Chapter 172
Shu Shu thinks that the Duke is really a good person, a very good person.

"Yeah." Simon nodded his head lightly, then stood up and reached out to touch Shu Shu's little head and said, "So you have to work hard."

Shu Shu narrowed her eyes and enjoyed Simon's head touching, the corners of her mouth reached to her ears.

"I certainly will!"

"I'm going to Serena with Lei Lei tomorrow, and we'll probably stay there for about a week." Shu Yue put down her fork and said to Shu Shu who was sitting opposite.

Shu Yue came home early today and cooked a sumptuous dinner.

Shu Shu raised her head, she bit her fork and said, "You must pay attention to safety, and don't leave alone, you must be followed by bodyguards when you go out."

"Got it." Shu Yue smiled and ordered Shu Shu's food, "I haven't told you to be safe in Luna alone, you started to tell me."

Shu Shu put down her fork and said solemnly, "I'm afraid something will happen to my second sister."

Shu Shu can't be blamed for being worried, Shu Yue's luck is really bad recently.

Being involved in some inexplicable things one after another, even Shu Yue felt that her bad luck had escalated.

"I'm afraid that something will happen to you again." Shu Yue stared at Shu Shu and said.

Ever since Shu Shu came to Luna, the mess has never stopped.

The two sisters suddenly looked at each other and smiled. They were thinking about each other, but they forgot that they were not any better.

After dinner, the butler robot cleared the dining table.

Shu Shu stepped on the fluffy slippers and walked to the sofa and sat down. She put her hands casually on both sides of her body, looked at Shu Yue who was sitting on the side browsing the light curtain and asked, "Second Sister, have you contacted Eldest Sister these days? "

Because she was afraid of disturbing Shu Yun, Shu Shu didn't dare to contact Shu Yun casually.

But in the past few days, she sent several messages to Shu Yun, but she didn't get a reply from the other party.

"No, she must be busy." Shu Yue raised her head to look at Shu Shu, "This is not the first time Eldest Sister has done this. After ten days and a half, she should contact us."

Shu Shu is right when she thinks about it, because of the eldest sister's work, they usually gather less and share more.

I am thankful to see him once or twice a year, the longest time Shu Shu didn't see Shu Yun for three years.

It was only later that Shu Shu found out that Shu Yun had been an undercover agent in the Liberty League.

During that time, Shu Yun had no contact with anyone other than the informant.

Of course, Shu Yun didn't tell Shu Shu about these things, Shu Shu found them in the server of the Army Department.

You can't tell the eldest sister, otherwise she will be punished.

Shu Shu kicked off her slippers, lifted her feet onto the sofa, put her hands on her knees and said, "You only have one bodyguard now, do you want to consider hiring another one?"

The last time she was surrounded in a suspension car at the entrance of the hospital, and Shu Yue was kidnapped by that man named Ivan, Shu Shu always felt that these two things were related.

Shu Yue felt that she was suspicious, but Shu Shu still felt that the matter was too strange.

And she later went to the underground tunnel where Ivan's group of people were, and those people had long since disappeared.

Even the furniture was removed by them, as if no one had ever lived in that tunnel.

Hearing that Shu Yue was leaving Luna to go to Serena, Shu Shu began to ponder whether to borrow A or B from Vivian to serve as the second sister's bodyguard.

Shu Shu couldn't be more aware of the abilities of those two big guys, and she can rest assured only if one of them follows Shu Yue.

"Leilei was thinking of going with you. She just told me that she hired another bodyguard." Shu Yue smiled and turned the light curtain to show Shu Shu.

There is a chat box on the light curtain, which is a dialog box between Shu Yue and Leilei.

Shu Shu separated her knees, put the soles of her feet together, grasped the insteps on both sides with both hands and stretched her neck to look at Shu Yue's light curtain.

After reading the content on Shu Yue's light curtain, Shu Shu smiled and said, "As expected of Sister Lei Lei, she is decisive in doing things."

It turned out that Lei Lei told Shu Yue after finding the bodyguard.

"If you praise her like that, she will go to heaven by then." Shu Yue shook her head.

She didn't feel the need to hire another bodyguard now, but Lei Lei had already hired them, so she couldn't say anything else.

Turning the light curtain back, Shu Yue suddenly thought of something. She looked at Shu Shu with probing eyes and said, "The fifth director said that Shirley has already finished the arrangement of most of the movies, and he has already asked the band Recorded."

"Yes, it's actually quite simple." Shu Shu clutched the instep of her feet with both hands and swayed back and forth on the sofa, the smile on her face suddenly became stiff.

Seeing Shu Shu like that, Shu Yue couldn't help shaking her head and laughing: "I didn't blame you, why are you so nervous?"

"Do I have it?" Shu Shu pretended to be calm.

It's a pity that her stiff mouth and posture have completely betrayed her.

Shu Yue turned off the light curtain and stood up, she walked to Shu Shu and sat down.

Raising her right hand and brushing Shu Shu's pink hair behind her ear, Shu Yue looked Shu Shu straight in the eyes and said, "If you are short of money, just tell me, don't carry everything by yourself."

Shu Yue knew that Shu Yun had withheld Shu Shu's pocket money for half a year, and she noticed that Xiao Shushu was working and attending classes at the same time.

"I really think it's quite simple." Shu Shu blinked, "And what I eat and live in now are all provided by my second sister."

How could Shu Yue not cherish such a well-behaved and sensible little Shushu?
Shu Yue sighed softly and said, "Tell the housekeeper what you want, and he will buy it for you."

"Yeah." Shu Shu nodded vigorously.

The next day, early in the morning.

Shu Yue got up at five o'clock in the morning, because Lei Lei bought the first batch of starships.

The bodyguards were already waiting outside the apartment. Shu Yue glanced at the door of Shu Shu's room, and opened the door after a few instructions to the robot housekeeper.

"Yue Yue, good morning!" Philip appeared in front of Shu Yue with a smile on his face.

Shu Yue froze for a moment, looked him up and down, and Philip asked doubtfully, "You are the new bodyguard?"

Standing in front of Shu Yue, Philip was wearing a black simple suit, black pants, black jacket and black shoes, which was almost exactly the same as that of Shu Yue's other bodyguard.

Shu Yue never thought that Lei Lei's new bodyguard would be Philip, which was completely beyond her expectation.

"Yeah, I saw the recruitment information posted by your studio, so I went to apply." Philip smiled like a child who ate candy, which was a satisfaction.

Originally, he was just looking for a job to earn money to buy gifts for Yueyue, but he didn't expect to see the signboard news released by Yueyue's studio.

Although it is an anonymous sign, Philip confirmed through clues that it was issued by Shu Yue's studio.

After defeating dozens of competitors, Philip naturally became one of Shu Yue's bodyguards.

"I really didn't expect that this kid is so capable, even the bodyguards of the actor Xiao Ying are full of praise for him." Lei Lei looked at Philip who was standing by the cabin door and said with emotion.

It turned out that the film king Xiao asked to lend them a bodyguard after learning that they were going to Serena.But Lei Lei felt that she couldn't always bother the other party, after all, the other bodyguard was also borrowed by actor Xiao.

So Lei Lei posted an anonymous recruitment online, and at the same time, she asked actor Xiao's bodyguards to help check it out.

Shu Yue followed Lei Lei's line of sight, and Philip stood straight by the door with a big smile on his face.He saw Shu Yue looking towards him, and raised a hand to wave at Shu Yue.

Although dubious, Shu Yue accepted the fact that Philip became her bodyguard.

"Then... is he an adult?" Shu Yue asked suddenly.

In Shu Yue's impression, Philip was very young, about the same as Shu Shu, and she didn't want to recruit minors.

Lei Lei had expected that Shu Yue would ask such a question, so she opened the light curtain and showed Shu Yue Philip's ID.

Then he said with a look of melancholy: "I've grown up a long time ago, this kid is actually two years older than you, I really can't tell."

I always thought he was a little brother before, but I didn't expect that he was actually older than them.

With a young face at this age, Lei Lei felt that Philip's face was too deceptive, and it was tenderer than many young meats in the entertainment industry.

Evening, Academy of Arts.

There will be a music theory class tonight, and all freshmen majoring in music will attend the class together, regardless of class A or class B.

In a large classroom that can accommodate more than 300 people, Shu Shu sits in the last row.

She propped her face on one hand and listened drowsily to the teacher's lecture, while Le Huanming sat beside her and took notes seriously.

It was rare for Vivienne to not come to class today, so Le Huanming didn't have to worry about going to class.

By the time class ended, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Le Huanming turned off the light curtain and stretched, and saw that Shu Shu who was sitting next door had fallen asleep lying on the table at some point.

"Hey, get out of class is over." Le Huanming pushed Shu Shu's shoulder.

The little pink head shook, then slowly lifted up.

Shu Shu rubbed her eyes, there was still a conspicuous red mark on her left cheek, she breathed out and asked, "get out of class is over?"

"Well, Alan asked us to have dinner together, and it just so happened that he also finished class very late today." Le Huanming nodded.

He didn't even understand why the college arranged for them to have classes in the middle of the night or in the evening.

Although the Academy of Art is in the night hemisphere, there is no difference between morning and evening, but Le Huanming still finds this arrangement a bit inexplicable.

It's hard to beat that all the teachers in the Art Academy are night owls?
Shu Shu stood up from her seat and said, "Come on, which cafeteria are you in?"

This music theory teacher is really good at searching. It's already [-] o'clock in the evening, and she is a little hungry.

The two flew to Alan Yue's cafeteria on their respective hoverboards. Recently, for unknown reasons, the security level of the college has not been lowered, but has been raised by one level.

Any suspension vehicles are no longer allowed to enter the college. Whether teachers or students can only take the suspension board or the suspension bus in the college to reach their destination.

Every canteen in Luna First Academy has its own characteristics, some are like high-end hotels, and some only serve snacks.

The colorful food can definitely satisfy students from all corners of the empire.

The canteen Allen chose is a restaurant that specializes in blue star dishes and has a simple decoration. There are some green plants or curtain walls between each table, and the sound insulation effect is good.

"I ordered a few dishes at random, and they all happened to be ready." Alan stood up and greeted the two when they saw them coming.

He chose a booth in the corner, and several dishes were already placed on the table.

Shu Shu sat down unceremoniously, picked up her chopsticks and said, "I'm almost starving to death."

"Then you eat more." Allen also picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Le Huanming took a few bites, glanced at Shu Shu who was eating big mouthfuls, and then looked at Alan and asked, "What's going on in the academy recently? Luna's security level has been lowered, why has it increased in the academy instead?"

The fact that the alert level has been raised is no secret in the college. Many teachers and students have expressed dissatisfaction with this, but the college refuted the protests of the teachers and students on the grounds of the safety of the teachers and students.

Le Huanming heard that only the teachers and students in the conducting department had not protested. He thought that the conducting department should know something.

"Last weekend, the academy's security team discovered a suspicious mech moving outside the academy, and Senior Lin was injured by the other party." Allen said solemnly.

Lin Zhao's injury caused a lot of trouble in the command department. There were rumors that Lin Zhao was hurt only when the opponent had a large number of people.

Hearing the word 'Lin Zhao', Le Huanming thought of the college grass that often appeared on college forums.

"Isn't Lin Xiaocao very powerful? Why did he get injured?" Le Huanming asked with a malicious smile.

Maybe it was because he had read too many good reviews about Lin Zhao. Although Le Huanming had never met Lin Zhao, he had an inexplicable dislike for him.

The heir of the Lin family, he has been trained by the family since he was a child. He is born with B+ mental power. He is not only handsome but also has a cheerful personality. He is the dream lover of most girls in the college.

Le Huanming couldn't get used to this kind of typical other people's children.

He would never admit that it was because he didn't pass the entrance examination of the command department that he didn't like it, absolutely not!

Allen shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear about the specifics. It seems that I was injured after a conflict with the other party."

"It seems that this school girl's strength is nothing more than that." Le Huanming gloated.

Shu Shu was chewing her food, and seeing Le Huanming's expression was so unbearable, she couldn't help but ask, "Who is Xiaocao Lin you're talking about?"

"You don't know Lin Zhao?" Le Huanming stared at Shu Shu as if looking at a monster.

It's been more than a month since they started classes, and Shu Shu doesn't know the school's school grass?
Shu Shu thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I don't know him, is he famous?"

"Lin Zhao, a ninth-grade student in the Conducting Department of Luna First Academy, has been re-elected as the school grassroots of Luna First Academy for several years." Le Huanming opened the light curtain while introducing, went to the forum to find Lin Zhao's photo for Shu Shu look.

Shu Shu took a look, then shook her head and said, "It's not as good-looking as Teacher Xiao."

It can't even compare with her male god.

Le Huanming: "..."

In terms of appearance, Dean Xiao is indeed better.

"Hahaha." Alan couldn't help laughing when he heard Shu Shu's words.

In his class, he heard many girls praise Senior Lin, but no one ever compared him to Dean Xiao.

No wonder Dean Xiao has been dominating the list of handsome men in Luna No. [-] Academy, while Lin Zhao, the school girl, can only be the second child in ten thousand years.

After eating and drinking enough, Shu Shu felt sleepy again.

She raised her hand to her mouth and yawned, "I have to go to work tomorrow, so I'm going home first."

"Isn't tomorrow Saturday? What shift do you have?" Le Huanming asked suspiciously.

It was the first time he heard that Shu Shu was going to work.

 Philip finally met Shu Yue~
  Are you surprised by this arrangement?
(End of this chapter)

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