Chapter 83

Well, she didn't expect this short fat man to have so many concubines.

Hehehe, they are all fat, why did she chase after Gao Cuilan in the last world without success?

Hmph, this girl is not happy.

They are both fat, but why is there such a big difference?

God always seems to love to toss her.

She doesn't want to be the protagonist, but don't let her be cannon fodder.

"Don't disturb your mind."

The middle-aged scribe stared at Sheng Ge with apprehension, but more of a warning.

He didn't want to touch the bad luck of those gringos, so he couldn't completely offend Shengge.

"Mrs. Shengge, it's better for you to talk less."

The warlords of all parties must have foreign forces to rely on.

And Shengge is uncharacteristically like a panacea that can handle all countries with ease, and even bears the responsibility of a bridge to a certain extent.

Isn't it just a god stick? Is it necessary to make a special statement like this?
There was no room for him to ignore that statement.

"Is there nothing left to say?"

"An'er has been in poor health, are you going to keep An'er in a coma?"

After suffering such a disaster, it is not known how long it will take for Amao's body to recover.

Amao is not like her, with rough skin and thick flesh.

She has recovered from the wounds of fighting with wild wolves long ago, and she is as strong as a cow.

But Amao is different. Amao was injured at the root back then, so it can be repaired by repairing it.

"Don't worry, I will inject him with nutrient solution on time."

Nutrient solution...

Sheng Ge was speechless, so tall?
Forget it, why do you still talk about it when you know it doesn’t make sense?

"It's still the same sentence, a catastrophe is imminent, so take care of yourself."

Shengge frowned and said displeasedly.

The strong smell of blood filled Shengge's nostrils, making her feel a little sick.

Sure enough, there is still a big difference between wolf blood and human blood.


The middle-aged scribe's eyes were cold, he snorted coldly, and spoke to the wall behind Shengge.

The harsh voice still made people's scalp tingle.

I am so surprised……

Shengge's heart was beating violently. Was this threatening her?
"A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands. If you have something to say, talk it out." Sheng Ge said skinny.

In the past few years in Shanghai, Shengge has seen all kinds of life, and has various personalities at her fingertips. The country owes her a golden man.

The middle-aged scribe didn't speak, he really felt that the little widow in front of him was an old fritter, something worthless.

I have never seen such a fickle woman, but every face looks very real.

Well, one is meaner than the other.

The middle-aged scribe winked at the other warlords present, and then walked out of the warehouse first.

The rest of them left the warehouse following in the footsteps of the middle-aged scribe.

Shengge breathed a sigh of relief, she was quite scared of being pointed at by a gun.

I swear to God, back then she was really a top student who studied hard every day, an honest and trustworthy citizen who loved her job and worked hard.

This kind of life full of bullets and bullets, killing people without blinking an eye really challenged her brain.

Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, do you want to know what these people are plotting.

Jackal and female cat: Why do I think Brother Nine's next sentence is you begging me, I'll tell you if you beg me.

If you walk too wavy, you will lose your waist: ...

I'm a magic stick: the old monk counted, and the female cat has the truth again.

The corner of Shengge's mouth twitched, what kind of people are these.

She did want to know what those people were plotting, though.

Beicheng Nansheng: Anchor, show your aura and hit Brother Jiu hard.

Anchor: What is momentum, can it be eaten?
Anchor: Only by working hard can you watch the show. Come on, what are the bigwigs discussing under your broadcast.

Sheng Ge acted naturally, without any embarrassment.

In front of the glass bastards, Sheng Ge's face had already been trampled into the dirt.

Think about it in the world of Journey to the West, every time she is beaten up by Brother Monkey, what awaits her is countless ridicules.

According to the glass bastards, it was to encourage her...

She really didn't want such encouragement.

Ye Di: Is everyone a boss?


Shengge blinked, wondering why the local tyrant Yedi was so sensitive to the word "big brother".

If you walk too wavy, you will lose your waist: there is nothing you can do to help.

Shengge bit her lip, saying that a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, but a boss's heart is not the sea but the Pacific Ocean.

Host: Those who are better than me are big guys...

Shengge is telling the truth.

Ye Di: ...

Nothing to say or nothing to say?

The barrage in the live broadcast room was blank for a moment, and it took a long time for Brother Tailang to open his mouth to tell Shengge about the swords and swords of the warlords outside, you come and go.

Although the middle-aged scribe used ruthless and decisive methods to frighten the rest of the wavering minds, but after all, it made people feel sorry for each other.

Contradictions are on the verge of breaking out, and all the pleasantries are just superficial.

Humpty Humpty's death actually, after serious consideration, no one can be sure whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

There were arguments and compromises among those people, and finally a verbal agreement was reached to stay here.

As for how much sincerity, it depends on luck.

Shengge curled the corner of her mouth, that's fine.

As long as they are not twisted into a single rope, Gu Huaiyuan's chances of winning will be a little higher.

For the first time, Sheng Ge began to enjoy the feeling of moving his mouth and subduing others without fighting.

On the third day of staying in this warehouse, someone finally came to test Shengge.

After all, it is impossible for a middle-aged scribe to stay here all the time.

Shengge was no stranger to visitors.

Dumpty and Thin Hemp are still very conspicuous in a group of people.

According to Shengge's observation, Humpty and Skinny have a very close relationship, carrying guns together and robbing women's friendship.

"I knew you would come."

Shengge took the water that Shou Ma Gan handed over and drank it all in one gulp.

Skinny Gan didn't have the guts to poison her, so she didn't need to be like a frightened bird.

"Sheng Banxian..."

"Can I change my name?"

She really didn't like Shengge interrupting Shouma Gan.

"Xianggu? Auntie?"

Shou Ma Gan is also a person who can bend and stretch. He kept changing his address while looking at Sheng Ge's face.

"Xiangu, is your divination true?"

The death of Humpty Humpty made Slim Gan back down, but he didn't dare to speak out.

The bloody hole in Fatty's chest was firmly engraved in Fatty's heart with the shot of the middle-aged scribe.

"It's true."

"Do you think the death of a fat man is the worst? Have you ever thought that once he died, the 38 concubines and a dozen children would all escape unharmed?"

Shengge pursed her lips, pretending to be mysterious.

"Xianggu, how is your friendship with Gu Dashuai?"

Shou Ma Gan glanced left and right, gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice deliberately.

Shengge understood clearly, and replied softly, "Together we will live and die together in adversity."

Of course, she made up those six words that carry a lot of weight.

She is cowardly, she is greedy for life and afraid of death, how could she live and die with someone.

"Xiangnu, what do you think of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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