It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 29 029 I have no blood relationship with you

Chapter 29 029 I have no blood relationship with you


Philip repeated the two words suspiciously.

Shu Yue nodded: "My sister is in Luna, I can't contact her now, I'm afraid something will happen to her. Can you let your friend go to her house to find her?"

"Yueyue's younger sister is my younger sister." Philip patted his chest and assured, "Leave it on me!"

Shu Yue looked at Philip gratefully: "I'll send you the address. After your friend finds her, ask her to send me a video."

"No problem," said Philip with a broad smile.

This is the first time Yueyue asks him to do something, and he will not let her down.

After Shu Yue sincerely thanked Philip, she hung up the video, and then she sent Philip the address of Shu Shu's home.

Seeing that Shu Yue did not stop her actions, Lei Lei said puzzledly: "Little Shushu just couldn't be contacted for a while, why don't you do that?"

"You don't understand." Shu Yue said without turning her head.

Hope it's still in time.

Luna, outside the SPQR starship airport.

Arnold sat in the driver's seat of a black sedan parked in a parking space on the side of the road.

The window of the driver's seat had been rolled down a long time ago, and Arnold held a cigarette in his left hand, puffing slowly.

Cigarettes made of this tobacco disappeared hundreds of years ago, replaced by more advanced, non-polluting electronic cigarettes.

But now, the cigarettes can still be found on Luna.

At this time, a young man with a backpack came out from the airport. He rushed to the black car and said apologetically, "Master Arnold, I kept you waiting."

Arnold shook his head casually, put out the cigarette, and then he pointed to the co-pilot's seat and said, "Come on."

Paul immediately walked around the car and got into the passenger seat.He put the backpack on his lap and looked around curiously.

"I've heard that the suspension cars on Luna are quite special, so it looks like this." Paul glanced at the seat belt on Arnold's body, and then fastened it for himself in a dignified manner.

Arnold started the car with a smile, put one hand on the steering wheel and said, "You are still young, and you have never seen a real car."

"I saw it in a museum." Paul patted his backpack, "I found this treasure in a flea market. It is said that hundreds of years ago, the most powerful computer experts would carry such a backpack. symbol."

Arnold glanced at the black shoulder bag, the original color could not be seen at all, and he didn't know which junkyard it was dug out from.

Staring at the road ahead, he said slowly, "It's rare that the fabric from hundreds of years ago is still so strong."


Paul let out a scream, then stared wide-eyed at the backpack in his hand.Pull hard with both hands, pull hard, and the backpack is still intact.

"Ahhh! I was cheated again!" Paul cried bitterly, covering his face with his hands, "I spent tens of thousands of euros to buy it!"

Arnold drove the car calmly, completely ignoring the collapsed Paul.

This kid is a veritable genius in electronics, but he has no common sense and is often tricked into buying some weird items.

If it wasn't because he didn't have a little common sense, he wouldn't have been fooled by the Duke and offered him a free part-time job.

So, genius is not necessarily 'smart'.

Orsini estate, recreation room.

Simon was woken up by the video request. He stared at the name on the light curtain and answered with a sullen face.

Immediately, a sunny boy's face appeared on the light curtain.

"My dear cousin, are you still on Luna?" Philip asked without waiting for Simon to speak.

Simon squinted at the guy on the light curtain, and said in a deep voice, "I have no blood relationship with you."

"Don't be so alien!" Philip waved his hand, "In my mind, you are my big cousin."

Simon said solemnly, "I'm allergic to dogs."

"How is it possible? Isn't Master Arnold always by your side?" Philip stared at Simon with an expression of 'I don't believe it'.

Simon stroked the golden and silver hair on his forehead, and said without changing his face: "Arnold is a wolf, you are a dog, not a species."

Philip: "..."

I feel like I've been scolded, but I don't know how to refute it.

Good heart plug.

"I'm in Luna, but I don't have time to help you chase stars. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up."

After speaking, Simon raised his hand to hang up the video, but was interrupted by Philip's words.

"Wait!" Philip yelled, "Can you help me find a little girl named Shu Shu, who lives in SPQR, very close to your travel agency."

Simon glanced at Philip: "Why are you looking for her? Haven't you been obsessed with chasing stars? Have you changed your taste?"

"Don't be bloody!" Philip immediately exploded, "I have nothing to do with this little girl... No! She has something to do with me... No! She has something to do with Yueyue..."

Simon rubbed his temples. He was obviously annoyed by Philip. He said in a deep voice, "Speaking of human beings, why are you looking for Shu Shu? I'll give you half a minute, and I'll hang up after half a minute."

"do not!"

Philip was in a hurry, he had a hard time finding a guy at SPQR, and he couldn't give up halfway.

"This little girl is Yueyue's younger sister. Now Yueyue can't contact her. Let me help you find someone to visit her home."

Speaking of the word 'Yueyue', Philip lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

A look of obsession made Simon couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"It's just that I can't get in touch for a while." Simon stood up from the recliner and walked to the bar.

The little girl didn't ask for leave today, she went to and from get off work on time, and if she couldn't get in touch for a while, it might be because she was in the 'mirror'.

Since reaching an agreement with the little girl in the 'mirror' last time, the little girl would look for him in the 'mirror' almost every day these days.

The light curtain followed Simon, and Philip stared wide-eyed and said: "My Yueyue is being scolded so badly now, she must be worried that those bad guys will attack her sister. Now that I can't get in touch with Xiao Shushu, my Yueyue will I'm in a hurry. Hey! It's just a trip, just a few minutes..."

One mouthful of "My family's Yueyue" gave Simon a headache.

I don't know how the Borgia family raised such a living treasure, not to mention doing business all day long, and only knowing how to chase stars.And with so many celebrities, if this kid insists on liking a human being, he is considered a different kind.

At this moment, Arnold and Paul came in. After Philip saw Arnold, he immediately greeted him warmly: "Master Arnold, long time no see."

"It's really been a long time, you've grown up so much." Arnold greeted with a kind face.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Philip turned his attention to Simon again: "Big cousin, when are you going to find Shu Shu?"

Simon was talking to Paul when he was suddenly interrupted, and he became angry.

"Find it yourself."

After speaking, Simon turned off the light curtain directly.

 Shu Shu tilted her head and asked suspiciously: So dogs and wolves are different?

(End of this chapter)

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