

There is no end to life, and there is no end to watching plays.


Shengge smiled, and the corners of his mouth outlined a false arc that could be seen at a glance.

Well, a villain must have the style and demeanor of being a villain, and if he gets entangled with the protagonist group, he will lose his price.

It's rare for this little fairy to be able to act like a demon so heartily in a world, and no one can stop her.

She was not Jiang Yuyan, Hua Wuque's beauty could not catch her feet or fascinate her eyes.

Little fish: ∑(°口°)
Hua Wuque: ┌(.Д.)┐

Uh, it seems that this Miss Jiang is not only picking on his thorns, but is not friendly to everyone.

Thinking about it this way, Hua Wuque, the melon-eating crowd, immediately became balanced.

"Miss Jiang, we have no malicious intentions, just to see if we can help one or two, don't think too much, we are not evil people..."

Tie Xinlan has always been a chivalrous and heroic woman.

In many cases, he is more open and frank than countless men.

Shengge looked at Tie Xinlan, who was delicate and elegant, bright and charming like a peony, and slightly understood why Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque fell in love with her.

Tie Xinlan in the original book, no matter how many film and television dramas there are, no one can perfectly reproduce her charm.

That's all, that's all, this is the person Jiang Yuyan feels guilty about.

Tie Xinlan, Xiao Yuer, Hua Wuque, Su Ying, Jiang Yufeng...

These five people may be the only factors that affect her behavior in this world.

Alas, who made Jiang Yuyan owe her money?

Hmph, can't you afford to provoke or hide?

This little fairy has a temper.

"Girl, which villain have you seen clearly written on his face that I'm an asshole, hurry up and beat me up?"

"Besides, do you think this girl needs help?"

Shengge picked up Hua Wuque casually, as if turning a golden cudgel, Hua Wuque had a deep understanding of what it means to be like a fairyland in the clouds and fog.

After landing, Hua Wuque bent over in embarrassment and leaned on the wall to vomit continuously.

Hua Wuque wants to cry but has no tears. What evil did he do? Why is he always the one who gets hurt?
Is he shameless?
"Well, let's see clearly now."

"The roads are different and do not conspire with each other. You take your Yangguan road, and I cross my single-plank bridge."

"For the sake of your intention to rescue me, if you unfortunately meet me in the future, I can forgive you twice."

"I can only repeat it again and again. If I repeat it again and again, my girl will not be merciful."

"Don't believe it, your little flower will let you believe it..."

What she does will not be the same as the protagonist group after all.

(End of this chapter)

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