Cao Cao called me to rob a tomb

Chapter 672 Sima Yi's Poison

Chapter 672 Sima Yi's Poisonous Scheme (4100)

So go home with Cao Chun.

Wu Liang soon seemed to be all right, eating and drinking, and he didn't see any burden at all.

Not only him, even the people in the Huan army showed no signs of anxiety. They stayed in the residence one by one, farting and chatting, and even played a game called "backgammon" in the end, yelling from time to time that they were having a good time .


Looking at the state of Wu Liang and the others in the Tuan army, Cao Chun was still very anxious in his heart, and there was no way to make himself feel at ease.

He can totally imagine it.

Once the worst happens, he and his Tiger and Leopard Cavalry will surely fall into an unpredictable bloody battle.

It is still unknown what the final outcome of this bloody battle will be, how many tiger and leopard riders will survive, or whether he will be able to escape unscathed.

after all.

No one is strong and iron, facing an enemy army dozens of times larger than their own, the odds of winning are too slim. Even if Boss Cao leads a large army to the city, he may not be able to save them.

"What kind of group of people is this..."

Hearing the laughter of the people in the Huan army, Cao Chun was even more disturbed, and simply went outside the courtyard to stand with the accompanying tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers, but he had nothing to say.

"Is it true that as Wu Liang said before, Zhang Yang must have suffered a bloody disaster recently, so they can be so stable?"

Cao Chun still couldn't calm down, and was still thinking about this question.

He still felt a little childish.

If Wu Liang really had this ability, how could it not be that Zhang Yang would suddenly come to Wen County and detain him here, intending to harm him?

Even if he really has this ability, shouldn't he calculate good or bad luck before coming to Wen County?

Daji can come here with confidence, and naturally these things will not happen.

If you are a big murderer, just don't come here, so you don't have to face such a dangerous situation, don't you?

So passed noon.

A few people came to Wu Liang's residence quietly, and these people covered their faces intentionally or unintentionally, looking furtive.


The tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers at the gate immediately raised their vigilance when they saw this.

The few people looked around and saw that there were no outsiders around, so they saluted the tiger and leopard cavalry and said in a low voice: "You are polite, I am a servant of Sima's mansion, but I have obeyed the secret order of my second son. Come here to discuss important matters with Mr. Wu, and ask a few brothers to help inform you."

"Your second son? Wait!"

The tiger and leopard cavalry soldier frowned slightly, as if he finally remembered who the second son of the Sima family was, so he left a few people to watch them, only one turned around and entered the courtyard.

After a moment.

Cao Chun came out, looked them up and down, and said, "Go into the courtyard first, but only one person who can explain the matter clearly will go to see my young master, and the rest will stay in the courtyard and wait."

"Thank you."

The leading servant hastily bowed his hands in thanks.

But Cao Chun still did not forget to teach the tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers to search them all over, and after confirming that these people were not carrying sharp weapons, he nodded and put them into the courtyard gate.


Inside Wu Liang's room.

"Mr. Wu, my second son thinks that Zhang Yang's intention to protect Lu Bu is very obvious."

After seeing Wu Liang, the leading servant first gave a salute, and then said in a low voice, "Therefore, Zhang Yang must have malicious intentions in detaining Mr. Wu, and it is already difficult to prove that my family's ancestral grave was done by Lu Bu." My God, even the Patriarch of my family may just let it go in the face of such pressure, so Zhang Yang may sooner or later be detrimental to Mr. Wu, and my family has no means to ensure that Mr. Zhang will not be poisoned by Zhang Yang."

"But this matter happened because of my family, the second son really can't just watch Mr. Wu in danger and remain indifferent."

"Thus after thinking about it, the second son thinks that there is probably only one way to do this, and that is to secretly assist Mr. Wu and others to escape. Don't worry, Mr. Wu, this matter is arranged by the second son. Mr. Wu only needs to act according to the plan, and wait for Mr. Wu to escape. Leaving Wen County and going to another place, even if Zhang Yang has any ideas at that time, if he can't see Mr. Wu's people, he will naturally have no way to harm Mr. Wu."

"I don't know what Mr. Wu wants?"

Having said that, the servant finally stopped, quietly waiting for Wu Liang's reply.

If someone assisted in the escape, it would be a way to cooperate with the inside and outside!
Cao Chun suddenly regained his energy. As long as they could escape from Wenxian County, they would immediately rush south to Yanshi where Brother Meng De was stationed.

However, after Wu Liang listened to it, he didn't express his opinion immediately, he just frowned and asked, "Does your Patriarch know about this?"

"I don't know."

The servant immediately said, "My Second Young Master thinks that the fewer people who know about this matter, the better, so as to reduce the risk of exposure, otherwise even if there is only a slight rumor, Zhang Yang will take precautions, then this matter will not only continue. It can’t be done, and Mr. Wu’s situation will become more dangerous.”

"Naturally, others should take precautions, but Patriarch Sima doesn't need to hide it. Could Patriarch Sima betray himself?"

Wu Liang looked at him disdainfully.


The servant's tone froze suddenly.

"Actually, it doesn't matter, but I still hope to know what kind of resources your Second Young Master has, and how to secretly help me escape, otherwise it will be difficult to settle down."

Wu Liang didn't make things difficult for him, and continued.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, my second son has actually bought some soldiers who patrol at night in private, and at the same time arranged a group of horses outside the city to wait for support."

The servant hurriedly said, "At that time, we only need to pre-arrange the time. Mr. Wu will lead his men to come out and go straight to the south gate at the appointed time. Someone will open the door and let people go. It is so invisible. When Zhang Yang realizes that Mr. Wu is missing, I am afraid I thought Mr. Wu used some kind of technique to disappear out of thin air, it is absolutely foolproof."


Wu Liang seemed to have agreed with Sima Yi's arrangement, and nodded thoughtfully, "I just don't know when the second son will escape?"

"It's not too late, it's when tomorrow is ugly."

replied the servant.

"Will Second Young Master send someone to guide me by then?"

Wu Liang asked again.

The man then said with great certainty: "The more people there are, the easier it is to expose their whereabouts, but please rest assured, Mr. Wu, my second son has already made arrangements. As long as Mr. Wu agrees, he will make arrangements. Mr. Wu is walking in the city, as long as he doesn't light a torch, he will never be stopped by anyone."

"Shan, you go back and repay the second son, so this matter is settled. If you can escape this time, I will definitely repay you in the future."

Wu Liang seemed to have finally confirmed the feasibility of this plan, and nodded in agreement.

"Since this is the case, the servants will leave first, so as not to be seen by outsiders."

The servant arched his hands, then turned his head and walked outside.

Also this time.

"By the way, do you know a man named Yang Chou?"

Wu Liang suddenly asked for no reason.


The man stopped and turned around, with a puzzled look on his face, "Who are you talking about, Mr. Wu?"

"It's nothing, I didn't ask you, it was him."

Wu Liang laughed, pointed to Yang Wanli beside him and said.

Yang Wanli shook his head quite cooperatively, and said seriously: "Young Master, I have never heard of this person before."

"I'm laughing at you, this servant will leave."

The servant didn't become suspicious when he saw this, he saluted Wu Liang again, and continued to walk outside without looking back.

Looking at the servant's back.

Wu Liang's mouth curled into a sneer.

"Brother talented, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, the second son of the Sima family wants to kill us."

Wu Liang said an amazing fact in a calm tone.

"Why did General Wu say that?"

Cao Chun couldn't help but asked immediately, "Not to mention that you are kind to the Sima family, now we have fallen into Zhang Yang's hands, just as the servant said, Zhang Yang may have the intention of harming us, the Sima family's Even if Second Young Master really wanted to harm us, it seems that there is no need to design it himself, right?"

Cao Chun also had some fantasies about the strategy brought by Sima Yi's people.

After all, if this is done, Cao Chun will not only successfully fulfill Boss Cao's entrustment, but also be able to retreat with his tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers. This is undoubtedly the best result.

And this seems to be much more reliable than the "bloody disaster" that Wu Liang said before.

"What if it's for silence?"

Wu Liang asked back.

He didn't know that Sima Yi had thought of silence before, but at this moment he was keenly aware of this intention.


Yu Ji's old face immediately wrinkled again, "My son means, because we have seen the feng shui pattern of the Sima family's ancestral tomb, even if the ancestral tomb has been destroyed now, he still doesn't want this feng shui treasure to be leaked, in order to prevent us from everywhere Talking nonsense, so you have a heart to silence us?"

"There is a possibility that if we reveal this geomantic omen to Zhang Yang in order to save our lives, the Sima family will still not be able to keep this geomantic oasis."

Wu Liang nodded slightly, "Of course, this is just one of the reasons I guessed, and there may be other unknown reasons, which only Sima Yi knows."

"Having said so much, what evidence do you have?"

Cao Chun asked again unwillingly.

"Remember the last sentence I asked that servant just now?"

Wu Liang smiled, and said patiently, "Yang Chou is the general who is stationed at the south gate of the county... It is absolutely impossible for Sima Yi to handle this matter himself, and since the servant was sent by him to deliver such top-secret news, It must be Sima Yi's most trusted confidant, so he must have been involved in other matters, and he told us to escape from the county seat through the south gate tomorrow night, but he doesn't even know who the generals stationed at the south gate are. The problem."


Yang Wanli took over Wu Liang's words at this moment, and continued, "If I hadn't colluded with Yang Chou in advance, I would have walked to the south gate late at night without lighting a torch, and I would most likely be killed on the spot by the city gate guards as an enemy. Leaving one life behind and going out without permission during the curfew just gave Zhang Yang an excuse to kill us."


Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, and the expressions on their faces became serious.

The hope on Cao Chun's face was also wiped out. After thinking about it for a while, he frowned and said, "Do you think the Sima family is so vicious? If I get a chance, I must settle with them carefully."

"Ha ha."

Wu Liang smiled, but he didn't fully agree with Cao Chun in his heart.

At this time, it may not be the Sima family's idea, but it is very likely that it is Sima Yi's idea alone. After all, before Zhang Yang came, Sima Fang had no intention of forcing Wu Liang to stay.

But this is not important.

After this incident, if Wu Liang and Cao Chun retreated completely, after Boss Cao really came to power, the Sima family might not have any good fruit to eat.

Calculated in this way... Wu Liang's arrival exposed the secrets of the Sima family's ancestral grave to Boss Cao, and brought bad luck to the Sima family. I don't feel guilty.


That night.

A burnt smell wafted from Yang Chou's tent at the foot of the south gate, just like the unique smell of burnt cloth.

Yang Chou shook his hands, threw the last piece of silk cloth that was about to burn his fingers on the ground, and watched it burn to nothingness, he even raised his foot to grind the ashes into powder.

What he burned just now was the letter that Wu Liang ordered Yang Wanli to send secretly.


As if he was struggling in his heart, Yang Chou let out a long breath, but the expression on his face was still very solemn.

He had already read the contents of the letter, and he had also seen the seal of Zhonglang Jiang sent along with the letter, and had already hidden it.

He knew the news that Boss Cao's army was stationed in Yanshi early in the morning.

And this letter and the seal were sent by Boss Cao's secret envoy, although Yang Chou did not see the secret envoy's face, because the one who actually delivered these two things to him was a snotty, even teacher The person he sent the letter looked like a child who couldn't tell.

in this letter.

Boss Cao first made it clear that he planned to surprise Wen County to wipe out Zhang Yang's troops in the near future, and then expressed his appreciation for Yang Chou, saying that if Yang Chou could abandon the dark and turn to the bright, he would definitely use him again. The seal ribbon is prepared for him.

It was impossible for Yang Chou not to be moved.

Now he is just a Dubo, and because of his bad background, he is not widely used by publicity, and he probably won't have much room for promotion in the future.

And if he can become a general in one fell swoop, he will reach the sky in one step. Who wouldn't want to be famous?

But Yang Chou was somewhat suspicious. After all, it was just a secret letter. He had never even met the secret envoy, so he really couldn't judge whether the contents in his heart were true or not. Naturally, he didn't dare to risk his life just by relying on a letter... …

After hesitating for so long.


Yang Chou didn't make up his mind, but the drowsiness had struck ahead of time, he yawned and fell on the bed to squint for a while.

at the same time.

A dexterous figure appeared at the foot of the city wall outside the tent, with small green eyes that seemed rather strange in the night, and at this moment, these eyes were staring intently at the camp where Yang Chou was.

(End of this chapter)

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