Chapter 112
Suddenly, a window jumped out of a light curtain, and a map was displayed on it, with a red dot flashing in the middle of the map.

Staring at the red dot, Shu Shu pouted dissatisfiedly.

Why is it there again?

She checked it several times.

Orsini estate.


Behind the layers of iron gates, there is a larger space at the bottom of the basement of the manor.

There are several thick iron chains hanging from the seven or eight meter high ceiling. Apart from the iron chains, the entire space of three to four hundred square meters is empty without any decorations.

Under the dim light, a figure could be vaguely seen. He was tall and his upper body was particularly muscular as could be seen from his outline.

His hands were locked by the iron chains hanging from the ceiling, twisting his body and struggling desperately, he let out a beast-like roar from his mouth.


Accompanied by the clashing sound of iron chains.


But no matter how hard he struggled, the chains that bound him still bound his limbs.



A low voice suddenly sounded, and the struggling movement paused, and Arnold raised his head to look at the iron door that was opened at an unknown time.

Simon stood in the doorway, the light from the corridor behind him shining in.


Although Arnold's face could not be seen clearly, his red eyes stood out in the dark.

Violent emotions were revealed in the red eyes, like a wild beast with one horn, on the verge of eruption.


Arnold opened his mouth wide and roared at Simon, and the beast-like roar echoed throughout the basement.

The fangs that were different from ordinary people were illuminated by the dim light. Simon seemed to have not seen or heard it at all. He walked slowly in front of Arnold.

He shook his head and sighed softly: "I told you to go to sleep, but you locked yourself here."

Ignoring Arnold's huge head that has been stretched out in front of his eyes, it is not a human head.

White fur covered the entire face, with wolf-like but not wolf-like facial features, the left eye hadn't been completely deformed, and the left side of the face still retained the outline of a human.

With such a distorted face, just looking at it makes people shudder.

Arnold didn't seem to recognize Simon, he opened his mouth and threw his sharp fangs at Simon.


Seeing that the fangs were about to bite Simon's neck, Simon didn't panic. He calmly raised his right hand to press Arnold's deformed wolf nose, and clenched his left hand into a fist to hit Arnold's abdomen.


The chain shook several times, and Arnold fell down, but with the chains binding his hands, he couldn't touch the ground and could only hang.

Simon's right hand grabbed Arnold's completely white hair and lifted his head up.

The whole face is exposed, and the left ear has completely turned into a wolf's ear.

The light blue eyes turned blood red, and Simon looked at Arnold's same red eyes.

"White devil, you will never be able to take away Arnold's body."

'Arnold' grinned: "How can you be so sure? You're not him."

"You shouldn't exist in this world." Simon said expressionlessly.

With his left hand raised to Arnold's neck, Simon squeezed his neck hard.

The smile on 'Arnold''s face gradually disappeared, and the expression on his face became hideous and terrifying.

The red eyes stared at Simon and said, "You! traitor!"

His hands were struggling, but the iron chains bound him so tightly that he couldn't move.

"Traitor?" Simon chuckled, "I have never been with you, how could I be a traitor?"

'Arnold' felt the lack of oxygen in his lungs, Simon's nails dug into the skin of his neck, and blood flowed down Simon's white hands, spilling onto the stone floor.

Not long after, 'Arnold' rolled his eyes and lost consciousness, and the wolf features on his face slowly disappeared and returned to the original human appearance.

After his face completely returned to the appearance of a middle-aged man, Simon withdrew his hands.

He took out a handkerchief from his portable space, and calmly wiped his hand, which was stained bright red by Arnold's blood.

Arnold woke up soon, raised his head and saw Simon standing in front of him, and he knew that Simon had helped him.

"Your Excellency the Duke." Arnold called out hoarsely.

The wound on the neck is still bleeding, but it is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood flowing out is getting less and less.

Simon raised the corners of his mouth and said ruffiantly: "Next time you still lie to me, I will deduct your salary."

"I..." Arnold opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, and finally he only said: "It won't happen in the future."

Glancing at the iron chain on Arnold's right hand, Simon stroked it lightly with his nails.

The chain snapped like a knife through butter.

After his right hand was free, Arnold wanted to untie the chain by himself but was stopped by Simon: "You just lost a lot of blood, let me do it."

Arnold didn't insist, and he also felt that his body was limp and he had no strength.

Looking at the pool of red liquid on the ground, he knew that he had really lost a lot of blood.

After the iron chains on Arnold's limbs were all untied, Simon threw the handkerchief in his hand to Arnold and said, "I'm going to stay in the 'mirror' for a while, and when Paul comes, let him look for it in the 'mirror' I."

Why take a girl to watch the meteor shower together to know the answer, Simon knows that Si Jun is playing with him.

But he went anyway, and took the little girl with him.

This time, he was going to find the big demon king to find out if Si Jun had left any other clues.

"Yes." Arnold took the handkerchief and responded respectfully.

'Mirror', 688 Crescent Street.

When Shu Shu came to the shop, she found that the shop was still closed, no different from the last time she came.

Familiar with the door, Shu Shu opened the door and went in, and Shu Shu found the model with the copy.

The model is still in its original position and has not been moved.

Before Shu Shu would meet Simon every time she came, but this time he was not there, Shu Shu didn't find it strange.

After all, it was getting late, and His Excellency the Duke might already be asleep.

Shu Shu sneaked into the 'mirror' while Shu Yue was asleep after going out for dinner with Shu Yue.

After walking around the model, Shu Shu didn't find anything unusual, so she had to open the light curtain to check.

Lines of code flashed across the light curtain, Shu Shu tilted her head to look at the model, and then sighed.

It seems that we can only go in.

After turning off the light curtain, Shu Shu resigned herself to entering the dungeon.

This time she chose the place to enter the dungeon, and appeared directly in the castle of the Great Demon King.

"Son of the Chosen One, you finally came to see me~" The Great Demon King hadn't arrived yet, but the voice arrived first.

Shu Shu heard the reputation and looked over, and she saw the huge body of the Great Demon King running over from the other side of the corridor behind her.

When he was approaching Shu Shu, the demon king opened his arms to give Shu Shu a big bear hug, but Shu Shu dodged it.

The Great Demon King failed to hug anyone, and looked at Shu Shu with a disappointed face: "Why don't you come to see me anymore? People have been waiting for you."

If the Great Demon King bit his handkerchief and said these words at this moment, he would definitely look like a resentful woman.

"I'm here for business." Shu Shu pretended not to see the hot eyes on the big devil's face, "Did you have another virus here?"

The big devil was stunned for a moment, then he scratched the back of his head and said, "No, no other viruses appeared after I ate the virus before."

"Then has there been any strange phenomenon here these two days?" Shu Shu continued to ask.

It's not a virus or a Trojan horse.

The Great Demon King lowered his head and thought about it for a while, then suddenly he shouted: "I see!"

"Know what?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

The Great Demon King looked at Shu Shu, and said with a smile on his face: "You came to see me with the excuse of looking for a virus, right? Actually, you really didn't..."

Before the big devil could finish speaking, Shu Shu kicked the big devil's left knee, right on the kneecap.


Covering his left knee with his hands, the big devil stood on his right foot and hopped on one foot.

The Chosen One was not polite at all, tears flowed from his pain.

"I don't have time to waste with you." Shu Shu glared at the Great Demon King dissatisfied.

She has to go to work at the travel agency tomorrow morning, and she can get a good night's sleep only after she settles things here.

As the guardian of the dungeon, he didn't even know that the dungeon had a virus or a Trojan horse. He really didn't know what this big devil was doing.

Not getting any useful information from the Great Demon King, Shu Shu opened the light curtain and entered a series of codes on it, and the codes on the light curtain quickly slid.

The Great Demon King had put down his aching knee, and stood beside Shu Shu, watching her carefully input lines of codes that he could not understand on the light curtain.

The Chosen One looks so serious and charming!
"Why did you come here?"

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded from behind Shu Shu, both Shu Shu and the Great Demon King were taken aback, they both turned their heads to look.

As soon as Simon arrived in the dungeon, he saw the big devil and Shu Shu standing together, and he didn't know what they were doing.

I was a little surprised, since the first time I met in the dungeon, this little girl has never entered this dungeon again.

"Master Duke, why are you here?" Shu Shu asked in surprise.

Simon walked up to Shu Shu and glanced at her light curtain. He pointed to the big devil and said, "It's a little bit of a problem to come to find it."

I don't know why Shu Shu felt that the Duke seemed to be gnashing his teeth when he said a few words, maybe it was her illusion.

The big devil shuddered instead, the man's eyes were so terrifying.

"I found that another Trojan horse or virus has entered here, and I'm investigating." Shu Shu told Simon truthfully.

Anyway, the Duke already knew that she was an administrator, so she didn't have to hide it.

Simon nodded, then stretched out a horn to grab a horn on the big devil's head and said, "Come with me."

The Great Demon King was already a head taller than Simon, but now that his horn was being held by Simon, he could only bend down and bow his head in Simon's direction.

"Is there anything that can't be said here?" The big devil grumbled.

Its sixth sense told it that if it left this man alone, it would never end well.

Simon didn't take it seriously, he said seriously: "Shu Shu is busy looking for viruses, we can't disturb her."

Hearing this answer, the Great Demon King couldn't find any reason to refute it.

She could only look at Shu Shu with watery eyes, but it was a pity that Shu Shu's attention had returned to the light curtain at this moment, and she didn't even look at it.

The great demon king who failed to ask for help could only be dragged away by Simon, who still did not forget to shout to Shu Shu: "The Chosen One, save me~"

Simon pulled the big devil to a corner, and his hand kept holding on to one of the big devil's horns.

"Aside from that card and that sentence, didn't Si Jun leave anything else?" Simon asked sullenly.

Because a horn was held by Simon, the Great Demon King could only lower his head and say, "No more, just two things."

"Did you remember that sentence correctly?" Simon asked suspiciously.

Although this big devil was made by Elizabeth, he doesn't look very smart. Simon even suspects that this guy misremembered that sentence.

The Great Demon King really wanted to shake his head, but the horn was being grabbed so hard that it was difficult for him to even raise his head, let alone shake his head.

"No." The Great Demon King opened a light curtain, "I even recorded Si Jun's words."

The big furry hand clicked on the light curtain a few times, and then a male voice came: "If Simon comes, you have to tell Simon like this.

On the evening of August 8, bring your beloved girl to the Pingqiu rooftop to watch the meteor shower, and the card will return to its original appearance under the power of love. "

After listening, the expression on Simon's face became more gloomy.

The Great Demon King rubbed his nose and chuckled, "When I said it, it seemed...only a small amount of content was missing."

"You can go to hell." Simon snapped off the horns on the big devil's head with force.

At the same time, he punched the big devil on the forehead with his other hand.


Shu Shu on the other side of the corner frowned when she heard the scream of the Great Demon King, and almost typed the wrong code with both hands.

This big devil, can't you be quiet?
When the Great Demon King appeared in front of Shu Shu again, he lost a horn on his head and a big bump bulged on his forehead.

The face that was not very good-looking before became even more unflattering.

"What's wrong with your head?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

The Great Demon King glanced at Simon, who seemed nothing had happened, and said with a bitter face, "I fell myself."

"Oh." Shu Shu didn't ask much, she turned the light curtain to the direction of the Great Demon King and said, "What's the matter with the small town near the castle? It seems that it was not established by the developer who created this dungeon, it is from outside."

Because she couldn't find the problem, Shu Shu finally pulled out the source code of the copy.

This investigation really found out a lot of things. It turned out that the town she and the Duke passed by last time was not the original product of the copy, but built by outsiders.

No wonder they saw someone when they passed by, there were not many people in that small town.

The big devil pressed the big bag on his forehead with one hand and said: "That town was built by the absconding AI that the master kept in the dungeon. They all have their own consciousness, so I don't need to take care of it."

 The Great Demon King is here again~
  The title of this chapter doesn’t match the content, but Eleven can’t change it anymore...Let’s just leave it at that

(End of this chapter)

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