Chapter 174 Chapter 174

Shu Shu rarely praised that compared with Allen, Le Huanming's mecha foundation was much more solid.

Even so, Shu Shu only took three moves to put Le Huanming's mech on the ground.

Lying on the seat, looking at the blue sky outside Le Huanming: "..."

what just happened?
How did his mecha fall to the ground?
Shu Shu controlled the mecha and helped Le Huanming's mecha up, and patted the mecha on the shoulder. Shu Shu smiled and said, "Xiao Ming, if you practice your basic skills well, you may be able to enter the ranking competition next month." Top fifty."

Le Huanming didn't believe Shu Shu's words at all.

There are only ten days left, as long as he is not eliminated in the first knockout match, he is already very satisfied.

After Le Huanming read Shu Shu's mecha basic skills, he felt that he didn't need to participate in next month's competition.

What mecha basic function?

It's just a set of dances that are difficult to look at directly. It's really eye-catching to let the mecha do such a set of movements.

"Xiao Ming, did you see clearly?" Shu Shu's voice sounded in Le Huanming's cockpit.

Le Huanming frowned and asked: "Is this set of basic skills really useful? Are you framing me?"

He only saw Shu Shu twisting and twisting the mecha and doing some inexplicable movements, but he couldn't think of how these movements would help the mecha piloting skills.

"Here, just ask Allen. If you don't want to learn, you can leave directly." Shu Shu shrugged.

She opened the cockpit and jumped off the mecha, letting Allen get on the mecha to prepare.

Compared with Allen, Le Huanming has a better foundation.

In Shu Shu's view, he should be able to learn the basic skills of this set of mechas soon, but the premise is that he is willing to learn.

Allen was very clear about Le Huanming's mood at the moment. If he hadn't been desperate and didn't want to be eliminated, he would never have learned the basic skills of this set of mechas.

"You may not believe it, but I was able to pass the actual combat simulation test because I learned the basic skills of this set of mecha." Allen sat down in the cockpit and said to Le Huanming earnestly.

Although Allen said so, Le Huanming still couldn't believe it.

Just when Le Huanming was hesitating whether to continue studying, Shu Shu's voice sounded: "Time is running out, today I can only practice for two hours at most."

"Okay." Allen responded quickly, and then drove the mech a few steps forward.

Shu Shu turned on the music and raised the small speaker she used last time to her mouth: "Start!"

Hearing the instruction, Allen immediately drove the mech to move.

"The left hand should be as high as the right hand."

"The twisting arc should be larger."

"It's shaking hands, not chopping a knife. All five fingers must be moved."

"It's left, not right."

"It's too slow, keep up with the rhythm."

Le Huanming was sitting in the mecha, watching Shu Shu sitting on the ground with her legs crossed and holding a small horn to guide Allen.

Through the movements of the mecha driven by Allen, he seemed to understand the significance of Shu Shu's basic skills of this mecha.

His mecha teacher told him that the most difficult thing to do when he first got started was to control the mecha.

The mecha is completely made in the shape of a human being, and was originally developed to allow humans to move freely on a harsh planet.

The most powerful mecha fighters can control the limbs of the mecha as their own limbs, and their movements are smooth and not procrastinated.

In a battle, the absolute control of the mecha can determine the outcome. Even if the enemy's spiritual power or mecha equipment is superior to your own, but the opponent's control of the mecha is not smooth enough and the reaction is not fast enough, you will still lose.

Le Huanming watched the movement of the mecha driven by Allen, and recalled the movement of Shu Shu driving the mecha just now in his mind.

It's just so different.

Moreover, Le Huanming found that although this set of actions is very eye-catching, it is not easy to do it while driving a mech.

No, it should be said that it is difficult.

Le Huanming drove the mecha to the back of Allen's mecha, and then followed his movements a little bit.

At first, Le Huanming couldn't even keep up with the rhythm.

"Xiao Ming, you have to raise your left hand, not your right hand."

"Wrong, I took a step forward with my right foot, then bent down and blew a kiss."

"Alan, what are you doing?"

"Xiao Ming, you are raising your left foot."

The two people driving the mecha were sweating profusely, and Shu Shu shouted tiredly while holding up the small horn.

It's really not easy to make some money.

Serena, a private room in a high-end restaurant.

Xiao Sheng and Shu Yue sat in front of a round table with several dishes on the table. They chatted comfortably while eating.

The private room is not big, only about a dozen square meters, and the entire wall is floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing you to see the night view outside.

The bodyguards were arranged in the private room next door. Although there was only one wall separating them, there was a door connecting the two private rooms.

No matter what happens, the bodyguards can rush there in time.

"Is this really okay? Just let the two of them be alone next door? Will nothing happen?" Philip asked with a frown.

He sat at a round table with another bodyguard of Shu Yue and several bodyguards of Xiao Sheng, and there were many dishes on the table.

Philip had no appetite at all, and his mind was now occupied with what was going on next door.

Will that old man do something excessive to Yueyue?Will Yueyue be bullied?

The person sitting on Philip's left patted Philip on the shoulder, and said to Philip in the tone of an elder: "Little brother, you can see that you have not been in the industry for long."

"The security measures in this kind of restaurant are very good, and the doors of the private rooms are controlled by special robot butlers, basically nothing will happen."

The bodyguard sitting opposite Philip cut a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth, saying, "Yes, we can enjoy this kind of high-end restaurant with our employer."

"It's a pity that I can't drink, otherwise I really want to have a drink." Someone regretted.

The person next to him pushed him and said with a smile: "You got it, still drinking? Don't want this job?"

"Such a good job, why would I not want it?" The man smiled and raised a glass filled with fruit juice, "The salary offered by actor Xiao is so high, and he doesn't give us random instructions or insult us like some celebrities."

"Yeah, except for some fans who are sometimes difficult to deal with, following actor Xiao is a very easy job." Someone posted.

Philip listened absently to what they said. From these people, he heard a lot of praise for Xiao Sheng.

When there was an affair between Yueyue and the old man, he even sent someone to investigate Xiao Sheng.

It's just because he has the blood of the elves of the Xiao family, he looks a little better, and his temper is a little gentler, so many women are crazy about him.

Yueyue of his family is not such a superficial person, she will definitely not like someone like Xiao Sheng.

Absolutely not!

Next door, Shu Yue and Xiao Sheng were eating while talking and laughing.

"I heard that you recorded the theme song of the movie today, how does it feel to sing the new song?" Xiao Sheng asked with a smile.

He didn't expect that the mysterious teacher Shirley could compile most of the movie's songs in less than a month at such a fast speed.

Que Fangwei was also shocked, he was a little speechless when he told Xiao Sheng the news.

Because the progress of the film soundtrack was too fast, and Fifth Xi kept urging, which completely disrupted Que Fangwei's plan.

The movie is likely to be released at the end of the year, and Que Fangwei has already notified Xiao Sheng to make time for the movie's premiere.

Shu Yue put down the tableware, wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin and said with a smile, "It's completely different from the previous theme song, and you can listen to it when it's recorded."

"It's really exciting." Xiao Sheng raised the goblet and said.

Shu Yue also raised her drink cup and lightly touched Xiao Sheng's goblet. She smiled and said, "I haven't thanked you and the fifth director properly yet. I'll treat you to dinner next time."

Having experienced so many things in Luna, both Xiao Sheng and Wu Xi have given her a lot of help.

Shu Yue has always kept it in her heart, hoping to return it if she has the chance in the future.

"That will have to wait for the director to come back. He's been busy recently." Xiao Sheng put down the goblet and said.

Shu Yue nodded, but she didn't ask further.

After all, Wuxi is a well-known director, so it's normal for him to be busy.

The two chatted casually for a few words, and Xiao Sheng suddenly asked: "I didn't have a chance to ask you before, how did you do it?" Xiao Sheng paused, feeling that his expression was not particularly accurate, and he asked again: "I mean how did you get your singing to heal?"

Xiao Sheng was shocked the first time he heard it in the underground tunnel of SPQR.

Although Fifth Xi and Que Fangwei both said that it was a large-scale healing ability unique to some pure blood elves, Xiao Sheng still couldn't believe it.

He didn't believe what the half-breed boy named Ivan said about the awakening of the blood, and the ancestors were a 'special group'.

For Xiao Sheng, what Ivan said was unbelievable.

But Shu Yue's ability is genuine, which Xiao Sheng cannot deny.

"I..." Shu Yue opened her mouth, but then closed it.

Because the event of Shu Yue being surrounded was broadcast live on the Internet, the song that Shu Yue sang in the hover car without lyrics was edited and put on the Internet.

The number of views of that video has reached a terrifying number, but many people who have watched the live broadcast said that the singing voice in the edited video is different from the live broadcast.

The comforting feeling conveyed by Shu Yue's singing is gone.

For this reason, there was already a lot of quarrels on the Internet. Those who hadn't watched the live broadcast said that Shu Yue's singing voice didn't have that ability at all, and it was completely made up by fans.

And those who watched the live broadcast stood up and said that it was true, but the edited video lost that effect.

Because of the quarrels on the Internet, Shu Yue has become a frequent searcher recently.

The popularity has greatly increased, and the number of fans has also increased.

The ensuing drafting and cooperation made Lei Lei busy every day without touching the ground, but she didn't complain at all. Instead, she could wake up with a smile at night when she dreamed happily.

"I don't know how I did it." Shu Yue looked at Xiao Sheng honestly, "I didn't even know what I was singing at the time. The moment I opened my mouth, I seemed to be controlled by something."

"Although I am singing with my spiritual power, I can't control my mental power at all when I sing."

"This feeling of being out of kind of scary."

Speaking of this, Shu Yue couldn't help raising her right hand to rest her left arm.

As if suddenly feeling cold, Shu Yue rubbed her left arm with her right hand vigorously up and down.

"I didn't realize it when I was in the underground tunnel, but when I was surrounded outside the hospital, I felt that my singing followed my spiritual power."

Xiao Sheng listened quietly to Shu Yue's narration, put his right hand on the table and tapped lightly a few times.

"Try not to use this ability in the future." Xiao Sheng looked at Shu Yue with a serious face, "I heard that the reason why the military department canceled the position of War Song is because the singer's mental power is consumed too quickly, which leads to the loss of lifespan .”

But that's not the main reason.

Xiao Sheng heard from Fifth Xi that the military department was afraid that the status of War Song would be too high, which would affect the internal system of the military department.

Because war songs can inspire people with singing on the battlefield and improve the combat effectiveness of mecha fighters, many war songs are embraced by soldiers, which leads to the increasing status of war songs in the army.

Later, riots even broke out, and the top military officials had to cancel the post of War Song.

Although Zhange's situation may be a little different from Shu Yue's current situation, Xiao Sheng thinks it's better not to take risks.

Shu Yue nodded, the eldest sister also told her so, she would try not to use mental energy to sing in the future.

The two did not continue to chat about this topic, but changed the topic tacitly.

When the desserts were served, Xiao Sheng stood up suddenly, said to Shu Yue, "Excuse me," and walked outside.

Philip, who was next door, found that Xiao Sheng was going to the bathroom. He quickly stood up and said to the bodyguard who was about to follow Xiao Sheng: "Brother, I just happen to be going to the bathroom, let me go."

"Okay, then you go." The man responded with a smile.

In this kind of restaurant, going to the restroom will do nothing wrong.

Philip thanked him and walked out. He followed Xiao Sheng to the men's restroom.

"Are you Shu Yue's new bodyguard?" Xiao Sheng looked at Philip through the mirror on the wall and asked.

Philip nodded vigorously and said, "I'm still her number one fan and the deputy director of the support group."

"Really?" Xiao Sheng turned around and asked with a smile.

He sized up the thin boy with a deceptively immature face in front of him.

Philip puffed up his chest and said plausibly: "You don't provoke Yueyue in the future, she has no interest in you."

"How do you know? Could it be that Shu Yue is interested in you?" Xiao Sheng asked with great interest.

This is the first time Xiao Sheng has been reminded like this, and he thinks this kid is quite interesting.

Philip said proudly: "I have known Yueyue for more than ten years, and I have been her fan since she debuted."

As if to prove that he and Shu Yue have a good relationship, Philip deliberately put the word "more than ten years" very seriously.

He hoped that the old man would quit and stop harassing Yueyue.

"You should be a werewolf, right? If I guess correctly, you should not be an adult yet." Xiao Sheng said calmly.

Philip did not become angry because of Xiao Sheng's exposure. He said proudly: "My young master is a pure-blooded werewolf."

 Philip was stimulated and wanted Yueyue to coax him.

(End of this chapter)

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