Chapter 173 Chapter 173

In Le Huanming's opinion, Shu Shu should have no shortage of money to spend. The interest he paid her every month is already a lot of money.

Alan was also surprised. He didn't expect that Shu Shu was still working outside. He wondered if General Shu and Shu Yue knew about it.

"I have to go to work from Monday to Saturday." Shu Shu said this and wanted to stand up, but was stopped by Alan: "There is still a dessert that is not served, I will take you back after eating dessert."

Although Luna's law and order is not bad, Alan was a little worried about letting Shu Shu go back alone at such a late hour.

And before Shu Yue went to Serena, she specifically contacted Alan, asking him to take care of Shu Shu while she was away from Luna.

Now that he promised, Allen will definitely do it.

"Okay." Thinking of the dessert, Shu Shu reluctantly agreed.

Allen turned on the light curtain on the long table and asked the waiter to bring the dessert.

Seeing Shu Shu resting her hands on her chin and thinking about life, Alan smiled and said, "When will you be free? I haven't learned the fundamental skill of mecha you taught me last time."

Although the set of basic skills that Shu Shu taught him was embarrassing, after Alan took a few mecha lessons in the command department, he found that the practice methods taught by the teacher were not as good as that set of basic skills.

Moreover, the teachers of the college have never heard of any mecha basic skills. Allen even suspected that this set of basic skills was compiled by Shu Shu.

"What is the basic skill of mecha?" Le Huanming asked curiously.

It sounds great.

Allen smiled without saying a word, looked at Shu Shu, waiting for her reply.

With a roll of her eyes, Shu Shu stretched out a hand to Allen and said, "If you want to learn, you have to pay the tuition fee."

"Twenty thousand euros an hour." Allen said very simply.

He has already discovered that the best way to talk about things with Shu Shu is to talk about money, otherwise he will not talk to him at all.

Shu Shu nodded: "Deal."

"What are you talking about?" Le Huanming asked with a depressed face.

He didn't understand what the two said at all, as if they were playing charades.

Shu Shu turned her head to look at Le Huanming, and asked with squinted eyes, "Do you want to learn too?"

If two people teach together, she can get two tuition fees, saving trouble and earning more money.

"What are you studying?" Le Huanming asked.

Although he asked so, he already wanted to learn in his heart.

Allen is so eager to learn, why doesn't he learn?

"Mecha basic skills." Shu Shu stared at Le Huanming with a smile, "[-] euros an hour, do you want to learn with Alan?"

Le Huanming wants to learn, but he has no money right now.

"Can't you get a discount if two of you study together?" Le Huanming asked with curled lips.

In order to repay the debt, Le Huanming applied to the family to change his pocket money from credit accounts into cash, and almost 20 a month went into Shu Shu's pocket.

Although Shu Shu stopped the interest calculation time, Le Huanming still had to pay more than [-] million.

Le Huanming didn't dare to tell his family that he owed more than [-] million outside, and he couldn't cheat and refuse to pay, because he signed an IOU certified by the empire.

If it is not paid for a long time, his credit will be affected.

Although he felt that Shu Shu's actions were very dark, but it was an IOU signed by himself, and he didn't read it carefully at the time.

This painful lesson made him dare not sign anything indiscriminately in the future.

Le Huanming calculated that if he pays back 20 yuan every month, it will take him more than 50 years to pay it off.

"[-] euros an hour is really cheap." Shu Shu smiled and said brilliantly, "And after you learn it, I assure you that you will definitely be able to get the ranking in the next quarter's Mecha Competition Arena ranking competition, There are quite a lot of bonuses in the mech competition arena in the 'mirror'."

Hearing the ranking match in the mech competition arena in the 'mirror', Le Huanming was suddenly moved.

Although the mech competition arena in the 'mirror' is usually open to the public, there are several competitions every day, but the main competition is to win the ring.

Every quarter, the Mech Competition Arena conducts a ranking match, which lasts for a week.

That was the largest non-professional mecha competition in the empire.

As long as you enter the top 20, you can get a bonus of 50 mirror coins, the top 100 can get [-] mirror coins, the top [-] can get [-] mirror coins, and the top ten can get [-] million mirror coins.

The prize money for the champion is 1000 million mirror coins, the runner-up is 600 million mirror coins, and the third place is 300 million mirror coins.

Because of the huge prize money, there are a lot of people who sign up for the competition every season, and there will be mecha enthusiasts from all corners of the empire.

As long as they are not members of the military department, any citizen of the empire can participate when they become adults.

Although it is non-professional, there are also many professional players who will participate.

The level of competition is no worse than those professional mech competitions, it can be said that it is more than that.

Moreover, the top three in the past may have received an olive branch from the military department, and as a special case, they were recruited into the mecha team of the military department.

This is an honor that cannot be obtained in some professional competitions.

There are quite a few senior students of the command department who will participate in the competitions every season. Apart from practicing mechs in actual combat, they all want to get a good ranking.

Even if you don't win the championship, being in the top ten is considered a good result.

And after entering the army in the future, the mecha team will give priority to those who have won the top ten in the ranking competition.

Before taking the entrance exam of Luna No. [-] Academy, Le Huanming took it once, but he didn't even pass the first knockout round.

"Then what is the highest ranking you have won?" Le Huanming asked with bright eyes.

Shu Shu is so sure that he learned the basic functions of that set of mecha and got a ranking in the ranking competition, so he should have won a good ranking.

Allen also looked at Shu Shu curiously. He knew that Shu Shu was the S-level leader of the mech competition arena.

No matter how unlucky the S-level challenger is, he can still enter the top fifty in the ranking competition.

When Shu Shu heard this question, her face suddenly collapsed, and she lowered her head and said dejectedly, "I'm not yet an adult, so I can't participate in the competition yet."

If she could participate in the ranking competition, she would have signed up a long time ago.

Le Huanming: "..."

Suddenly, Shu Shu felt a little unreliable.

Allen showed a weird expression, he forgot that Shu Shu was underage.

This was the first time he had seen an underage S-rank challenger.

At this time, the waiter came over with desserts, and the three of them left the cafeteria after eating the desserts.

They made an appointment to meet on the 'Mirror' tomorrow night to learn the basic skills of Shu Shu's mecha.

"Aren't you going in the same direction as us?" Allen asked Le Huanming.

Le Huanming shook his head and said, "No, my home is not in SPQR."

Having said that, Le Huanming greeted the two of them and flew in another direction on the hoverboard.

"Let's go too." Shu Shu yawned and said.

She is really sleepy.

Allen responded, and both of them flew towards Gate 99 on the hoverboard.

Not long after they left, several people came out of the cafeteria.

Mi Xueer looked at the two people who had turned into two black shadows in the distance, and she casually asked the people beside her: "Is what you said before true?"

"Yes, I met someone who claimed to be that girl's high school classmate, and I sent someone to investigate later." The boy standing next to Mi Xueer nodded, "That girl is General Shu's younger sister. Always been bad, and hit someone in high school and almost got kicked out of school."

He didn't expect that such an ignorant person could enter Luna No. [-] Academy. This year, all kinds of cats and dogs really came in.

And that girl was accepted as a student by Dean Xiao of the art department, which is really unbelievable.

Mi Xueer nodded, a calculating light flashed in her eyes.

It's been almost a month since school started. Although they are in the same class, Ellen has been ignoring her.

This dissatisfied Mi Xueer, who was the center of attention no matter where she went, especially when Alan still had dinner with the art department girl from time to time.

That girl is just General Shu's younger sister, and she has nothing extraordinary, how can she be compared with her?

But Mi Xueer would not foolishly have a confrontation with that girl, she just needs to wait for the opportunity.

Sedna, the recording studio of Eide Entertainment.

"Take a break for 10 minutes."

Shu Yue came out of the recording studio a little tired. In order to return to Luna early, she asked Lei Lei to arrange her work closely.

Philip had been waiting in the lounge outside for a long time, and he handed Shu Yue a glass of energy drink: "Let's drink some first."

"Thank you." Shu Yue took the cup with a smile.

After a few days of contact, Shu Yue found that this kid was much more mature than before.

An'an is working as a bodyguard, and every time she goes out, she will not be more than two meters away from her. It can be said that she is a very dedicated bodyguard.

Shu Yue walked to the small sofa in the lounge and sat down, turned on the light curtain to check the news.

Philip stood beside Shu Yue, 'peeking' at Shu Yue's light curtain openly, with a smile on his face all the time, feeling very happy in his heart.

This bodyguard job is really suitable for him. Being able to be with Yueyue for more than ten hours a day is something he never dreamed of before.

Shu Yue replied to Shu Shu's message, and found that actor Xiao also sent her a message, asking her to have dinner with her at night.

When Philip saw Xiao Sheng's news, the corner of his mouth immediately pulled down.

That old man!
He knew that the person surnamed Xiao had bad intentions for Yueyue, so he asked Yueyue to have dinner!
Philip would not be so stupid as to explode in front of Shu Yue, he anxiously watched whether Shu Yue would agree to Xiao Sheng's invitation.

Shu Yue didn't notice Philip's strangeness, so she first asked Lei Lei if she had any work arrangements for tonight, and after getting a reply, she agreed to Xiao Sheng's invitation.

Seeing this result he didn't want to see, Philip's mood fell to the bottom.

Stretching his body, Philip was already thinking about how to deal with Xiao Sheng.

Now he can't use the power of the Borgia family and can't trip Xiao Sheng, but he can think of other ways.

He must make that old man stop pestering Yueyue, his family, and make him retreat in spite of difficulties.


Crescent Travel Agency.

Although it was Saturday, there were no customers in the travel agency as usual, only Andre, a 'regular customer', came to the travel agency to report early in the morning.

Andre sat in front of Shu Shu's desk with his legs crossed, and looked at Shu Shu who was busy in front of the light curtain with a smile: "Xiao Shushu, do you like watching mecha competitions?"

"Mech competition?" Shu Shu looked at Andre suspiciously and asked.

Andre nodded: "You should know about the ranking match in the mech competition arena in the 'mirror' next month, right?"

"I know." Shu Shu nodded.

How could you not know?
As long as you log into the 'mirror', you can see the advertisement for the next month's ranking competition, which is everywhere.

'Mirror' is the organizer of the mecha competition arena, and it will make a lot of noise before each competition.

Andre continued to ask: "Then do you want to go to the finals?"

Although there will be a ranking match every quarter, tickets for the finals are still hard to come by.

Because watching the live broadcast and watching the mecha competition live are completely different things. Anyone who loves this competition wants to go to the finals.

"Did you get the ticket?" Simon's voice came from behind Andre.

Andre turned his head and found that Simon had arrived behind him at some point. He was startled: "Why do you walk without sound?"

"It's your bad ears." Simon said bluntly.

Andre stared at Simon hard: "I kindly helped you get the ticket, but you still say that about me."

"Tickets and problems with your ears are two different things," said Simon solemnly.

Andre turned his head angrily, and said to Shushu, "Little Shushu, the two of us will go to the finals, so we won't take this guy with us."

He wanted to take Xiao Shushu to the finals, but he didn't bring Simon.

To piss him off.

"Why can't the Duke go together?" Shu Shu blinked her big eyes and asked doubtfully.

If the Duke doesn't go, she won't go.

Andre: "..."

I feel like I'm in the enemy's camp without a friendly army, so I'm sorry.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

After returning home from get off work, Shu Shu ate something casually, changed into her home clothes, and entered the game cabin.

After logging into the 'Mirror', Shu Shu directly entered a training copy using the link Alan sent her.

This copy is still a desolate loess, but it is not a big plain, there are some small hills around.

Ai Lun and Le Huanming had already arrived, and they were standing beside the mecha waiting for her.

According to Shu Shu's request, Allen only rented two two basic mechas, the two mechas that were exactly the same as those rented last time.

"Let me see Xiao Ming's strength first."

After speaking, Shu Shu climbed into the cockpit of a mecha.

Allen patted Le Huanming on the shoulder and encouraged: "Come on."

Although a bit inexplicable, Le Huanming nodded to Alan and boarded another mecha.

He didn't think Shu Shu was much better than him, after all, Lejia had hired him a special mecha teacher, and he had won the top ten places in the ranking competition.

Le Huanming was quite confident about his mech foundation.

Moreover, Shu Shu has no mental strength, so he doesn't think she can be so powerful.

After the two were ready, Allen had already flown to a small hill not far away on a hoverboard.

"Can we start?" Shu Shu asked through voice communication.

Le Huanming held two handles with both hands and said, "Yes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Le Huanming saw the mecha on the opposite side rushing towards him, the speed was so fast that he was speechless.

But Le Huanming's reaction was fairly quick, and he immediately adjusted his posture to meet the impact.


The right arms of the two mechs collided, and they both took a few steps back due to the impact.

"Not bad!"

 Xiao Ming: I finally got on the mecha, so touched TT
(End of this chapter)

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