Chapter 700 Du Zimei Who Wants to Chase Stars ([-])

It is no longer a romantic way of dying in the water.


She is so difficult...

Why is her first encounter so comedic?

She inquired everywhere about Li Bai's whereabouts but found nothing. Tonight, she was just out of interest and wanted to find out some secrets, but she met here.

Shengge didn't know if this was considered to be "traveling through iron shoes and nowhere to find", and it didn't take much effort to get it.


This really wasn't the first encounter she wanted.


Fortunately, today she was teasing cats and dogs, climbing the wall to pick fruits, her clothes and hair were all messed up, and there were soot rubbed on her face who didn't know where.

Standing in the crowd of beggars is not against harmony at all.

This is barely a blessing in misfortune.

This first impression is no longer needed.

Anyway, now Li Bai is also a little drunk.

Don't run at this time, wait until later.

As soon as Shengge ran away, the rest of the little beggars rushed away.

"Little beggar, where are you going..."

Li Bai smiled in the corner of his eyes, flirting with himself.

That overthrow was really merciless.

However, the little beggar just now is not weak in kung fu, and his body is light, and he doesn't know which school or sect he is the proud disciple of.

What a mysterious and strange little beggar.

My hands are itchy, and I always want to make gestures.

That push has to be paid back, right?
"If you have wine today, you will be drunk today..."

The drunk seemed to be very drunk, but he was actually very sober.

A thousand glasses of wine are immortals.




Sheng Ge, who jumped down from the wall, stood still, and saw Old Master Wang standing in the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

Shengge: (-﹏-`;)
Did she not read the almanac when she went out today, so it was a disadvantage for her to start.

"Zimei, come here..."

Old Master Wang waved at Sheng Ge.

With the moonlight like water and the dim lights, Old Master Wang looked at the weeds on Shengge's hair and clothes, the dirt on his face, sniffed lightly with his nose, and could smell a faint smell of wine, and couldn't help sighing.

The kid is getting more and more aggressive.

Others left their hometowns, and when they first arrived in a new environment, they were all cautious, but Zimei lived like a fish in water, and once again became the little overlord of the ten miles and eight villages.

The little luotou team behind him is growing day by day.

Even drinking today...

He was really afraid that one day this pearl of the Du family would be destroyed in his hands, and how he would explain to the Du family at that time.

"Master, I was wrong..."

Shengge lowered his head, grabbed the corner of his clothes, and said timidly.

Shengge's attitude of admitting mistakes has always been good.

"Master, I didn't drink alcohol. Just now I met Li Bai, that talented young man who is famous in Shu City."

"He was drunk, and I kindly gave him a ride, so the clothes smelled of alcohol."

Well, she just loves to help.

It's better not to say such human words as pushing people off the roof.

It was so frenzied, she was afraid that Mrs. Wang would not be able to bear it.

"Li Bai?"

Old Master Wang was dumbfounded.

Li Bai's name is well-known to the elders of his generation.

Li Bai is drunk, Li Bai spends money like dirt, Li Bai lies drunk by the river, Li Bai walks the world with his sword...

There are countless rumors about Li Bai's unrestrained style.

However, his talent and name are even more fascinating.

No one can deny the brilliance of Li Bai.


Old Master Wang sighed for a long time, thinking to himself, could it be possible that all geniuses are so informal and different?
Joey Joyce...

Li Bai...

This is what he has heard in his life, the talents who are famous enough to move the world, but one of them is more out of shape than the other.

Is it possible that eclectic can become a great talent?

Old Master Wang was puzzled.

Does he have to be thankful that Zi Meilang's performance is not as good as Li Bai's.

Well, it makes me feel better thinking about it that way.

Sure enough, Zimei was right.

To regulate emotions, you still have to use the comparative sublimation method. If someone is more miserable, you won't feel miserable.

"Your father came home to ask about your homework."

"I'm going to have a homework exam tomorrow, so I'm not allowed to go out and play around."

Old Master Wang pretended to be angry and warned.

I don't know which ancestor of the Du family followed this lawless temper.

As a disciple of an official family, he should not underestimate himself if he associates with the children of the powerful and powerful.Communicating with ordinary people is also approachable.

Playmates only look at the edge of the eyes and nothing else.

There are three teachings and nine streams, all of which have Zimei's figure.


"Master, it's more serious, you should rest earlier."

Watching Old Master Wang go back to his room, Sheng Ge sat on the swing in the courtyard, swinging leisurely.

The encounter with Li Bai today was not what she expected.

Especially hugging the thighs...

If it goes any higher, those glass bastards in the live broadcast room should call her a hooligan.

Maybe even the mosaics came out.

cough cough...

As a romantic and suave son of Zhilan Yushu, how could he drive a car even if he didn't agree with each other?

Bah, nasty...

Since I met Li Bai by chance, it means that Li Bai is close at hand.

I can hide the first day of the first year, but I can't hide the fifteenth.

Just wait for her to finish the exam tomorrow, and dress up carefully to create a chance encounter.

Today's farce was just an accident.



"Master, are you okay?"

Seeing that Mrs. Wang was holding her exam paper and remained silent for a long time, Sheng Ge felt a little uneasy.

Could it be that she unintentionally said something shocking to the world, which offended Old Master Wang?

Old Master Wang raised his eyes, concealed the turmoil in his heart, and replied calmly, "It's okay."

Well, it's more than acceptable.

The tacit meaning, pasting scriptures, policy questions, and poems are all excellent.

The point of view is peculiar, but it seems natural.

The exposition is clear, the emotion is sincere and moving...


Old Master Wang once again sighed in his heart.

His greatest achievement in this life may be to accept Zimei as his apprentice.

He firmly believes that Zimei will surely be able to fulfill his unrealized ambition.

"Master, can I go out?"

The word Shang Ke is like an amnesty order to Shengge.

It's like the joy and excitement when I went to school and waited for the bell to run to the restaurant.

Old Master Wang: ...

"go Go……"

Old Master Wang waved his hands helplessly, indicating how far Sheng Ge could go.

After Sheng Ge left, Old Master Wang began to sort out her recent homework and assignments, preparing to reply to Du Xian's letter.

The more you put all the homework and answer sheets together, the more frightened Old Master Wang will be.

How much God loves Du Zimei.

Three days of fishing and two days of drying the nets, and the appearance of being idle, if those students who are studying hard in the poor window know about it, they will probably vomit blood with anger.

Everyone in Sichuan respects Li Bai, the talented man of heaven, but in his opinion, Zimei may be able to share the same beauty with him.

If you think about it carefully, maybe you can win a few points.

After all, although Zimei is stubborn, she is also prudent enough in major matters.

I am afraid that the Du family is really smoking from the ancestral grave, and it is about to soar into the sky and become brilliant.

Who doesn't know that today's son loves...

Especially the kind of gifted talent.

Not to mention, Du Zimei is not only talented, but also has great wisdom in governing the country.

Where does this look like a child.

(End of this chapter)

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