Cao Cao called me to rob a tomb

Chapter 670 Leave one hand in advance

Chapter 670 Reserve a hand in advance (4000)

"Come so fast?"

Wu Liang's complexion changed.

He didn't want to take risks in Hanoi County, but Zhang Yang led his army to Wen County. This is not a good phenomenon.

What worries Wu Liang the most is that the county magistrate of Wen County wrote a letter in the early hours of this morning and sent someone to Hanoi County to report the Sima family's ancestral tomb. In the hands of Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang had already arrived in Wen County at this time.

This shows that Zhang Yang didn't come here because of the Sima family's affairs at all, but had other purposes.

Wu Liang had to wonder whether Zhang Yang had already obtained some other news in advance, such as news about him, and the target of this trip was him and the Huan army.

"I just ordered people to go out to confirm the matter. This time Zhang Yang brought a total of [-] soldiers and horses, and has quickly taken over the city defense affairs of Wen County. He also sent some soldiers and horses to patrol and inspect the main roads in and out of Wen County. "

Cao Chun continued to speak truthfully.

"That is to say, if we want to leave now, we may not be able to..."

Wu Liang frowned.

Whether it was to deal with the Sima family's ancestral tomb or for other purposes, Zhang Yang quickly took over Wen County's city defense affairs, naturally intending to implement martial law.

Under such circumstances, naturally Wu Liang and the others did not come and leave whenever they wanted.

Even if Wu Liang and the others didn't leave, it was fine. If they insisted on leaving, they would have entered Zhang Yang's sight ahead of time. Even if Zhang Yang's goal of this trip was not them, they would have increased the risk of exposure.

Seeing a little worried look on Wu Liang's face, Yang Wanli immediately stepped forward to ask Ying Ying, "My lord, why don't the subordinates go out to investigate secretly, so as to be prepared for any danger."


Cao Chun's eyes were a little displeased when he heard this, he thought that the tiger and leopard cavalry's scouting ability was the best in the world, and Yang Wanli volunteered at this moment, not only was it superfluous, but he was still questioning his tiger and leopard cavalry.

But he was not the kind of stunned young man who couldn't hold back his words, and he didn't open his mouth to express his dissatisfaction.

"Go, be more careful, especially check whether Lu Bu is traveling with Zhang Yang at the moment."

Wu Liang noticed the displeasure in Cao Chun's eyes, but he ignored him and nodded to Yang Wanli.

Cao Chun was dissatisfied.

Wu Liang was still dissatisfied with Cao Chun.

Boss Cao just sent this person to lead the tiger and leopard riders to assist him on this trip, but Cao Chun actually did such a thing without telling him, which increased the risk of this trip... To be honest, if it wasn't because of Cao Chun The relationship with Boss Cao, and knowing that Boss Cao’s heart was set on this matter, it would be strange if Wu Liang didn’t give him some flair, and also taught him what price he would have to pay for disobedience to orders and self-assessment. Teach him to know that he is not a good talker either.


Yang Wanli responded, turned his head and walked out of the room.

After watching him go out, Cao Chun turned around and asked, "What is General Wu's plan next?"

"Notify you that the tiger and leopard riders hiding outside the city should stay away. Don't be accidentally caught by Zhang Yang's soldiers and horses. Otherwise, you should know what kind of uproar this matter will cause. Don't say that you and I can't bear the responsibility. Even Duke Ming may not be able to suppress this matter, and his reputation will definitely be greatly damaged."

Wu Liang glanced at him and said with a cold face.


Hearing this, Cao Chun was shocked.

Others didn't know what Wu Liang was talking about, but Cao Chun immediately understood what Wu Liang was referring to... Besides what happened last night, what other things would definitely damage Boss Cao's reputation.

He just didn't quite understand, he obviously did nothing about this matter.

How did Wu Liang know?
This is unscientific and unreasonable. Cao Chun never expected such a result.

this moment.

Cao Chun couldn't help feeling a little more in awe of Wu Liang. It turned out that his every move had never escaped Wu Liang's eyes, but he still thought that everything was invisible, and acted in front of Wu Liang as if it didn't matter. own appearance.

Looking back now, my previous performance was originally a joke.

Wu Liang was always watching him put on airs, but he didn't want to expose him...

But a flash of God's effort.

Cao Chun looked normal again, but his posture became more humble, and he cupped his hands and said, "General Wu, if the tiger and leopard cavalry stay away, if an emergency occurs, they cannot come to the rescue in time. In case something happens to General Wu, I also can't explain to brother Mengde."

"There are more than a hundred tiger and leopard riders. Although they are all the best in the world, if they face Zhang Yang's three thousand soldiers head-on, will they have a chance of winning?"

Wu Liang asked back.


Cao Chun opened his mouth, but was speechless.

"Then how will General Cao rescue me when the time comes?"

Wu Liang asked again.

"I can guarantee my life, as long as there is one tiger and leopard rider who can breathe, I will never teach General Wu to hurt a single hair!"

Cao Chun immediately puffed up his chest and said with a resolute expression.

Wu Liang is willing to believe this. This guy is loyal to Boss Cao, and protecting Wu Liang is the task that Boss Cao personally entrusted to him. Without hesitation, he gave his life to protect Wu Liang.

"It's not the time yet. If you don't want to put you and me in such a predicament, you can obey my order and immediately order the tiger and leopard riders hiding outside the city to stay away."

Wu Liang smiled, looked into Cao Chun's eyes and said seriously.


Cao Chun finally didn't say anything more, he clasped his hands in response, and walked out quickly to arrange the matter.

Looking at his back, Yu Ji couldn't help but whispered: "Compared with Dian Wei, this person is really far behind. If Dian Wei is here, why is the young master wasting such words?"

"Brother Youcai is also trying to save face for the envoy, otherwise he would have had plenty of means to deal with this person, and he would have been subdued long ago."

Zhuge Liang curled his lips aside and said.

As can be seen.

After getting along with each other these days, everyone in the Tuan army was somewhat dissatisfied with Cao Chun, at least not as comfortable as when they were acting together with Dian Wei.

This is because apart from Zhen Mi, the rest of the people didn't know about Cao Chun's "presumptuous assertion" last night.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as being dissatisfied with him at this moment.


"Zhang Yang..."

While Yang Wanli was out to investigate, Wu Liang had already started to think about Zhang Yang based on the history he knew, trying to find out his biggest weakness, so as to be prepared.

Zhang Yang also has a reputation of "extraordinary bravery" in history.

In the early years, he and Lu Bu were both Ding Yuan's subordinates. There are not too many records in history. It is only said that he served as an officer and a marching commander respectively.

Later, Lu Bu killed Ding Yuan and joined Dong Zhuo, and Zhang Yang led his troops to the Hanoi area. It was also at this time that his army grew to several thousand people and became the actual controller of the Hanoi area.

Later, the anti-Dong alliance headed by Yuan Shao was established, and Zhang Yang and Yuan Shao were in Hejun County, Hanoi. They didn't want to be rebelled by the Xiongnu Shan Yufuluo, so they took Zhang Yang as a hostage. Fortunately, Yuan Shao followed closely and finally defeated Yu Fuluo. Fuluo army, Zhang Yang was rescued and returned to Hanoi and quickly gathered his troops.

Then there is the flirting between Zhang Yang and Lu Bu.

After Dong Zhuo's death, Lu Bu and Wang Yun took control of the government. They didn't want Dong Zhuo's former subordinates Li Jue and Guo Si to come back again. Wang Yun was killed, so Lu Bu had to flee Chang'an. He wanted to go to Yuan Shu, but Yuan Shu wanted to get rid of Lu Bu's misbehavior. In short, Lu Bu had to continue to flee, and finally ran to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang treated Lu Bu sincerely, but Lu Bu was worried that Zhang Yang would also harm him, so he left Hanoi and went to Yuan Shao's place not long after.

But Yuan Shao soon couldn't tolerate Lu Bu, and he had no choice but to return to Hanoi. Zhang Yang still entertained him until he, Chen Gong, Zhang Miao and others rebelled against Boss Cao, and then went to Yanzhou again.

These are prefaces.

In the next period of time, Zhang Yang came to King Qin when Emperor Xian fled eastward, and finally, because of his meritorious escort, he was made a great Sima by Emperor Xian, and became one of the three princes under one person.

But the good times didn't last long, and Boss Cao's arrival made him, the great Sima, exist in name only.

After that, there are very few records about him.

So until Boss Cao besieged Lu Bu in the decisive battle at Xiapi, at this time Zhang Yang still missed the old feelings, so he personally led his troops to rescue, and finally stationed in Dongshi, and fought against Cao together with Lu Bu's Xiapi. boss.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a general named "Yang Chou" under his command suddenly rebelled and directly assassinated Zhang Yang, intending to lead Zhang Yang's subordinates to defect to Boss Cao.

In the end, this general named "Yang Chou" did not end well. On the way to defect to Boss Cao, he was killed by another general named "Sui (sui) Gu" under Zhang Yang's command. He led Zhang Yang's men to join Yuan Shao.

But the final result is that Boss Cao benefits alone.

Boss Cao sent someone to intercept in time, beheaded "Sui Gu" and got all of Zhang Yang's soldiers and horses, and took advantage of the opportunity to turn the entire Hanoi County into his pocket.

While thinking about these.


Yang Wanli has already hurried back, entered the house and reported to Wu Liang, "My lord, I have found out some of the situation. This time Zhang Yang came alone and did not accompany Lu Bu, and he led the army to Wen County to go abroad. The reason for the claim is that the envoy's army has recently been stationed in Yanshi, and he is worried that the envoy will suddenly send his troops north to threaten Hanoi, so he came to monitor and take precautions in advance."

"That's a reasonable reason."

Wu Liang nodded slightly.

Wen County is located on the southwestern border of Hanoi County, and although Yanshi is not close to Wen County, it is only two or three hundred miles away. If the forced march is only a day away, it means that Boss Cao has already placed the army at the gate of Zhang Yang's house. Zhang Yang really had to guard against it.

"In addition, Zhang Yang has now learned what happened to the Sima family last night, but apart from ordering people to patrol and inspect the main roads in and out of Wen County, it seems that there is no other further action for the time being."

Yang Wanli said again.


This is also in line with Zhang Yang's historical personality. Based on his relationship with Lu Bu, if the grave-digging was really done by Lu Bu, Zhang Yang would just fool around.

Since the Sima family wanted Zhang Yang's help, they must have disclosed this "suspect" to him.


Zhang Yang did not go with Lv Bu on this trip, but it does not prove that Lv Bu never defected to him this time. After all, Lv Bu just rebelled against Boss Cao. He will easily teach him to show his face, even if he is tied up, he has to be tied up and hidden.

Think so.

"By the way, there are two more people who need you to check."

Wu Liang said again, "There are two generals under Zhang Yang's command, one is Yang Chou and the other is Sui Gu. You can check whether Zhang Yang has brought these two with him on this trip. It is best to find out where they live together. Come in handy."

That is to say, at this moment Cao Chun had already gone out to arrange for the tiger and leopard riders to retreat.

Otherwise, when Cao Chun heard these words, he would definitely be suspicious again. Could it be that Wu Liang and Zhang Yang were still old acquaintances, otherwise how would he know the names of the generals under Zhang Yang's command.

But everyone in the Huanren Army has long been familiar with this.

Don't even think about it, the young master must have acted inexplicably again, so he learned some information that ordinary people can't get... Now there is nothing to worry about, regardless of what Zhang Yang is here, our young master just needs to act inexplicably. Any problem will be solved...


The time of the day is fleeting.

Zhang Yang's sudden arrival, apart from forcing Wu Liang to postpone his plan to leave, did not have any other impact on him.

At least during the whole day, Sima Mansion never sent anyone to invite Wu Liang, and Zhang Yang didn't make any movement, as if everyone ignored him.

So it's Xu time.

When the curfew started outside, Yang Wanli returned from the outside, and then entered Wu Liang's room to report the news he found today: "My lord, among the people who followed Zhang Yang to Wen County this time, there was only one person named Yang Chou, and that Sui Gu is not among them, and now Yang Chou is in charge of guarding the south gate, so he set up a tent under the south gate, and Yang Chou eats and lives in the tent."

"very good."

Wu Liang nodded, then took a piece of silk cloth that had been written in advance from his hand and handed it to Yang Wanli, and then said, "You keep this letter, if Zhang Yang doesn't take any action against us recently, this letter There is no need to show the letter to others. If Zhang Yang shows signs of threatening us, you should immediately find a way to send the seal I gave you and this letter to Yang Chou without anyone noticing. Remember that you and our people do not Just show up, you should know how to do it, right?"


Yang Wan showed doubts, but he still saluted and took the folded silk cloth.


As a result, Wu Liang was woken up early the next morning.

"General Wu was invited by Sima Lang from the Sima Mansion, and he was accompanied by some soldiers in armor, probably Zhang Yang's subordinates."

Cao Chun's face showed some worry, and he whispered to Wu Liang.


Wu Liang got up and came to the courtyard. Everyone in the Huanren Army waited in the courtyard with worried expressions on their faces, but Wu Liang just glanced at Yang Wanli and nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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