It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 113 Chapter 113 AI Without Emotions

Chapter 113 Chapter 113 AI Without Emotions
"Abscond with AI?" Shu Shu repeated.

This word is no stranger to her, but she hasn't heard it for a long time.

With the development of human science and technology to the present, many crises have been encountered in the process of continuous innovation.

Since the birth of AI, human beings have been facing a false proposition, whether or not AI should be developed to have independent thinking and emotions.

If AI is no longer an assistant to humans, but an 'artificial creature' with its own independent thinking, will it pose a threat to humans?
Human beings have never stopped discussing about the future development and application of AI.

Initially, due to technical limitations, AI cannot have independent thinking logic, and many people think that it will be impossible in the future.

But with the development of science and technology, more and more tasks can be done independently by AI, and some AIs show some characteristics of independent thinking.

Those who are opposed to the existence of AI are even more worried about the existence of AI, but most people still enjoy the convenience of life brought by AI.

Although there are endless debates, AI robots have made great contributions to the development of human beings in space.

Because the work that humans cannot do is done by AI robots, which allows humans to quickly expand their territories in space.

AI robots have become the most powerful assistants of human beings, and they can be seen no matter where they are.

This is a thriving scene, where humans and AI robots form a seemingly perfect balance of coexistence.

But all this was ruined by an accident.

More than 200 years ago, a nanny robot kidnapped the child it was taking care of, causing a sensation in the entire human society.

Because the nanny robot is often accused and abused by the children's parents, they think it's okay to be a robot.

But people have underestimated the AI ​​system of this nanny robot. In order to make the nanny more like a human to take care of children, the developer has implanted a simulated emotional program in the AI ​​​​system that is under development.

This kind of program allows nanny robots to care and care for children more like humans, and allows AI robots to have human-like emotions.

Developers should have never dreamed that while having love, the nanny robot also has negative emotions such as sadness and hatred.

In the end the kidnapped child was killed by the nanny robot, and that nanny robot was destroyed.

After this incident, the same series of nanny robots were immediately recalled.

The empire even established a department to manage and review AI. All AI systems that might have a little emotion were destroyed. Since then, developers are no longer allowed to develop AI with emotions.

It can be said that since then, the AI ​​technology of the Empire has been stagnant. Even if the developers develop AI privately, as long as they are found to have emotional systems, they will be ordered to be destroyed.

But some developers couldn't do it. After all, it was their own painstaking efforts. Some people secretly uploaded all the codes to the Internet, letting AI take a road of escape on the Internet.

These AIs already have part of human emotions and consciousness. Without a body that can hold them, they can only survive in the corners of the network.

After all, the departments that supervise AI are not vegetarians. The experts they employ are persistent on the Internet, and these absconding AIs can only hide and hide.

Shu Shu knows that some absconding AIs will hide in the 'mirror', after all, they can have a 'body' in the 'mirror', and as long as they are not checked by the administrator, they are basically no different from the NPCs created in the 'mirror'.

But she didn't expect someone to create a 'sanctuary' for the absconding AI in the dungeon so blatantly, this is not ordinary courage.

Are you not afraid of being discovered?
But Shu Shu didn't come to find these absconded AIs, she wanted to find the virus or Trojan horse that had been interfering with the normal operation of the 'Mirror'.

Shu Shu still hasn't found out what interfered with the normal operation of the 'mirror', and she is very depressed about it.

"I'm going to the town to see if the virus is hidden among the group of AIs." Shu Shu turned off the light curtain and said.

The big demon king held the severed horn with both hands, and when he saw that Shu Shu was about to leave, he quickly said, "I'll be with you."

"What are you doing here?" Shu Shu gave the Great Demon King a sideways look.

The big devil with one horn missing looked even more ferocious, and she was afraid that the AIs in the town would be frightened by the big devil's appearance.

The Great Demon King chuckled, but unfortunately his face was not suitable for this kind of grin, it would look even more terrifying.

"It just so happens that I haven't been there for a long time. As the guardian of this copy, I will go on patrol regularly."

Shu Shu looked at him suspiciously, who said just now that you don't care about the absconding AI in the small town?

For the incompetent guardian, the Great Demon King, Shu Shu no longer had any hope.

Turning to look at Simon, Shu Shu blinked and asked, "Is the Duke going too?"

If the Duke goes to the town together, does that count as revisiting the old place?
They only went to the weapon shop in the small town last time. Now that they think about it, the owner of the weapon shop is really not like the rigid NPC in the 'mirror'.

More like a treacherous businessman.

"Let's go together." Simon nodded.

It is no longer a day or two for Elizabeth to like to take in strange "creatures". Because of her special hobby, Si Jun often helps her manage the shelters that take in mixed races.

But that shelter is gone now. Since both of them disappeared, the mixed-race shelter has been abandoned, and the children who lived there before have disappeared.

If he hadn't met an intelligence agent in Reiss, Simon really suspected that those children would have been dealt with by some 'special group' who hated mixed race.

The intelligence agent did not disclose where the other children went, but from his few words, Simon guessed that they were still alive, maybe hidden in a corner of the universe.

Simon is not particularly worried about the safety of those children, those children are more capable than many 'special groups'.

Before being taken to the shelter, they had experienced a lot and seen the darkest side of the world, and they would not be deceived so easily.

Seeing that Simon was with them, Shu Shu immediately became excited.

In this way, the two of them plus an unidentified object... Cough, plus the devil, went to the small town near the castle together.

When they arrived in the town, there was a market in the town.

Both sides of the main road of the town are filled with various small stalls, and the sound of selling is endless.

There are huge crowds of people on the street, it is completely different from the last time when Shu Shu and Simon came.

"So there are so many people living in this small town." Shu Shu exclaimed.

If these are all absconding AI, that's a bit of a staggering amount.

The big devil has already fixed the broken corners in place with adhesive tape, and it greets passers-by from time to time. Hearing Shu Shu's exclamation, he turns to look at Shu Shu.

He smiled and said: "There were not many absconded AIs who came here at first, but then the word got out, and many absconded AIs came here. In fact, some of the AIs here were born here, and they are already the first generation of absconded AIs. Descendants."

"AI can still have children?" Shu Shu opened her mouth wide.

But she quickly realized that it is indeed possible to 'give birth' to a child in the 'mirror'.

Some people don't want children in reality, but want to experience the feeling of having children, they will choose to 'give birth' to children in the 'mirror'.

These children are another kind of NPC, belonging to the growth AI.

From birth to adulthood, there is not much difference from real people. The only difference is that they have no emotions and can only do things according to pre-set instructions.

These children will become the NPC staff of 'Mirror' when they become adults, and their 'parents' can visit them every time they log in to 'Mirror'.

It completely simulates the process of raising a child in reality, the only difference is that the child in the 'mirror' will not have the problems of a real child.They don't experience any emotional distress, be it negative or positive.

In reality, many people criticize the special experience of the 'mirror' and feel that it violates human values.

But 'Mirror' does not violate the regulations that AI cannot have emotions, and people who have given birth in 'Mirror' quite maintain this function.

It's just that Shu Shu didn't think that two AIs could 'give birth' to a new AI, but theoretically speaking, this is not impossible.

Because the 'children' born in the 'mirror' are AI composed of codes, and AI can split part of the code from its own code to form a new AI.

It is also because of this super copying ability that humans feel that AI is dangerous.

Just as the big devil was about to explain, a group of children ran over and cheered around the big devil.

"demon king!"

"Come and play with us!"

"I'm going to climb on your back!"

"I also want!"

"I want to play the Big Devil's Train!"

The children were not frightened at all by the hideous appearance of the big devil, they climbed up the tall body of the big devil one by one.

The Great Demon King was not annoyed either, he lifted one child on his head, put two on his shoulders, and sat on the other two arms.

"Hold tight, let's go!" The big devil shouted.

The children hugged the big devil tightly and shouted, "Okay!"

After receiving the answer, the big devil lowered his head and made a forward movement, then pushed his feet hard, leading the children to run forward.


"Quick! Faster!"

"Great! It feels like I'm flying!"

The people on the road gave way to the big devil one after another. They seemed to be accustomed to the big devil who suddenly appeared in the town.

Shu Shu watched the big devil run away with the children, she raised her head to look at Simon and said, "Unexpectedly, the big devil is quite popular in the town."

"It is the guardian of this copy, and this town is also under its jurisdiction. The AI ​​here must have a good relationship with it if they want to live here safely." Simon said, looking at the prosperous market in front of him.

Except for being a little stupid, the big devil really looks like Elizabeth created it.

She yearns for a world where all "creatures" can coexist peacefully, and Si Jun puts down his butcher knife for her dream.

But Simon has always felt that Elizabeth's ideas are too naive. Whether it is the elders, the leaders of some mixed-race groups, or the high-level people of the human empire, they only want greater rights.

As long as the greedy heart does not disappear, peaceful coexistence looks like a beautiful utopia.

Shu Shu looked at the bustling market in front of her, grabbed Simon's sleeve and said, "Master Duke, let's go shopping too."

When they came last time, there was no one in the town, and she really wanted to take a stroll.

There is no difference between day and night in the 'mirror', neither people nor NPCs need to sleep here.

People who enter the 'mirror' will be automatically ejected by the system if they are online for more than twelve hours, and they can log in after a good sleep.

"Yeah." Simon bowed his head in response.

Glancing at Shu Shu's hand holding his sleeve, he found that the little girl liked to pull his sleeve very much.

The two started to stroll along the main road in the town, and Shu Shu would stop at almost every stall for a while.

They stopped and went and saw someone performing acrobatics, and both of them walked over to watch.

When the bald man who was performing acrobatics saw Shu Shu and Simon, his hands stopped, and all the balls he was throwing fell to the ground.

He wears exaggerated and funny makeup on his face and wears colorful costumes.He also didn't pick up the ball that fell on the ground, pointed at Shu Shu and the two with wide eyes and said, "You! Why are you still here?"

The last time he was tricked by these two people was so miserable, the bald man really didn't want to see these two people again.

Shu Shu blinked her eyes, and it took a while to recognize who this bald man was.

"Don't you run a weapon shop? Why are you performing acrobatics here?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

The gaudy attire of the bald man looks ridiculous, but he is quite suitable for acrobatics.

Seeing that the show had stopped, the people around felt bored and went to watch the show on the other side of the main road.

The bald man didn't have the mood to perform anymore. He stared at Shu Shu and said, "Isn't it because you bought all my inventory that I had to close the store?"

"Didn't you close the store because the store contract expired?" Shu Shu asked with her head tilted.

The bald man was startled when he heard Shu Shu's words, and subconsciously shouted: "How do you know?"

"I guess." Shu Shu said with an innocent smile.

How could this kind of weapon shop in a private copy have business?
And this is not a real adventure dungeon, the 'residents' here don't need to buy any weapons at all.

Shu Shu even suspected that they were the biggest customers of this bald man since he opened the business.

The bald man didn't want to have anything to do with the two of them anymore, he picked up the one that fell on the ground, turned around and ran away.

After running a few steps, he suddenly realized that he was standing still, and the hem of his clothes was firmly held by the little girl at some point.

"Let go!" The bald man turned his head and said.

A little girl, why is she so strong?
Shu Shu grabbed the clothes of the bald man with both hands, she shook her head and said, "You answer a few questions for me first."

"Tell me." The bald man gave up struggling, and he stood there obediently waiting for Shu Shu's question.

Since there is no escape, it is better to cooperate with this little girl.

Shu Shu didn't plan to ask on the main road where people come and go, she dragged the bald man to a quieter alley.

Simon followed behind the two of them, he wanted to see what the little girl wanted to do.

"Where are you taking me? If you have anything to ask, just ask."

 This chapter is a bit long-winded, but it explains why in this world, despite the advanced technology, robots have not been better developed.

  It can be said that the robot is the body and the AI ​​program is the 'soul'.

  The 'soul' is flawed, and the robot can only be an active body from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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