It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 30 030 No way!Really can not!

Chapter 30 030 No way!Really can not!
"No!" Philip shouted at once.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the picture on the light curtain in front of him had disappeared.

Philip stomped his feet angrily, and kept chanting: "Stingy! You just let him find someone else, but I still treat him as my own brother..."

After a while, Philip trampled his shoes, before he stopped.

Philip stared at the undamaged light curtain, tilted his head and muttered sadly, "Who else is in that place?"

"Little uncle, now that Shu Yue is about to die, what should I do next?" Wang Yingying asked with a smile on her face.

Holding a ceramic cup in his hand, Wang Xin was drinking tea leisurely.

Without even looking at Wang Yingying, he said, "Wait a little longer."

"Why?" Wang Yingying asked puzzled.

Shu Yue is about to become a street rat now, she is so scolded that she can't hold her head up anymore, just one more push will make her get out of the entertainment industry.

Wang Xin smiled without saying a word, and the assistant director on the side smiled and said to Wang Yingying: "Now is not the time, the director is waiting for Fifth Xi to make a move."

"What if Fifth Xi doesn't make a move?" Wang Yingying asked quickly.

In her opinion, the time is almost here. She finally found an opportunity to push Shu Yue off the music scene, and she didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

Counting it, Shu Yue and Wang Yingying debuted at the same time.But Shu Yue swept all the rankings, and Wang Yingying was suppressed and couldn't breathe.

Both being singers, such a difference made Wang Yingying hate Shu Yue.

After several years in the music scene, Wang Yingying didn't see any improvement, so she had no choice but to transform.

Fortunately, her appearance is not bad, and the little uncle is the chief director of "Interstellar Adventurer".She logically squeezed out the only female resident guest and became the only female resident guest of "Interstellar Adventurer".

Although Wang Yingying became popular through variety shows, she still couldn't understand Shu Yue.

In this episode of the show, Wang Yingying originally planned to make Shu Yue make a fool of herself in the show.But who would have thought that Shu Yue would quit when the recording was about to end, and at the same time dragged actor Xiao to leave together.

Later Shu Yue messed up Wang Yingying's hard-won chance to be the lead singer in a movie, how could Wang Yingying not be angry?

Wang Yingying hated Shu Yue so much that she wished she would disappear.But in front of her little uncle, she didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Without her little uncle, she would not be where she is today.

"No." Wang Xin put down the teacup, "Fifth Xi cherishes talent, if he really likes Shu Yue, he won't ignore it."

Orsini estate, study.

Paul was sitting at his desk. There were four or five light curtains in front of him, and each light curtain was densely packed with codes.

Line by line is a headache for ordinary people to watch, but it is clear to Paul.

"Professor D. Esther and Mr. Si left some traces in the 'mirror' before they disappeared. I only found the shop at No. 688 Crescent Street, but after the loophole was repaired by the administrator of the 'mirror', the clues It just broke..."

Paul flicked his hands back and forth on several light curtains, and Simon stood behind him, holding a glass in his hand.

He raised the cup and took a sip of the orange liquid inside, the thick and spicy taste stimulated his taste buds.

"What about the card that Si Jun asked the dungeon guardian to give me? Have you found anything?"

In Elizabeth's copy, the Great Demon Lord handed Simon a blank card.

There is no text on the cards and both sides are smooth and flawless.

Paul opens a window on a light curtain that reveals a blank card.

"I asked my friend who worked in the storm, and he said that this is a special encrypted card in the 'mirror', and only one person can unlock this kind of card." Paul pointed to the blank card on the light curtain and said.

With light blue eyes sinking, Simon put the cup on the desk and asked, "Who?"

"Hide, director of game development for 'Mirror'."

Paul had a look of admiration on his face as he said Hide's name.

Eight years ago, 'Mirror' was born.

In just a few years, it has become the game with the largest number of users in the empire and the longest online time of users.

Now, for many people, 'Mirror' is more than just a game, it is a way of life.

A computer expert like Paul admires the mysterious game development director behind the 'mirror'.

But no one knows what Hide looks like except the core team who developed the 'Mirror'.

Even age, gender, and real name are unknown.

Some people even say that Hide does not exist at all and is a fabricated character by Storm.The reason why the storm did this was to add a gimmick to the unprecedented game of 'Mirror'.

But Paul believes that Hide is real, not fabricated.

"How to find him?" Simon asked.

This is the first time Simon has heard of the game development director of 'Mirror', and he has never cared about it before.

But Paul shook his head and said, "No one knows where Hide is. Since the release of 'Mirror' eight years ago, he has disappeared from the world, and even the staff of the storm don't know where he is."

"Then who is the chief game developer now?" Simon asked staring at the card on the light curtain.

It actually disappeared eight years ago, so can the current general development of the game decrypt it?
"It's still Hide." Paul paused, "After Hide, no one dares to take over."

Simon turned to look at Paul: "Who did the later update of 'Mirror'?"

It has been missing for eight years, and I don't know how many times the 'mirror' has been updated.

"There are two opinions on this issue."

While talking, Paul held up two hands, with index fingers on each hand, shook his head, and looked at Simon with a smile on his face.

Simon didn't interrupt him, but motioned him to continue with his eyes.

Paul raised his left hand, shook his index finger and said, "There are rumors that Hide still has contact with the top management of Storm, because every update is proposed by the top management of Storm."

Then, he raised his other hand: "Another theory is that eight years ago, Hide had a bad relationship with the top management of the storm. Although the master control of the 'mirror' is still in his hands, the storm has been trying to regain the leadership Right now, the two sides are still deadlocked."

"So, Hide didn't really disappear." Simon concluded, "How long will it take you to find him?"

Hearing Simon's words, Paul jumped up from his chair in horror, and he jumped to the desk across from Simon.

He supported the solid wooden table with both hands, his legs were shaking violently: "Your Excellency, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I really can't do it!"

Hide is Paul's idol, he has self-knowledge.

With his little ability, it is impossible to find Hide.

"Promise!" Simon reached out to knock Paul's head, but Paul nimbly dodged it.

Paul sat down on the ground, and he shook his head vigorously: "No! Really not!"

Just as Simon was about to say something, he saw a light curtain suddenly turn red, and then all the light curtains in front of him turned red.

"what happened?"

Even if he didn't understand computers, he knew something had happened.

Paul hurriedly crawled under the table and sat back on the chair.

Just a few seconds after sitting down, he jumped up.

"how come?!"

 Shu Shu will be back in the next chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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