Chapter 699 Du Zimei Who Wants to Chase Stars ([-])

This is not the same as she imagined.

What about the unprecedented farewell party she imagined?
If she kidnapped all these young masters away, she might not live long.

Which one of this group of people is not the gold bump in the family.

"I can't take it with me..."

Shengge said weakly.

"Brother, didn't we agree to share life and death together?"

"Brother, you can't leave us..."

On Shengge's brand new and clean white clothes, there were suddenly a few small paws, one of which was still holding an unfinished grape.

Shengge: ('')
Brother, please let him go.

"It's not that I don't want to take it, it's that the elders in your family won't agree."

It has always been the philosophy of life that Sheng Ge adheres to.

She can't handle these chattering little carrot heads, so please excuse those big shots.

Shengge could almost imagine how crazy the elders were.



"Lord Du, when will your son leave?"

"Master Du, has your son's itinerary been arranged?"

"My lord Du, the sages say that everything is forewarned, and nothing is foregone. Is it time for your son to set off?"

"Master Du..."

Over the past few days, Du Xian could no longer remember how many times he had heard such questions.

Daily question, has Du Zimei left?

Why does it feel like these people are eager for Zimei to leave?

Du Xian was puzzled.

Facing Du Xian's question, the colleagues could only smile wryly.

If Du Zimei didn't leave for a day, they had to guard against whether the little boy in the family would run away from home with their bags on their backs.

During this period of time, as soon as I got home, I was faced with a bunch of kids clamoring to follow the boss up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​flames.

They are really battered.

Even the dog hole in the mansion was blocked.

The servants and servants are also exhausted physically and mentally, for fear that the little master will disappear when he wakes up from a nap.

Under the urging of a group of colleagues, Shengge's trip to the southwest and Sichuan was finally put on the agenda.

Mr. Wang also handed in his resignation letter in advance with a wink, and left with Sheng Ge.


If he didn't leave again, he was afraid that he would be killed by those resentful eyes.

Anyway, if you want to resign, it doesn't matter if you resign sooner or later.

Along the way, Sheng Ge was in high spirits, not so much traveling to gain knowledge, but rather searching for delicacies from all over the world.

Even the route has been changed several times unconsciously.

Mr. Wang is not in a hurry to return to his hometown, but he is also happy to indulge in singing, sightseeing, and delicious food.

But no matter how far the road is, there is an end, and the Southwest Shu land that I have been thinking about day and night is right in front of me.

Now that the land of Shu has arrived, will Li Bai be far behind?
Du Zimei wants to chase stars, so she doesn't know if getting along day and night is enough.

Well, don't thank her too much.

Who made her a little fairy.

She has doubted it more than once, and the world she chose one by one is more like a welfare, a reward for her.

Although she doesn't know where she needs to be rewarded.

There are beauties, delicious food, poetry and songs, beautiful mountains and rivers, no blood and rain, no exhaustion, no precarity...

Such a task is flattering.



The first time I saw Li Bai was on a night when the moonlight was as gentle as water.

It's just that the way they met was not very gentle.

Sitting on the roof of a prestigious restaurant in Shu, a knight in white is unrestrained and unmoving.

I saw that the man was lazy and casual but had an indescribable sense of beauty, holding a flagon and drinking alone at ease.

Under the bright moonlight, the cheeks of the young knight reflected.

Dressed in a simple but carefully crafted white dress, with stunning embroidery like flowing clouds and flowing water, white, black, and red are intertwined, all are extremely contrasting colors, but they are exceptionally harmonious and elegant.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the swordsman's appearance gradually became clear. The black hair tied up with only a hosta, although a bit random and messy, is not greasy. Handsome little man."

When you raise your head and bow your head, when you swallow your wine, when you hum a poem, there is a special scene.

"You drink too..."

The man raised his hand and smiled brightly at the moon hanging far away in the sky.

This smile alone added a bit of fun and sillyness when drunk.

Stunning and warm.

On the right hand side is a sword, which glows silver in the moonlight, clanging and clear like jade marsh spring ice from a distance, and Qiongtai Ruixue up close.

Anyone who reads it will think that this is a peerless sword.

He is a chivalrous man of "the Wu hook is bright with frost and snow, the silver saddle shines on the white horse, and it rustles like a shooting star."

He is also a poet who is "brilliant, magnificent, and talented".

Li Bai was able to walk alone in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty not only because of his poems.

He has the capital to be proud of his talents.

It seemed that all arrogance appeared on him would become a matter of course.

Mr. Yu Guangzhong once said, "Seven percent of the wine will turn into moonlight when the wine enters the heart, and the remaining three percent will roar into sword energy. Once you spit out your embroidery mouth, you will be half a flourishing Tang Dynasty."

The prosperous Tang Dynasty gave Li Bai a magnificent imagination, and Li Bai gave the prosperous Tang Dynasty a unique soul.

A glance of ten thousand years may depict Shengge's first glance at Li Bai.

"Li Bai?"

Climbing trees and climbing over walls, shouting and embracing, followed by a group of little beggars with mud on their faces, Sheng Ge met Li Bai.

Well, how to describe this encounter.

It is definitely not worthy of Mr. Wen Yiduo's literary and artistic elegance when he said that the sun and the moon have met.

Now it's a drunkard who meets a little ruffian.

Especially her, the beggar leader, who was still dispatching tasks in an orderly manner just now, so that these beggars who were mixed up on various interfaces inquired about Li Bai's whereabouts.

But when he looked up, he saw Li Bai sitting on the roof drinking.

And by coincidence, what she said just now fell into Li Bai's ears.

Li Bai raised his head and poured the last sip of wine into his mouth, got up, he didn't know whether he was drunk or cunning, staggered, as if he was about to fall from the roof.

Shengge: ∑(дlll)
It's impossible to watch the other party fall to death when you first meet.

So Shengge, who always moves faster than his mind, stands lightly on the roof under the watchful eyes of a group of beggars behind him, and embraces Li Bai's...


Ahhh, the conscience of heaven and earth, she really wants to hug her waist.

However, she overestimated her height as a little carrot.

Li Bai glanced at Sheng Ge strangely, why does he feel that this little beggar has bad intentions?

Sheng Ge, who was watched by Li Bai, did not know why, so he let go and subconsciously pushed, Li Bai rolled down from the roof magnificently...

Sheng Ge: She said she didn't do it on purpose, does anyone believe it?

Before Li Bai was thrown and paralyzed, Shengge reacted and caught Li Bai with her powerful little arms and legs.

Alas, fortunately she is an old monster with profound skills.

Otherwise, in the history books, it should be that Li Bai was young and intelligent, was hated by others, and died young.

(End of this chapter)

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