It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 19 019 A pair made in heaven

Chapter 19 019 A pair made in heaven

In Shu Yue's eyes, her little sister is so cute, and she is not yet an adult, so there is absolutely no need to work part-time.

But Shu Shu insisted on going, so Shu Yue had to compromise.

"No." Shu Shu blinked her eyes and shook her head, "The colleagues are all nice, and the work is very easy."

Shu Yue stared at Shu Shu on the light curtain for a while, and after confirming that she hadn't lied to herself, she said, "Remember, if someone bullies you, don't bear it. If you have anything to say, you must tell me and eldest sister. We... ..."

Seeing that Shu Yue wanted to continue talking, Lei Lei standing aside couldn't stand it any longer, she rolled her eyes and said, "Yue Yue, Xiao Shu Shu is not a three-year-old anymore, nothing will happen. The filming will start later. Now, you should prepare first."

It can be said that Lei Lei watched Shu Shu grow up, and she was the only one who bullied others.

Even if Shu's father and Shu's mother dote on Shu Jiaxing so much, that kid has suffered from being dumb several times in Shu Shu's hands.

Shu Shu, this little girl, is very smart.

Shu Yue glared at Leilei dissatisfied, she wanted to say something but heard her sister's soft voice.

"Second Sister, you need to be busy first. I'm a little sleepy, I need to sleep for a while." Shu Shu yawned, "I'm really looking forward to your reality show, I believe you must be the best!"

"Sure!" Shu Yue raised her head proudly.

Shu Shu said that she is the best, so she must do her best.

You must not let your little sister down.

In Shu Yue's heart, nothing is more important than her own little sister, and it is also because of Shu Shu that she has embarked on the road of being a singer.

Shu Yue told Shu Shu to be careful, and under Lei Lei's urging, she reluctantly hung up the video.

The moment the picture on the light curtain disappeared, Shu Shu fell asleep.

She was just too sleepy.

Olga Galaxy, Moody.

As the most distant planet from its star, Moody is a planet shrouded in darkness.

Because many precious minerals were discovered on Moody, they were developed into mine stars by humans.On the entire planet, except for dozens of people who are responsible for the normal operation of the planet, the rest are operated by robots.

The reality show that Shu Yue participated in chose Moody as the recording location for this episode.

This reality show has a very cheesy name called "Interstellar Adventurer". Its feature is adventure. In each episode, the guests have to complete adventure tasks on the planet selected by the show.

In addition to a few resident guests, there will be several guest guests in each episode to participate in the show.

Each episode will have a guest winner, and won the title of 'interstellar adventurer'.

Although the audience knows that this show will not be really dangerous, but watching the normally glamorous stars go to such a remote planet to complete difficult tasks, the audience is still very willing to buy it.

With the authenticity of the filming and the fact that the stars participating in the show are all big-name stars, "Interstellar Adventurer" has become one of the most popular reality shows in the empire.

Lei Lei also took a fancy to the traffic of this reality show, so she tried her best to give Shu Yue a chance to participate in this show.

At first, Shu Yue really didn't want to participate in any show, she just wanted to make music.

As for what others say about her, she doesn't care at all.

In the end, Lei Lei asked Shu Shu to persuade her, and Shu Yue reluctantly agreed.

Outside the break room temporarily built by the program group, Shu Yue and Lei Lei walked side by side to today's shooting location.

"How many more days will this show be recorded?" Shu Yue pouted.

She really wanted to end things here quickly, and then go to Luna to find Shu Shu.

I heard that Luna has a lot of interesting places, so she can take Shu Shu to relax while she is on vacation.

Lei Lei was responding to the message on the light curtain, without raising her head, she said: "The director said it will take about two or three days."

"Hey, it will take so long." Shu Yue shrugged and said.

Lei Lei didn't pay attention, ever since she knew that Shu Shu was plotted by the Shu family and the Ning family, Shu Yue was eager to leave here and go to Luna immediately.

Lei Lei is used to Shu Yue's frequent sighs.

Before the two had reached the shooting location, they met a few people who were on the way with them.

"Shu Yue, Lei Lei." Xiao Sheng called out politely.

His handsome appearance, especially a pair of silver-gray eyes, is fascinating.

Even in the entertainment industry where there are so many handsome guys, there are very few gentlemen like Xiao Sheng who are as gentle and gentle as jade.

"Film Emperor Xiao, is your leg better?" Shu Yue asked with concern.

A few days ago, Xiao Sheng fell during filming and sprained his ankle.For this reason, the shooting plan was delayed a lot.

Shu Yue's idea is very simple, as long as Xiao Sheng is fine, the subsequent shooting can proceed normally.

The sooner the filming is finished, she can go to Luna to find Shu Shu.

Xiao Sheng smiled slightly: "It's nothing serious."

"That's good." Shu Yue said with a smile.

A few people chatted and laughed and arrived at the shooting location, and the staff were already in place.

Today's shooting went very smoothly, and after a few hours, everything that should be shot was finished.

For today's shooting, even the chief director is quite satisfied.

It's just that that night, a well-known gossip account broke a piece of news, which pushed the entire program group to the forefront.

"A Couple Made in Heaven: Actor Xiao and a certain singer are suspected to be in love"

In just half an hour, this news rushed to the hot search.

Neither actor Xiao nor Shu Yue's fans believed it was true, and fans of both sides even started to tear each other up online.

"I've already communicated with the program team. The photo was definitely taken by the staff, but the angle is rather tricky." Lei Lei said angrily.

Since Shu Yue's debut, there has been almost zero scandal, except that some people said she was putting on airs because of her violent personality, and those black people have nothing to hate.

But it's different now, Xiao Sheng is an actor who has become popular among the stars in recent years.

And it's the kind of star who is very popular with passers-by, and there is almost no negative news, and even Heizi doesn't know how to slander him.

At best, he can only be said to be gay, because he has never been particularly close to any woman since his debut.

Now that something like this happened, Hei Shuyue's sunspots would not miss this opportunity.

Almost full firepower, attacking Shu Yue, no matter how defended Shu Yue's fans are, they can't stop those attacks from all directions.

Shu Yue's social account fell immediately.

"What did the program team say?" Shu Yue asked lazily.

As if what happened online had nothing to do with her.

Lei Lei said angrily: "What else can they say? Just wait. With such a topic, the ratings of this issue will definitely break the previous record."

If there is a topic, there will be a ratings. This is an eternal law.

Lei Lei even suspected that the news came from the program group, who directed and acted on her own, just for the ratings.

"Where is Xiao Yingdi?" Shu Yue asked casually, playing with her fingers.

 Important people are appearing one by one~
  Actor Xiao is very important, don't forget him.

(End of this chapter)

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