It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 35 035 Ghosts believe you!

Chapter 35 035 Ghosts believe you!

Wang Yingying and Wang Xin are only ten years apart. She remembers that Wang Xin lived in their house when she was a child.Later Wang Xin was picked up, Wang Yingying didn't know where he had gone at that time, her parents just said that he had gone home.

It wasn't until Wang Yingying debuted that she knew that Wang Xin had been taken over to inherit the family business.

The Wang family consortium has developed several mineral stars on the edge of the Oulga galaxy. Although it cannot be compared with the big family of Blue Star, it holds the mining rights of several mineral stars and is considered very rich.

The previous head of the family was a romantic figure with countless lovers. Apart from the children born to his wife, he did not know how many illegitimate children he had.But a space accident killed the whole family in space, leaving no bones left.

In the end, the only one left in the Wang family was the old man of the Wang family who was recuperating on the private planet of the Wang family.Seeing that the Wang family consortium had no heirs, he had no choice but to find one of his son's illegitimate sons to inherit the Wang family.

Later, for unknown reasons, Wang Xin inherited the Wang's consortium. After gaining a firm foothold in the Wang's consortium, she entered the entertainment industry and became a director herself.

At first, Wang Xin made a few movies, but the box office was pitifully low. Later, he transformed into a variety show director.

I didn't expect him to be really talented in this area. "Interstellar Adventurer" has been popular since the first season until the No.13 season.

"I'll handle this matter, you go back first." Wang Xin said expressionlessly.

Wang Yingying wanted to say something else, but meeting Wang Xin's eyes, she swallowed all her words and obediently left Wang Xin's lounge.

After Xiao Sheng and Shu Yue left, the filming of "Interstellar Adventurer" stopped.But they are still living on Moody, waiting for Wang Xin's next arrangement.

After knowing that Shu Yue replaced Wang Yingying as the lead singer of Wu Xibo's latest movie, Wang Xin thought about lending Shu Yue some dirty water for Wu Xibo.

It's just that he never expected things to turn out like this.

"Fifth Xi, I underestimated you."

Wang Xin said with a sullen face, and then he turned on the light curtain and found a contact to send a message.

Serena, the headquarters of Yide Entertainment.

Fifth Xi was sitting on a sofa, holding a white ceramic cup in his hand.A small one, the kind that takes a sip and a cup, filled with a black liquid.

Xiao Sheng sat opposite Fifth Xi, and he asked casually, "Did you have any trouble with Wang Xin before?"

"Who is Wang Xin?" Fifth Xi asked suspiciously.

Xiao Sheng: "..."

He forgot that this person has severe blindness.

According to Fifth Xi's special assistant, the person who can be remembered by Fifth Xi depends on luck.

Xiao Sheng had no choice but to turn on the light curtain, and found a photo of Wang Xin on the Internet to show Wu Xi.

"I don't know this person." Fifth Xi shook his head and said.

Xiao Sheng knew this would happen, so he had no choice but to tell what happened a few hours ago, and also showed him the evidence that Leilei had sent them.

Fifth Xi has a weird temper and doesn't like surfing the Internet.

Usually he doesn't pay attention to those gossips on the Internet, Xiao Sheng felt that he must not know what happened on the Internet.

Sure enough, after Xiao Sheng finished speaking, Fifth Xi showed a shocked expression.

"Xiao Quezi, why didn't you tell me about this?" Fifth Xi glared at the assistant who was standing not far away and was making a voice call.

Que Fangwei, who was inexplicably called by name, was stunned for a moment, then he hung up the voice and ran to Wuxi's side.

"Director, what's the matter?" Que Fangwei asked with some doubts.

Fifth Xi had a sullen face: "You actually slandered me and Shu Yue, why didn't you tell me? I finally found a singer suitable for the movie, how did you do it?"

"I mentioned it to you." Que Fangwei said innocently with a little grievance.

Obviously he mentioned this to Fifth Xi, but at that time the director was checking the clips sent later and did not listen to his words at all.

This time it was Fifth Xi's turn to be stunned, he asked suspiciously: "Did you really tell me?"

"Hmm." Que Fangwei nodded vigorously, "How could I not tell you about such a big matter?"

Fifth Xi put down the ceramic cup in his hand, thought for a while and asked, "Then... what happened to that Wang Xin?"

"About twenty years ago, Wang Xin offered you money to make a movie. You didn't like his script at that time, so you directly refused." Que Fangwei paused, "I guess he started to hold grudges at that time. I just now I've asked, in the industry he often uses these tricks to tarnish other people's reputations, and the variety shows he shoots are only popular now because of the explosive gossip that breaks out from time to time."

Fifth Xi touched his chin and nodded, "No wonder I don't remember this person. It turned out to be more than twenty years ago."

"Director, you received an invitation from Wang Xin last year to participate in his variety show." Que Fangwei reminded in a low voice.

Que Fangwei is simple and honest, with a round face and a pair of red phoenix eyes, which can be narrowed into a line when he smiles.

Since Fifth Xi's debut, Que Fangwei has been his special assistant.Whether it's work problems or Fifth Xi's life, he takes care of it alone.

It can be said that the person who knows Fifth Xi best is undoubtedly Que Fangwei.

"It doesn't matter." Fifth Xi waved his hand, "Change the arrangement for me. I was not particularly satisfied with what he wrote. Now he is doing this for me. I really think that Fifth Xi is so good. Use it."

Que Fangwei nodded. Such a person really cannot be used anymore.This kind of thing happened today, I don't know what to do in the future.

"Then who do you want to arrange?" Que Fangwei asked.

To be honest, there are really too few people who can make Fifth Xi fall in love with.

Fifth Xi is easy to talk about, but he is particularly demanding on the staff.From the early stage to the late stage of the film, he pursues the most perfect presentation.

The soundtrack is an indispensable part of the movie, and the risk of changing people is quite high now.

Fifth Xi didn't answer Que Fangwei, he looked at Xiao Sheng and asked, "How is your relationship with Shu Yue?"

If someone else asked this kind of question, it would definitely be more or less ambiguous, but Xiao Sheng knew that Fifth Xi didn't mean it that way.

Having known each other for so many years, he knew that Fifth Xi just spoke more directly.

"She is my friend's sister." Xiao Sheng smiled.

Hearing this answer, An Jialiang, who had been sitting silently by the side as the background wall, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Ghosts believe you!

Sister who is still a friend, have you exhausted all your resources and ignored your public image to maintain it?
If Xiao Sheng didn't say anything to Shu Yue, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed An Jialiang.

"Just right." Fifth Xi patted the armrest of the sofa, "Please help me to ask, if her arranger, Shirley, is free to arrange for the movie, how much money is not a problem."

Xiao Sheng thought for a while and said, "I can ask for you, but I don't guarantee that she will agree."

"It's okay, just ask for me." Fifth Xi waved his hand and said.

The two continued to chat for a few words, all of which were related to movies.

Seeing that the two of them got off topic, An Jialiang who was sitting by the side couldn't sit still.

"Director, what are you going to do with Wang Xin's matter?"

 There is another update today~
(End of this chapter)

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