It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 20 020 It turned out to be the gold master's father

Chapter 20 020 It turned out to be the gold master's father

"Actor Xiao's team is thinking of a solution. If it's just a unilateral clarification, few people will believe it." Lei Lei shook her head and said.

Internet speech is the most difficult thing to control, especially about celebrities.

It's too easy to believe the rumors are true, and it doesn't matter whether it is true or false at this time.

Shu Yue stretched her waist and stood up: "Then let them have a headache, and I won't lose at all by making CP with Best Actor Xiao. It will be fine when the limelight passes, and I'll go to sleep."

Lei Lei thinks what Shu Yue said makes sense, and now it's spreading wildly on the Internet, but there is no real hammer.After the show was broadcast, Shu Yue and Xiao Sheng had nothing to do with each other, and this matter faded away.

Compared with Shu Yue's side, where the wind is calm and the clouds are light, Xiao Sheng's side is not calm at all.

"Xiao Sheng, in fact, there is nothing wrong with forming a temporary CP with Shu Yue, and it can also dispel your homosexual rumors." An Jialiang persuaded.

He is Xiao Sheng's manager and has been with Xiao Sheng for more than ten years.

As an artist, Xiao Sheng is almost impeccable.

With good looks, acting skills, and affinity, fans range from three or four-year-old children to two-hundred-year-olds.

The only thing that gave An Jialiang a headache was that actor Xiao was unwilling to fire CP, even if it was to promote the new film.

Although this has won Xiao Sheng the following of many female fans, but the topicality is much less than that of some popular fresh meat.

And in the past few years, some people have spread rumors on the Internet that actor Xiao is gay, and most of them are derogatory.

It's not that homosexuality is bad, but Xiao Sheng is not at all.

From time to time, Xiao Sheng and so-and-so small fresh meat CPs appeared on the Internet, causing headaches for An Jialiang, the agent, and the entire team.

"No." Xiao Sheng said firmly.

There is no room for negotiation.

An Jialiang raised his forehead: "Then let's clarify. Send a message on your account and explain that you are just friends. That's okay, right?"

"Will this affect Shu Yue?" Xiao Sheng asked with a frown.

An Jialiang rolled his eyes, he cared so much about him, why didn't he want to form a CP with him?
He said angrily: "Of course it will be affected. If you come out to clarify, she will become the target of public criticism."

"Then let Shu Yue come out to clarify?" Xiao Sheng asked.

His brows have never been stretched, and they have already wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

An Jialiang stared at Xiao Sheng for a few seconds before opening his mouth: "If you think about her so much, you don't really like her, do you?"

"What nonsense?" Xiao Sheng shook his head, "She is the sister of a good friend of mine."

An Jialiang didn't believe Xiao Sheng's words at all. He sat upright on the chair and said solemnly: "Xiao Sheng, you are not young anymore, there is no problem in falling in love. It's just that I hope you can be honest with me. After all, I It's your agent."

Xiao Sheng remained silent, his silver eyes met An Jialiang's without any waves.

"I don't want to meddle in your personal affairs, but I need to know ahead of those paparazzi, so that even if there is an emergency, I can help you deal with it." An Jialiang said sincerely, and at the end he did not forget to add: " It's okay even if you like men."

An Jialiang can't be blamed for being suspicious, it's because Xiao Sheng's behavior is too easily misunderstood.

They have been working together for more than ten years, and he has never seen Xiao Sheng have a crush on any opposite sex, and he also requires his team members to be male.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to make those rumors.

Xiao Sheng thought for a while, and then he said, "Don't worry, if I'm really with her, you will be the first to know."

"What?" An Jialiang felt that he was hallucinating, "Do you really have someone you like?"

Xiao Sheng was noncommittal, he didn't want to say anything more on this topic, but instead said: "You contact Shu Yue's agent, let them clarify first, and we will forward it here."

After speaking, he stood up and walked out.

An Jialiang watched Xiao Sheng leave, wanted to stop him but didn't know what to say.

Hey, I can only recognize the artist who deceived himself like this on the stall.

It was ten o'clock in the morning.

Luna, Crescent Travel Agency.

Shu Shu arrived at Xinyue Travel Agency on time. She first went to the pantry and poured herself a cup of coffee, then sat slowly in front of the work station and turned on the light curtain.

In the morning, Arnold sent her a message saying that he would be arriving later and asked her to open the store first.

She handled almost all the customer inquiries yesterday, and there are not as many inquiries today as yesterday.

The main business of Xinyue Travel Agency is high-end travel projects, basically those are outrageously expensive, and the price alone makes ordinary people daunted.

There are many consultations on the Internet, but most of them are just asking.

And Shu Shu found that those consultations have been going on for a long time, and only a few of them are in the past few days.

Not long after she sat down, the door of the New Moon Travel Agency was pushed open.

"Welcome." Shu Shu greeted the visitor with a smile.

No one came all day yesterday. I didn't expect a customer to come to the door on the first day today.

Andre looked around and didn't see Arnold's figure. He smiled and walked to Shu Shu's desk.

"Why are you alone? Where are Arnold and Simon?" Andre asked naturally.

Only then did Shu Shu realize that the person in front of her was Earl Saketti, who had helped her. She blinked and said, "Arnold said he had something to do this morning, so he would come later. Lord Duke, I don't know. Count Saketti, what are you looking for?" What's wrong with them?"

Andre opened the chair in front of the desk and sat down. He rested his hand on the desk and looked at Shu Shu with his chin resting on his chin.

"It's not a big deal, I'll just wait for them here." Andre said casually.

The honey-colored eyes stared at Shu Shu without blinking, as if examining her.

Shu Shu didn't realize it, she stood up and said, "Do you want to drink anything?"

"No need." Andre waved his hand, "Sit down and chat with me."

Shu Shu: "..."

I have work to do, and I'm not a chatterbox.

Andre saw Shu Shu's resistance, he smiled and said, "It's okay, chatting with me won't affect your work. Besides, I'm still the biggest customer of this travel agency."

It turned out to be the gold master's father.

Shu Shu suddenly realized, she smiled sweetly: "What does Earl Saketti want to talk about?"

"Did the Ning family trouble you later?" Andre asked with concern.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No."

The Ning family didn't look for her, but Shu Yubin and Tong Xiufang did, but she didn't answer.

As for the messages they sent her, she blocked them.

Those two people have already sold her, and there is no need for her to maintain that superficial relationship.

Anyway, she will be an adult next year, and they won't be able to control her by then.

"Really?" Andre touched his chin, "I heard that the Ning family is in trouble with the Shu family, and the Shu family's property has been hit."

 Andre is the chicken that is often sent to the door to be slaughtered. He has been cheated countless times by Simon, but he still doesn't behave well.

  If this is not true love, what is it?

  Shu Shu: I protest!I am true love!

(End of this chapter)

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