Cao Cao called me to rob a tomb

Chapter 671 Bloody Disaster

Chapter 671 Bloody Disaster (4000)

Coming to Sima's mansion in this way is also in the living room.

Wu Liang met Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi for the first time.

Zhang Yangsheng has a square face with Chinese characters that is quite Kong Wu, with a touch of fortitude in the outline of the facial features, dark skin and a burly figure. At first glance, he looks like an iconic general who often leads troops.


And seeing Wu Liang for the first time, Zhang Yang let out a cold snort in his nasal cavity, and there was an obvious coldness in his eyes, showing a completely hostile attitude to the visitor.

"I've seen Taishou Zhang and Patriarch Sima."

Seeing this, Wu Liang saluted him with a low eyebrow, and then stood in the living room quietly waiting for Zhang Yang to make a move.

This time, Cao Chun was the only one who came with him. The Huan army soldiers and tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers were all left outside, while the backbone of the Tuan army was forced to stay at home by Wu Liang. Apart from Dian Wei who came here and Yang Wanli who was sent out by him, the rest of the backbone of the Tuan army were old and young women and children. Although they each had their own abilities, they were not suitable to come to this kind of occasion to take risks.

"Mr. Wu, please sit down quickly."

Sima Fang didn't dare to neglect Wu Liang, so he hurriedly stood up to greet him, and personally led Wu Liang and Cao Chun to sit down in front of a case, and then explained to Wu Liang with a smile, "Mr. When I arrived in Wen County, I heard about this pickle incident in my family, so I immediately sent troops to help my family investigate the matter. Later, I heard that Mr. Wu is very capable, so I specially invited Mr. Wu to come and experience Mr. Wu's skills. "

"It's just some weird and obscene skills that can't be put on the stage, I'm afraid it will disappoint Zhang Taishou."

Wu Liang smiled modestly, then bowed his hands and saluted Zhang Yang who was staring at him not far away.

until this time.

Zhang Yangcai finally opened his mouth and asked very bluntly: "Since it's a strange skill that can't be seen on the stage, I have no interest. Now I just want to know, how do you determine that the Sima family's affairs were done by Lu Bu?"

This is completely a gesture of intending to rehabilitate Lu Bu.

However, this did not surprise Wu Liang. The relationship between Zhang Yang and Lu Bu was extraordinary. In history, he was also very loyal to Lu Bu. Now someone put a shit bowl on Lu Bu's head, and Zhang Yang defended Lu Bu. Naturally, it is reasonable.

At the same time, the current situation can be divided into two aspects:
If Zhang Yang is a reasonable person who presents the facts, Wu Liang will naturally have a chance to manipulate him;
However, if Zhang Yang simply did not reason with him or present the facts, but only used power and violence to subdue Wu Liang and overthrow his previous remarks about Lu Bu, then it would be at a loss for Wu Liang to say anything else.

At least from the immediate perspective.

Wu Liang believed that Zhang Yang should be planning to "reason" with him, or at least intend to "reason with him first."

Otherwise, Zhang Yang would not have chosen Sima Mansion for the first meeting, nor would he have taught Sima Fang and Hu Zhao to accompany him.

No matter what disgusting things the gentry class has done in private these days, they still care very much about the word "reason" on the surface. This is the political correctness of the Han Dynasty, and it is a fig leaf for the gentry class... Even if the tyrants attack each other, especially It is those tyrants with some status and family background who want to raise troops, and very few people send troops directly. It is indispensable to first make a public statement to occupy the moral high ground, and then attack in the name of the righteous army.

Just like when Boss Cao attacked Tao Qian in Xuzhou, if Tao Qian's subordinates hadn't killed Boss Cao's father, Boss Cao might still be subject to the world's public opinion, and he couldn't let go to fight.

Also like Yuan Shao today.

He has realized that if he continues to let Boss Cao continue to develop, he will definitely become his biggest threat, but this is the case, Yuan Shao will still choose to make a public statement to accuse Boss Cao of evil deeds, even if it is fabricated. While preparing, while looking for opportunities, seldom do things that are unknown.

In fact, later generations are similar.

Don't incidents like "washing powder" happen all the time?
of course.

At this moment, there must be another reason for Zhang Yang to teach Sima Fang and others to accompany them. After all, this matter is a matter of the Sima family, so it is also an explanation for the Sima family.

After trying to understand Zhang Yang's intention, Wu Liang evaded the important point and said lightly: "I'm afraid Zhang Taishou has misunderstood. I have also made it very clear to the Sima Patriarch before. I am not concluding that this matter is caused by Lu Bu. It is just based on the situation at the scene. Patriarch Sima must be aware of the inferences made in previous events, so I remember that Patriarch Sima sent people to search for the whereabouts of the thief. It is just a normal process of eliminating suspicions to make a decision after negotiating with him."

He punched the cotton, but Zhang Yang still refused to give up, and then said: "Since it is only a suspicion, you should be cautious in your words and deeds, otherwise if these words spread, it is not Lu Bu's doing, you are Bewitching the crowd, not only harmed Lu Bu's reputation, but also misled Patriarch Sima, allowing the real thief to go unpunished, can you bear the responsibility?"


How could Wu Liang fail to understand that Zhang Yang was talking about whatever he wanted, just to find an excuse to deal with him.

Faced with this situation, Wu Liang naturally knew that no matter what he said next, he would not be able to solve the current predicament.

Under such circumstances.

Refuting Zhang Yang is secondary, because Zhang Yang seems to be reasoning with him, but in fact he has no intention of reasoning at all, and he must protect this shortcoming no matter what.

Therefore, the best result right now is to stabilize Zhang Yang as much as possible.

At the very least, it must be ensured that Zhang Yang can't find an excuse for the time being, which will be unfavorable to him and the Huan Army. Only by living can he output, and only by living can he have a chance to find a way to break the game.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang showed distress, and looked at Sima Fang who was not far away with a look of asking for help.

After all, on the surface, he had been making suggestions for the Sima family before, so Sima Fang should stand up and say a few words for him at this moment.

Fortunately, Sima Fang was not the kind of "ungrateful" person, so he stood up when he saw this, and saluted Zhang Yang with a smile: "Mr. People went to invite Mr. Wu, and he hurried over to assist the Sima family in investigating the gang of thieves, so he was involved."

"Of course it's okay to assist your family in the investigation, but it's not okay to confuse people with false rumors."

But Zhang Yang said coldly, "Patriarch Sima, this matter happened in Hanoi. As the prefect, I should be responsible to the end. Now I have ordered people to go to the county to mobilize more soldiers and horses. I will definitely investigate for you. I got the stolen goods. Although Lu Bu is my old acquaintance, if he really does such a thing that is not tolerated by heaven and earth, I will definitely punish you severely and give you justice, and I will never tolerate it! But if someone deceives the public to slander him, I still won't spare this person, I will always give Lu Bu justice!"

"Then it all depends on Zhang Taishou..."

Seeing that the conversation has reached this point, Sima Fang couldn't say anything more, so he had no choice but to thank Zhang Yang.

At this moment, he already had a feeling of leading a wolf into the house.

Zhang Yang's dominance made him restrain his hands and feet, and he could only let Zhang Yang manipulate the next matter, and Zhang Yang had the final say on the final result, and the Sima family could only choose to accept it passively.

To put it more seriously, the current situation of the Sima family has become very embarrassing.

They themselves were too busy to take care of themselves. They were afraid that they would not be able to take care of Wu Liang at all, so they could only mediate as much as possible to see if it was possible to save his life.

So back down.

Sima Fang looked back at Wu Liang again, his eyes were filled with regret.

"What else do you have to say?"

Zhang Yang looked at Wu Liang again, and asked in a cold tone.

"The villain knows that he is wrong, can you please ask Taishou Zhang to give the villain a chance, allow the villain to take back what he said before, and the villain is willing to write a letter to clarify this matter."

Wu Liang was already so frightened that "the two sides were fighting", and asked very "uneasy".


But Zhang Yang directly picked up the wine glass on the case table and shook it vigorously, pouring all the fine wine in the glass on the ground, and said with a half-smile, "If Mr. Wu can take back the spilled wine, I will allow Mr. Wu to take back the wine that was poured out before. Take back what you said."

Too pretentious!
Zhang Yang may have thought that what he did just now was very lofty, with a bit of complacency on his face, but he didn't know that it was nothing new in Wu Liang's eyes, and even a little deliberate.


Wu Liang trembled again in fright, as if he couldn't speak anymore, his upper and lower lips were trembling slightly.

"Okay, let's go down!"

Zhang Yang thought he had achieved his goal, and seeing that Wu Liang was so frightened that he had lost interest, he finally stopped talking nonsense with him, but waved his hands impatiently, "For Patriarch Sima's sake , I will not take you first, you will stay in the city today, and you will not leave half a step until you take me to find out the matter, if you violate this order, then you know that you are wrong, don't blame me for being ungrateful!"

"Little, little man, leave..."

Wu Liang's face was pale at this moment, he wiped the cold sweat off his face, and led Cao Chun out of the living room in a panic.


Looking at Wu Liang's back, Sima Fang's heart was extremely complicated.

In addition to the incident itself, he also gained some new understanding of Wu Liang... After all, Wu Liang's appearance at this moment is completely different from the calm appearance when he invited him back to the Sima Mansion a few days ago people.

Although the sense of oppression brought by Zhang Yang is indeed much stronger than him.

But in Sima Fang's mind, Wu Liang was already a detached and extraterrestrial expert. Even if he faced a little more pressure, he definitely shouldn't be in such a helpless state now, right?
"Hehehe, Patriarch Sima, is this the worldly expert you mentioned?"

Zhang Yang sneered disdainfully.


Sima Fang was speechless.

He also has the same doubts, but there are some things that cannot be faked.

Not everyone can see the "hidden dragon" hidden in the mountains at a glance, let alone what Hu Zhao did for Sima Yi in private, how to explain this?


Walking out of the gate of Sima Mansion, Cao Chun also had a very complicated heart.

He also couldn't understand Wu Liang now.

Although he sometimes didn't like Wu Liang very much, some things before that made him feel a little awe, and after this incident, the awe in Cao Chun's heart was shaken again.

So humble.

So timid.

Too shameless...

A mere Zhang Yang, even if he has some soldiers and horses in his hands, is still far from being able to cover the sky with one hand.

And Wu Haohao is also a general of Si Shi Zhong Lang personally appointed by Boss Cao.

It is also the Taishi Ling recently canonized by Emperor Xian.

A majestic historian behaved like this when facing Zhang Yang's threats, which directly overturned Cao Chun's perception of historians... What he had heard most since he was a child was the story of Sima Qian, who insisted on his own opinion in the face of power, even Even Emperor Wu, who is astonishing in the past and the present, cannot make him succumb. That is the real historian, and that is the integrity that a historian should have.

And Wu Liang...

Cao Chun didn't even want to recall Wu Liang's performance just now, it was so embarrassing that he had no eyes to watch.

He is already thinking about whether he should report this matter to Boss Cao truthfully if he can return to Cao Ying smoothly. After all, Wu Liang is already the son-in-law of Boss Cao who has made it public. Depressed in his heart, if this matter spreads, it will still have some impact on his reputation.

But things have come to this, but they can't sit still.

"Wu...Young Master."

Cao Chun quickly followed Wu Liang, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid this matter is difficult to deal with. I suggest to make preparations in advance. While ordering the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry under my command to prepare for the rescue and breakout, I will send a few more people to Yan The teacher asked Brother Meng De for help, so the possibility of successfully escaping may be greater with this two-pronged approach."

However, when Wu Liang turned his face to look at Cao Chun, the expression of fear and panic just now was gone, replaced by a look of confidence.


Cao Chun couldn't help being taken aback.

Wu Liang's face-changing speed can be compared to the blink of an eye, making it hard for Cao Chun to believe that the current Wu Liang and the Wu Liang just now are actually the same person. Could it be that he was just acting just now?
"Not urgent."

Wu Liang raised the corners of his mouth and shook his head, and said with a calm smile, "Perhaps there will be an unexpected turn for this matter soon, we'd better wait and see what happens for the time being, maybe we can save the day without bloodshed."

"What's the meaning of this?"

Hearing these unreasonable words, Cao Chun was even more puzzled.

"It's not a big deal. I just counted my fingers and calculated that Zhang Yang may have a bloody disaster in the next few days. Think about it, if something goes wrong with Zhang Yang, no one will mention it again. Our current predicament is not Is it solved easily?"

Wu Liang smiled mysteriously.

"The disaster of blood and light..."

Cao Chun was stunned again.

Cao Chun almost believed the words as if they were true.

However, if this is the case, it would be a bit too coincidental for this bloody disaster to come, it is simply God helping them, but is there really such a coincidence in the world?

(End of this chapter)

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