Chapter 84

Skinny Gun tried his best to sell himself, and the longing on his face was clearly visible.

Shengge pretended to be stupid and said, "You also want to be An'er's stepfather?"


Skinny Magan curled his lips inwardly, he had never seen such a young and beautiful woman, how could he be in the mood to be a stepfather and raise a son for others.

However, also want to do?

Shoumagan subconsciously thinks that Gu Huaiyuan has the idea of ​​being He An's stepfather.

is it possible?
Skinny looked at Shengge without any trace, he was in his 30s, although his appearance was ordinary, but his overall elegance was a self-contained style, he was a bit older, but Gu Huaiyuan would be fine Woolen cloth?

Beicheng Nansheng: I burst into tears, thinking about it with my toes, I knew that this pockmarked bamboo pole made up the heart-stirring love story between the anchor and Gu Xiaogeer that spanned ages and aesthetics.

Beicheng Nansheng: My little brother Gu, life is really hard. It can be regarded as being on the hostile boat and can't get off.

Shengge rolled her eyes, is she that bad?

The glass bastards in the live broadcast room have almost become used to burying her.

There are many people in Shanghai who want to be Amao's stepfather, but she doesn't have that idea.

However, if you think about it seriously, Gu Huaiyuan, who has become a young man and holds the military power, is definitely the wishful husband in the hearts of countless girls. She, a second-married widow, seems to be a drop of filth on Gu Huaiyuan's priceless calligraphy...

Fortunately, she didn't have any thoughts about Gu Huaiyuan, otherwise she would definitely be stabbed in the pit of her heart.

"Xiangu, you misunderstood."

"Young master He An is very intelligent, how can I have that kind of blessing."

"I just want to ask Xiangu to speak kindly in front of Marshal Gu, and I have no objection to being convinced by Marshal Gu."

The people who were able to control one side back then were all heroes, and they knew the truth of when to stop.

The hexagram is just an introduction. Although the sentence of imminent disaster can make him hesitate for a while, it can't make him make up his mind.

Surrender was the result of his deliberation.

Gu Huaiyuan's reputation is excellent, it is better to work with Gu Huaiyuan than a middle-aged scribe.

Their chances of winning this alliance are not high, so why should he go all the way to the dark.

He is not a traitor, but a man who abandons the dark and turns to the bright, and those who know current affairs are heroes.

Sheng Banxian can see that they are in trouble, can't they see the crisis of Marshal Gu?

Maybe Gu Dashuai had already prepared for their plan this time, but it was just a farce for his own strength.

It's not too late to turn back...

"Are you testing me and then killing me?"

Shengge looked at Shoumagan with burning eyes, but didn't let go.

If you want to be a white wolf with empty gloves, how can there be such a beautiful thing.

"Xiangu is really joking, I am sincere to Gu Dashuai..."

"Stop, talk human..."

As soon as Shou Ma Gan opened his mouth, Sheng Ge remembered the compliment he had when he was robbed by Gu Huaiyuan.

When flattering, the four-character idioms are full of literary talent and jump out without panting.

Now she doesn't have the leisure to listen to Gu Huaiyuan's compliments.

A little kid...

"Xiangu, I can undo the medicinal properties of Young Master He An."

"The few of us all have a part of the medicine prescription. It just so happens that I have a medical idiot under my hand, and made a complete medicine based on the residual prescription of me and the fat man."

For the sake of his own life, Shou Ma Gan did not say that he had changed A Mao's potion, and used He An to test the potion made by the doctor.

"Empty words are nothing, I want to see your sincerity."

Shengge still smiled softly, as if he didn't care about Amao's safety at all.

"it is good."

The thin hemp stick immediately responded decisively.

He knew that at this moment, he was not qualified to negotiate terms with Shengge.

No matter who wins or loses between Gu Huaiyuan and the others, Sheng Ge can retreat unscathed.

Who knows, how did a magic stick fool so many powerful people into protecting her.


If Shengge knew what Shouma Gan was thinking, he would have spat at Shouma Gan severely.

In order to gain a foothold in Shanghai, she pretends to be a witch, tells fortunes, pretends to exorcise ghosts, and is bloody, can't she see it blindly?
After Shou Ma Gan left for a while, he came back in a hurry, but this time behind Shou Ma Gan was a person in a white coat.

"It's time for Young Master He to inject the medicine."

This sentence was not only addressed to Shengge, but also to the guards on the sidelines.

It's not all his people who guard Shengge's mother and child, so the play that should be done must be done.

Talking to Shengge in a low voice just now may have made these guards suspicious.

Therefore, he cannot go for the antidote injection.

It must be done without anyone noticing like when the drug was secretly changed for the experiment.

A man in military uniform held out his arm, motioning for a doctor to inject.

Shengge was dumbfounded. She had only heard that ancient emperors would seek out food testers for fear of being poisoned, but she didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet the tester now.

This is again the handwriting of a middle-aged scribe.

Shengge knew that middle-aged scribes could be fierce and decisive, but also thoughtful enough to make the enemy invulnerable.

The doctor in the white coat knocked open the glass bottle, sucked some liquid medicine into the man in the military uniform with a syringe, and the next moment the man in the military uniform, who looked like he had a strong back and waist, fell limply on the ground.

It was another man who spoke in place of the man in uniform.


Seeing the white coat doctor take out a needle and syringe again, Shengge's pupils constricted.

Shou Ma Gan quietly winked at Sheng Ge, signaling to be safe and not to be impatient.

In a corner that no one else could see, the potion in the white coat fell to the ground, and he had no choice but to open a new bottle.

The long needle was slowly inserted into Amao's white and thin arm, and the medicine was pushed forward little by little.

"The medicinal property has been resolved."

"It's just that I was afraid of scaring the snake, so I added the ingredients of Mongolian sweat medicine."

Taking advantage of people not paying attention, Shou Ma Gan quietly explained.

Shengge nodded, she didn't mind trusting the skinny stick once.

As long as Amao is fine, then as long as Gu Huaiyuan takes action, she can definitely escape safely.


The night gradually deepened, and everything was silent, only the sound of insects from time to time.

A gunshot and a short scream broke the silence of the night.

Immediately afterwards, there was overwhelming gunfire, and the flames illuminated half of the sky.

Before the people in front of him reacted, Shengge had already grabbed a gun and guarded Amao behind him.

It's just a dozen guards, it's not difficult for Shengge.

In particular, Amao, who is more intelligent than a demon in one step and three steps, has woken up.

When the middle-aged scribe hurried over, Shengge had already entered the deep mountains not far from the warehouse.

Shengge feels familiar and close to the deep mountain where others are daunted.

After all, the things she did the most in the last world were to cross mountains and mountains besides being beaten, and this world is also fighting wolves in the mountains.

Lush and lush, the complex topography of the mountains is a natural barrier for Shengge.

(End of this chapter)

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